Dragon Hermit

Chapter 496: Asura Hell

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In the apocalyptic continent, the necromancer makes people feel terrified, and treats children to cry at night. What is the reason? First of all, it is naturally the most famous army of undead. Wherever it passes, the chickens and dogs are not left, and the force is snowballed more and more. Who can not be afraid?

But in fact, what is more powerful is the spread of the plague, and there is hope for escape in the face of the army of undead, but once the plague becomes popular, it is not easy to live.

These two methods can be called the atomic bomb of the apocalyptic continent, which belongs to the strategic level of large-scale killers and will not be easily used.

And in a specific battle, what is the most powerful magic of the Necromancer? Although the elite skeleton soldiers are powerful, they will not take much advantage in front of the strong men like Juggernaut and Archmage.

But the Necromancer also has a frightening, infamous magic, even the Juggernaut and Archmage have to retreat.

This magic is corpse explosion.

Because of this magic, the Necromancer is never afraid of being besieged. He just needs to throw a corpse into a pile of people, and then he can open the scene of a serial explosion of a human bomb. As long as there is enough mana, it will blow up to no one. It ’s not a problem.

The bodies of the two black magicians were thrown downstairs and outside the house, and at the same time as Xia Yan spit out the word "corpse explosion", the undead elements in the two bodies suddenly excited, and they burst like a bomb. Too.

The broken bones flew around at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and screams rang from downstairs and outside the hallway. The corpse explosion made everyone within a radius of five meters inevitable. Those security personnel holding guns had no intention of being spared. Even if they were wearing bulletproof vests, their heads would be penetrated by broken bones everywhere.

The first time the corpse exploded, the security personnel were half dead, and several members of the Devil Society wearing black robes also lost their lives. Some of them even suffered from injuries due to their superb physical fitness.

The two explosions almost became the Shura field.

"Open fire!" The white man was finally anxiously corrupted, and the development of the situation had exceeded his expectations. The bones of the demon failed to trap the lich, and the **** explosion caused him to break a small half of his hands.

As he ordered, the surviving security personnel pulled the trigger, and the dense barrage suddenly forced Xia Yan to the corner, but the clay puppet with the reinforced concrete body was in front, and he would not be hurt.

In the sound of gunfire, smoke bombs, flash bombs, and grenades were also thrown in. The smoke and dust in the room suddenly rolled, the glare flashed, and there was also an explosion. However, these cannot pose a threat to Xia Yan and the skeleton soldiers. The strength of the skeleton soldiers is already not afraid of ordinary bullets, and the grenade fragments are not to mention.

The men in black also attacked. Some of them jumped a few meters directly, some climbed up the wall like a gecko. Xia Yan also saw a huge black robe throwing his companion directly from the hole .

But none of them succeeded. The three-headed skeleton soldier stood by the entrance of the cave and saw who was going to come up with one shot or one arrow. The black robe would die if they did not hide. Blood puppets and clay puppets were also standing beside the cave entrance, and smashed the person who wanted to come down with their fists.

At the door, there are two skeleton soldiers guarding the bone blade and the bone crusher, as well as ghost generals and ghost tigers shuttle through the crowd, which also makes it difficult for the black robe to break through.

And Xia Yan has been singing, when the magic is completed, his hands flew out some blue light, and they were thrown into the corpses downstairs and the corridor.

"The corpse explodes!" This time, more corpses exploded at the same time, and a voice that made people's scalp numb came. Two places suddenly mourned.

Several corpses exploded at the same time, under the superposition of power, even those who were genetically modified could not bear it, and suddenly killed more than a dozen people. tqR1

The gunshots completely disappeared, and all ordinary people were completely destroyed in this round of corpse explosions.

This is the horror of corpse explosion, as long as the first body explodes, more "bombs" will be created. As long as the Necromancer's mana can support it, the explosion will continue, and as the number of deaths increases, the scale and power of the explosion will increase exponentially.

Therefore, when facing the Necromancer, no one dared to use the dense formation, otherwise as long as the corpse explosion began, the army of thousands of people is likely to be wiped out within a few minutes.

However, if the formation is too loose, it will greatly reduce the efficiency of the corpse explosion, but it can not resist the impact of the skeleton soldiers. This is a dilemma.

So unless necessary, unless fully prepared, not many people are willing to play against the Necromancer.

The black robe who did not die were all injured in this second wave of corpse explosions, and many people were still seriously injured, completely losing their combat capabilities.

The white man gritted his teeth and pulled a broken bone from his abdomen. If his muscles were not strong and strong, he would clamp the broken bone. I am afraid that this bone could break his intestines.

"Fall out, all fall apart! Retreat!" He ordered loudly. These two waves of explosion made him no longer proud. Even if more than a dozen grenade explosions, even rocket explosions, he will not flinch, these weapons will not pose too much threat to the black robe and himself.

But the corpse explosions made by the lich are different. The explosion has magic power, and more terrifying is that the corpses of the companions around them are the source of the explosion. And if they die, they will become bombs and continue to kill more companions.

This experience can only be described by the word terror.

The white man knew that he still underestimated the power of the lich. The mysterious Chinese people showed far more capabilities than they knew. If you look at the performance of the battle between Lich and Earl Alex, today you can catch him without suspense. But the truth is that the well-laid traps on my side have failed, and the lich is killing.

Sweat oozes from Xia Yan's forehead, and the mana explode consumes a lot of mana. He just detonated ten corpses in the second wave, and now the mana value is less than one-third. But the enemy has also been defeated.

"Boom!" The clay puppet crashed against a wall and strode out. Xia Yan was protected by the five-headed skeleton soldier and the blood puppet in the middle, followed by the clay puppet, and moved towards the vault. Since he came, he didn't want to go home empty-handed, the Devil's Wings must get it.

The hallway has become a **** on earth. Blood, minced meat, and various human organs are everywhere on the walls, floors, and ceilings, and the corpses are everywhere, all miserable.

Xia Yan endured disgust and put the two bodies in the space ring. He would make another corpse explosion without hesitation if necessary later.

Although this **** scene was disgusting, it also inspired his tyrannical side. The two white flashes of light in his head would make him afraid to completely remove this emotion from his head.

"Boom!" The clay puppets kept crashing down one wall after another, and wanted to move forward in the direction of the vault. Finally, when it hit again, it was blocked, and the wall was not collapsed. This wall is probably several meters thick, and the tank can't be damaged by firing.

The vault is here.

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