Dragon Hermit

Chapter 426: coming!

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This battle saw Xia Yan's fascination, but he didn't expect that the blood ancestors had such a powerful force that they could fight with the skeleton monster. It is no wonder that the blood clan has not been annihilated for so many years.

The battle continued for a long time, Cain gradually fell, and the rich elements of the undead around the undead beast gradually began to affect his actions.

Finally, a long tailbone suddenly burst out of the sea, piercing the body of the blood ancestor. At the wound, the black mist continuously eroded the flesh and blood, making the blood group's powerful healing ability helpless.

The Skeleton Beast strung Cain with its tailbone, and beat it violently on the surface of the sea, making it unwilling and screaming.

Afterwards, Cain finally found a chance to break free, and his whole body became countless bats, and fled. The skull beast spewed out a large cloud of black mist, spraying most of the bats, leaving only a few barely escaped.

After this battle scene disappeared, Xia Yan was still shocked beyond words.

"Is it because of this battle that Cain will die?" Xia Yan couldn't help but guess in this direction, and it was indeed very possible. "No wonder Cain's remains will chase this skull monster in Siya and Tonghai, it seems that the grievances of his lifetime have not disappeared! "

And this skeleton monster can cause the blood ancestors to escape seriously, and it is terribly strong.

Looking back at the many supernatural abilities who are trying to reach here, Xia Yan feels funny. These people do not know the purpose of approaching the skeleton monster, but they are not much different from the ants trying to approach the elephant. It is too small. . This skeleton beast only needs to raise its claws to knock everyone into the river.

But the Skeleton Beast apparently did not put these ants in their eyes. Perhaps it was only Xia Yan who noticed it.

Two more helicopters appeared in the sky in the distance. These are two armed helicopters, among which are mounted various weapons. But they did not dare to fly near. The helicopter that had just gone down was just a lesson.

On one of the helicopters, Tie Hu and Yuan Tianfeng looked at the scary skull exposed by Jiang Xin in shock.

"Captain, this, what is this?" Yuan Tianfeng said with a stammer in shock.

"I don't know, I have never seen it, or even heard it!" Tiehu shook his head.

"The person standing there is a lich?" Yuan Tianfeng asked in surprise.

"It's him!" Tiehu nodded and sighed, "I'm afraid only he can access this monster so easily. After all, he can summon a skeleton soldier to fight for him. This monster is also a skeleton ..."

"What should we do? Do we want to attack this monster?" Yuan Tianfeng asked again.

"Wait first!" Tiehu shook his head and said, "Here is the sea, and the hasty attack will cause unpredictable results. Maybe ... this monster may leave by itself, and when we reach the unmanned sea, we will act!"

"But what if it is ready to land?"

"Then there is no way!" Tiehu looked solemn. "The military has also been dispatched, including two fighters. I don't know if I can kill this monster!"

More severe evacuation orders were issued, and a large number of police and military personnel began to evacuate people on both sides of the strait. No one knows whether there will be a war here. These ordinary citizens may lose their lives for curiosity. .

Fortunately, this is the city center of Tonghai. There are office buildings and shopping malls on both sides of the strait. There are almost no residential areas. In China, which is well-organized, only one or two calls are needed, and all the malls and stores that are still operating, as well as companies and companies that are working overtime, have all been notified. Various alarm bells, property security guards shouted loudly in their throats, and the evacuation speed of the people was astonishingly fast.

But the skull monster still had only the skull out of the water, did not continue to rise, and did not seem to intend to land.

"What does it seem to be waiting for?" Yuan Tianfeng asked doubtfully on the helicopter.

"Wait for Cain's bones!" Tiehu thought of Xia Yan.

"The lich is the closest person to it. I asked him what he found!" Yuan Tianfeng took out his mobile phone and dialed Xia Yan's number, and soon he said in disappointment: "Unable to get through!"

Xia Yan's mobile phone was thrown into the space ring, and it was naturally impossible to get through. At this point he could also see what the skeleton monster was waiting for. If there was no guessing wrong, it must have been Cain's remains.

Two powerful lives seem to continue to fight.

"It accepted me, is it to let me fight side by side with it?" Xia Yan didn't feel the danger, this undead creature didn't seem malicious to him.

In the water, John the Hell Traveler finally gave up. There was still a long distance from the Skeleton Beast. It was already very difficult to move forward. What can I do even if I am close to it? It is better to give up.

He turned around and traveled back, and soon felt that his actions were much easier, so he tore the space again and disappeared from the river, not knowing where it was hidden.

The black robe woman of the demon society also gave up. After traveling back a distance, she flew up with the wings of the demon, and soon disappeared into the night sky. She also lost her trace.

Earl Alex also felt desperate. He did n’t have to look back. He also knew that the other races had already reached the river and could not move forward. Even he himself could not fly.

"Damn it!" Count Alex roared unwillingly in his heart: "This monster must have something to do with the remains of the ancestor. As long as I can get close to it, I will find the remains of the ancestor! But it is too strong, too powerful. It ’s not something I can compete with at all! "

"Damn, why can a lich fly on its head and stay? Is a lich really much stronger than me? No, it's impossible!"

Others can give up, but the blood family can not give up easily. Earl Alex turned around and left unwillingly. No blood family can resist the remains of the holy ancestor **.

Suddenly, Count Alex seemed to feel something normal, and suddenly turned back, looking at the neon city of Tonghai.

"Something's coming!" On the helicopter, Tiehu suddenly turned his head, his face full of horror.

"What a strong breath! What is it?" Yuan Tianfeng's face was pale and he felt great pressure.

On the shore, Zhang Shufen was immobilized by the tremendous strength of breath, and it was difficult to move. Bai Xiaohua was sweating and horrified.

In a shopping mall that was closed, Qi Ziyu put on a tight black leather jacket and ran out with a scarf on her face. She did not leave, but changed her clothes to avoid being recognized.

But when she ran out, she felt something, looked up horrifiedly, and looked into the sky.

"Come!" Xia Yan looked up and looked at the shore.

At this moment, all the supernatural abilities in Tonghai felt something.

A white light pierced the night sky and flew straight toward Jiang Xin. Without evading all the way, he pierced through the tall buildings. The reinforced concrete was torn like paper and could not stop the white light.

In a blink of an eye, the white light flew close and stopped in the midair of Jiang Xin.

Xia Yan looked up and finally saw the true face of this white light.

: gka

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