Dragon Hermit

Chapter 463: Demon Blood

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Among the many supernatural abilities who have dealt with, John the Hell Traveler is definitely his most feared person.

Even in the apocalyptic continent, people who have the ability to travel through space only exist in legends. Even in the long life of the lich, he has not seen it with his own eyes, and once such a person appears, it will definitely cause the entire continent to shake.

On the earth, John the Hell Traveler is definitely the most heterogeneous existence, even more so than Xia Yan, who has the inheritance of alien necromancer. It was incredible that he could freely walk through the two worlds, tear open space at any time, and appear anywhere.

Such people, if they have any evil ambitions, such as ruling the world or exterminating human beings, are likely to succeed. Think about it, as long as he crosses the leaders of several world powers and assassinates them, the world will not be chaotic.

But John didn't do it. He just wore a trench coat and smoked decayingly, as if he didn't know how capable he was.

If he is not a person who has not pursued at all, it is that he has done so much and has his own unknown plan.

"Can you follow me?" Xia Yan repeated, thinking of the possibility that John might be by his side at any time. He killed Dasheng. Only by killing John would he be at ease.

"When I first met, I left a mark on you. Rest assured, only I can follow this." John breathed out a cigarette and said indifferently: "In order to show sincerity, I will erase this mark, Or, I can tell you how you can erase it yourself. "

With that, he read a few syllables in his mouth, and a faint glowing Pentagram mark appeared on Xia Yan's lich uniform.

"Come with me, and I will tell you how to erase the trace." John looked at Paul, the Black Cat, and Adam, and clearly expressed his distrust of them.

Paul shrugged and made a "please" gesture.

Xia Yan and John came to the balcony, and John whispered the method. Xia Yan swept through the uniform with his power, and instantly destroyed the mark. It was very simple.

"My mark is rarely left on the target for a long time, because it is easy to be found, and it is easy to be destroyed, but you do not have this consciousness." John said lazily, his lazy The tone did not fluctuate, but Xia Yan's face was slightly red, and his experience was indeed insufficient.

Back in the living room, John took a chair and sat down. He opened the door and said: "Lich, if you are not willing to cooperate with the Demon Club, I can destroy the stronghold of the Demon Club with you."

"Hey, **** traveler, are you going to break the rules?" Paul expressed dissatisfaction, but his expression was very relaxed, apparently not really angry.

"The World Abilities League is always so petty, and wants to benefit, but is unwilling to pay, how can such a good thing!" John sneered, "Since the lich has expressed that he does not want to cooperate with you, why can't I invite him ? "

"Don't be so serious, John. I just expressed dissatisfaction on behalf of the league. Now I represent myself. If you really want to do it, can you add me one?" Paul said with a grin.

"How do you want to cooperate?" Xia Yan looked at John and asked, "There is no trust between us, I am afraid we can't cooperate?"

"It's good to have interest." John shrugged. "First of all, you want to find the trouble of the Devil's Club. Secondly, there are indeed many good things in the stronghold of the Devil's Club. We can divide it."

"What is inside you want?" Xia Yan asked.

"There is indeed a thing, and I only need this one." John nodded.

"What is it?" Even Paul asked curiously.

"A drop of blood." John's eyes flickered, "True demon blood!"

"Actually the blood of the devil !?" Paul and Adam both exclaimed, and even the black cat's face that had been silent showed a surprised look.

"This thing is useless to you, but I really want it, everything else is yours." John's eyes swept over Xia Yan and Paul and said.

"If I represent the league, the blood of the devil cannot be given to you." Paul laughed, "but now I represent myself, so I have no opinion on this condition."

"How is it, Lich, do you want to cooperate?" John nodded and looked at Xia Yan.

"Who can tell me what is the use of demon blood first? Also, please tell me where this blood came from?" Xia Yan and John looked at each other.

"I'll answer your question." Paul said.

"The devil society is called the devil society because they worship the **** demon, and they can indeed establish contact with the demon and borrow the power of the demon through some means, such as the projection of the demon you have seen, is one of them. . "

Xia Yan nodded, just a projection, and it was already very powerful. The scary thing was that it sounded like a conventional force that many people in the Devil would use.

Paul continued: "In a certain era, **** demons came to our world and fought fiercely with other powerful beings. Many powerful beings fell, including the **** demon. In addition, we It is suspected that the Tonghai monster should also be a creature of that era. "

"The powerful existence of these falls has left a lot of legacy, such as their remains. Although they have fallen, they still contain great power in their bodies, enough to make humans look up, and there is huge energy in the blood of the devil."

"It is said that the founder of the Demon Society just found the body of the **** demon, so he founded the Demon Society. After hundreds of years of development, it became the behemoth today." TqR1

"The power of the demon society is also from the body of the demon, and the power contained in a drop of demon blood is terrible enough to support a stronghold."

"Even after studying for so many years, the Devil Society has still only discovered a small part of the secrets on the body of the demon. Even a drop of blood, there are still many unknown secrets. I think the Devil Society should borrow the scientific research power of the Stan Group. , Trying to find more secrets in this drop of blood. "

Paul simply answered Xia Yan's question, drained the glass of red wine, and poured himself another glass.

"In other words, the blood of the devil is actually the most valuable thing in this stronghold?" Xia Yan nodded and asked.

"It's just valuable to some people." Paul shook his head and said, "For most people, everything in the devil is a dangerous existence, which can cause many terrible things, at least it will make people evil. , Just like the devil can do these perverts. "

"Really?" Xia Yan looked at John.

"You should guess that the blood of the devil will not have these effects on me. I am very familiar with **** and familiar with the devil." John extinguished the cigarette **** and ordered another cigarette in his mouth, still carrying Asked with a decadent smile: "How are you willing to cooperate with me?"

"Talk about the cooperation plan!" Xia Yan reached out to him.

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