Dragon Hermit

Chapter 506: Press rub on the ground

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The magic light kept flashing, and Cain's bone was shaken by this shuttle. The bone elements attached to the broken demon bullet were all squeezed into the bones of the old vampire under high-speed impact. When the magic light disappeared, the body of Cain changed.

"It's color has changed!" The people on the ground couldn't see clearly, but Louise saw it, and she exclaimed, "Jimmy, zoom in, tell us what happened?"

"The color where the skull monster was hit by the bullet is getting darker and losing its luster. I think this should be related to the bullet used by the lich. I think it is a magic bullet!" Jimmy pointed at the microphone passed by Louise. Said loudly that his voice also reached all the audience's ears through live broadcast.

Sure enough, the audience saw what Jimmy said from the live broadcast.

At this time, the ratings of Planet TV have soared to an unbelievable level. Countless people watched the battle in downtown Washington through live broadcast, and the three views of countless people were once again subverted.

The bone element is engulfing the hidden bones, to be precise, it is trying to engulf it.

Xia Yan experimented with bone erosion bullets. The experimental material was pig stick bones bought in the supermarket. A bullet shot the stick bones into fragments, and the bone elements swallowed the bones in the air. When these fragments landed, they had become Piles of gray powder.

At that time, Ace and several people saw this scene, and their faces were pale and scared. This is the power of magic. The ordinary blood clan will get a few shots, and it will definitely end up like the stick bone. Even the blood of the rank of Earl Alex, although it may be able to bear it, will also be hit hard, and may leave wounds that will never be healed.

As for the more powerful blood marquis, dukes, and princes, the threat of bone-eroding bullets is definitely much smaller.

Now, Xia Yan is hitting the blood ancestors, the strongest vampire in history, the power of bone-eroding bullets has been reduced.

"The bone element is only on the surface of Cain's relic bone, and it didn't go deep into it at all!" Xia Yan only glanced at it and knew that the bone element was blocked on the bone surface by a strong force and could only erode the bone surface slightly Its enamel makes it discolored and tarnished, but in fact, the damage to the hidden bone is minimal.

But the magical power of the Bone Eroding Bullet can affect the action of Cain's Remains. Compared to its normal use, this effect surprised Xia Yan.

However, this effect is only effective for the part directly hit by the bullet, and cannot spread to other parts. The hidden bone is still flying in the air, but the action is much slower.

After a round of bullets was hit, Xia Yan took out another magazine, quickly replaced it, and then opened fire on Cain's remains without hesitation.

The two helicopters are all finished, but Xia Yan believes that the army will come over soon. The speed of the armed helicopters is too slow and may not have much effect, but Lao Mi has a jet fighter. tqR1

While in the sea, Cain's remains were rushed away by Huaxia's fighters. Lao Mi's fighters had a higher technological content, and they could definitely deal with Cain's remains.

This time, Xia Yan boldly approached some, only about 20 meters away from Cain's remains. A shuttle bullet was not wasted, all hit Cain's remains. He mainly aimed at the wings this time, and there were many black spots on the wings of Cain's bones, and it seemed to be much more difficult to fan, making it slower and even falling down.

it works!

Xia Yan was overjoyed, and quickly took the magazine again, but this time he was dumbfounded. It was full of fragmented bullets, and he didn't press it into the magazine at all. How could he do it patiently.

Nima! He had no choice but to put away the rifle and touched a machine gun again. This was given to him by the Iron Tiger, using ordinary demon bullets.

He pulled the trigger without hesitation, and the bullet screamed at Cain's bones, hitting it continuously, and finally hit the ground.

Xia Yan continued to shoot, and Cain's bones were trembling like a pendulum, the ground was smashed, and pieces of cement splashed, the scene was very shocking.

"Okay ... that's great!" Louise dumbfounded, even forgetting the live broadcast. The lich's weapon looks completely incomparable with the Vulcan machine gun, but it can fight the skeleton monster so awkwardly, it seems that this should be the effect of those flash bullets.

There were no onlookers at the scene, and they all hid in the building. The bullets flew outside, and no one dared to keep their character, and the police also found a bunker and did not dare to show their heads.

The audience in front of the TV did not worry about the stray bullet hitting themselves, but they were dumbfounded when they watched the picture on the TV.

In Hollywood blockbusters, I often see superheroes fighting monsters, or human forces fighting aliens. The special effects are dazzling, and all kinds of devastating weapons are emerging. The 3D effect on the plane is very shocking.

But no matter how shocking it is, it ca n’t be compared to the real scene in reality. Just now, the monster fired by the Vulcan machine has made people sweat upright, and now the lich is more shocked with the flash bullet, which ca n’t fight the skull monster .

Many audience members covered their mouths, trembling with excitement, and others shouted unconsciously, venting their excitement.

This is a live TV broadcast. It's a real big scene. It can scum any special effects of a movie that cost a lot of money into a slag. Seeing such a scene with your own eyes is enough to blow your own life.

"Should that monster be finished?" Many people thought so.

"Dear viewers, we can now see that the lich is attacking the skull monster with a magic weapon, and the skull monster has been hit hard ..." Louise turned back in time and continued to live broadcast with excitement.

And in front of the TV, there are still a group of people who are distressed, they are blood.

Seeing the holy ancestor's remains rubbed against the ground, blood was dripping from the heart of every blood.

"Who's in Washington?" In an ancient castle in Romania, an old blood clan in a medieval nobleman's costume with a chicken-hair crane gritted his teeth and stared at the TV screen.

"Prince Greg, Duke Robert is in Washington!" Someone responded immediately.

"Let him pass immediately, even if he dies, let the ancestors' bones leave safely!" The old blood crowed.

"Yes, prince!"

In Washington, the first time I saw this battle, Prince Robert had already left.

In Maicheng, Duke Lewis watched the TV with a very complicated expression on his face.

The lich did bring out the remains of the ancestors, but what do you mean by leading them to Washington? I am in Maicheng! And you have beaten the remains of the holy ancestor so badly, can you cooperate happily in the future?

Xia Yan didn't think so much, only he knew that the impact of the bone erosion bullets on the hidden bones was rapidly diminishing. The ordinary demon bullets were useless at all, and soon the hidden bones would fly back to fight. Just started.

Why hasn't the fighter plane come yet?

He flew to the helicopter of Planet TV and had to let the beautiful journalist leave. Otherwise, Cain's bones would be mad in a moment. She was afraid that she would be stricken by the pond fish.

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