Dragon Hermit

Chapter 513: Both defeats

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"Lich, please stop immediately!" Turner, the captain of the Paladin Squad, waved his hand. Eleven players immediately stepped forward, revealing the threat.

"Who are you? Why should I listen to you?" Xia Yan turned to look over, Shen Sheng asked.

"We are the Paladin Squad, from the Super Investigation Bureau, on behalf of Mi Guozheng, please stop immediately!" Turner simply replied, warning again.

"Super Energy Investigation Bureau? What kind of organization is this?" Xia Yan asked suspiciously.

Although he was really puzzled, how could Turner not see that he was delaying time, he did not issue a third warning, and directly ordered: "Stop him!"

"Yes!" While the eleven paladins responded in unison, everyone pulled out a pistol from his waist and aimed at Xia Yan.

Hey, do n’t you play Holy Light, why use a gun again? Xia Yan did not hesitate to activate the scroll, blessed himself with a bone shield, and at the same time backed away, keeping the skeleton soldier and the black dragon in front of him.

"Shoot!" Turner ordered. Paladins pulled the trigger one by one, and bullets shining white light shot out of the gun barrel.

"When!" The bonebreaker skeleton soldier was shot in the sternum, and the bullet immediately turned into a flame, attached to it and burned, and the undead elements of it were constantly consumed in this flame.

The other skeleton soldiers were also shot, and the sewers were too narrow, and there was no room for evasion. Every skeleton soldier burned up. This bullet, like the Holy Light against Cain's bones, had a restraining effect on the undead elements.

But Cain's remains were not shot, and the black jelly stood in front of it, withstanding most of the bullets. The bullet hit the black jelly and it also burned, but the flame went out immediately, and did not continue to burn.

"What bullet is this?" Xia Yan was taken aback. This bullet was much stronger than the ordinary demon bullet, and could actually pose such a big threat to the skeleton soldiers.

"Booming" clay puppet crawled out of the ground, a huge body like a wall in front of Xia Yan, a big pit suddenly appeared on the ground of the sewer.

The Paladins continued to shoot. This time, most of the bullets hit the clay puppet, which also turned into flames, attached to the cement body and burned, and the clay puppet instantly became a fire giant.

Then the fire giant took off his thick legs and rushed towards the Paladins.

Although the clay puppet will also be greatly injured by this bullet, it is after all rough and thick enough to cause some trouble to the Paladins.

"Humph!" Turner snorted, did not put the stone giant in his eyes, he greeted him, punched **** the clay puppet's right leg, and the gravel flew across, throwing the thick leg of this pillar out A big hole.

"Kerala!" This leg was badly damaged and could no longer support the heavy body of the clay puppet. It suddenly broke, and the clay puppet collapsed and fell to the ground sideways, blocking most of the sewers.

"Damn it!" Turner's face changed, and the pile of cement blocks in front, immediately blocking their actions. To his surprise, he found that his body had become heavy, and he seemed to be under some kind of magic.

This was originally the purpose of Xia Yan summoning the clay puppet. He did not hesitate to disperse the mana on the clay puppet, turning this big guy into a pile of cement blocks. Immediately afterwards, he summoned a second clay puppet and continued to rush towards the Paladin, then turned into a pile of cement blocks again.

The body of the two clay puppets is huge, forming a two-meter-high concrete wall, blocking the lower part of the sewer, and also separating Xia Yan and the Paladins.

The chemist skeleton soldier quickly made a micro bomb and threw it to the other side of the concrete wall, only to hear the bang, the paladins immediately screamed.

Turner's figure jumped onto the concrete wall, struggling to throw it off. But at the next moment, a bone arrow hit his chest. Bone Arrow smashed into his armor, but his movement stopped. tqR1

At this time, the sight of the cross-eyed skeleton soldiers also sounded, and the fire of the soul fired bullets at Turner's eyebrows. But the Paladin captain suddenly burst into holy light, causing the bullet to disappear silently without harming him.

When the Paladins dealt with Cain's bones just now, they used the Holy Light once, which caused Cain's bones to suffer a great loss. That time, the Holy Light would consume them greatly. Xia Yan believed such a powerful Holy Light It is absolutely impossible to use unlimitedly.

The other Paladins also jumped on the concrete wall. They were irritated and took a small round shield from behind to block it in front of them.

Snake kiss skeleton soldiers shoot arrows continuously, and cross-eyed skeleton soldiers do not disconnect their guns, but the Paladins use a round shield to block them. The bone arrows hit the round shield and smash immediately, and the bullet of soul fire is blocked by the holy light on the round shield.

A micro bomb was thrown, and Turner shot a shot while still in the air.

At this moment, the black Jiao rushed past with a burst of crying, swept across, and the thick tail slapped hard. The two Paladins raised their round shields at the same time to resist, and immediately flew with great power, and fell back to the other side of the concrete wall.

The two melee skeleton soldiers also rushed over, the bone blade slanted down, and a paladin lifted his shield to block, but his strength was much worse than that of the skeleton soldier, and the small round shield rebounded back and shot him hard. He also shot him on the other side of the concrete wall, his head dizzy, and his arm was so painful that he was about to break.

Bonebreaker Skeleton found Turner, and his left hand jab blitzed towards Turner's door. Turner dodged his head and dodged. The bonebreaker's right hook punched up and slammed into his rib. Turner quickly blocked the punch with a small round shield, and the entire body was slammed to the right by the bonebreaker's great force.

But when the bonebreaker wanted to pursue, the two paladins fired and shot at the bonebreaker, and they suddenly ignited the flame, knocking the bonebreaker backward.

"Weak!" A dark mist burst above the Paladins and invaded their bodies, suddenly making them feel weak.

"It's a curse!" Turner reminded loudly that the light of the paladins shone, and the power of the curse was quickly dispelled. But the sudden weakness weakened their combat effectiveness. The two Paladins ’pistols were shot by the black scorpion. The bone-bladed skeleton soldier cut the thigh of another Paladin. The bones were visible in the wound. This Paladin was very stiff. Screamed loudly, but also lost combat power.

His hands were badly hit, Turner suddenly blushed, put away the pistol, pulled out a thin silver sword from his waist, a stabbing black jelly, under the blessing of holy light, this sword actually stabbed the black jock's stout body Wear a pair.

The ghost cries even more sadly. The black dragon's wings are folded together and it is shot towards Turner, but Turner does not dodge, rushing forward, carrying this slapping hard with his body, and rushing out of the black dragon several meters away. His size is much smaller than the black dragon, but this time the charge revealed his power. Although he did not ride a horse, he gave a real knight charge.

This wave of both sides is a good match for both defeats, but the number of Paladins, plus Turner's bravery, has prevailed at this time.

At this moment, the blue flame on Cain's remains had weakened, his body turned silver, and in his eyes, the fire of the soul was much stronger than before.


Xia Yan was ecstatic.

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