Dragon Hermit

Chapter 519: Uproar

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When the black president stood behind the microphone, the eyes of the world focused on him.

Mr. President's expression is very serious, it seems that this is the most difficult press conference since he took office.

The audience was already silent, only the sound of pressing the shutter, everyone was waiting for Mr. President to announce the arrival of a new era.

"Unfortunately, we suffered a terrorist attack last night ..." Mr. President finally spoke, and then he said a word, and the audience was in an uproar.

"Terrorist attack? What a joke?" TqR1

"Are the government prepared to fool us?"

"If terrorists have such powerful monsters, they can already destroy us!"


No one believes the horror of a terrorist attack. Everyone saw the live broadcast of Planet TV.

Mr. President paused and seemed to hesitate, but finally continued to say: "This terrorist attack, we characterize it as a supernatural terrorist attack ..."

This sentence hasn't been finished yet, the crowd is in an uproar again, even the terrorist attack is gone, and now a supernatural terrorist attack has been made. What's going on?

But immediately, many people thought of a problem. Since Mr. President himself said the word "supernatural", it is equivalent to announcing the recognition of the existence of supernatural forces. This is the real focus today!

But now that Mr. President hasn't finished speaking, reporters can't ask questions indiscriminately, so they have to wait for the time being. However, everyone had cooked up the question in their minds and waited until the questioning stage to ask it again.

Xia Yan is also watching the live broadcast. He was equally surprised to hear the words of the black president. Are they really ready to officially announce the existence of supernatural forces?

If this is announced, how will other countries react? Is it necessary to immediately follow the press conference? That world is really lively.

Xia Yan can't imagine what will happen at that time. Perhaps it will be like the movie. Humans are deeply afraid of supernatural abilities. It is interesting to limit or even kill, and if you finally get a sentry robot.

It may be precisely considering that it may cause mutual hatred and even war between ordinary people and supernatural abilities. It is not surprising that countries have previously chosen to cover up the existence of supernatural abilities.

But now, the cover is about to be opened, and the next step is to officially enter an uncontrollable stage.

Next, Mr. President did not explain in detail what the so-called "supernatural" is, but gave a briefing on the incident last night. Last night's fighting in the city center caused millions of dollars in damage and killed eleven people, including police on two helicopters and dozens more injured.

If it is in peacetime, the media will surely grasp the casualties, but now, the focus of attention is not on this one.

Finally, everyone waited for the question, but at this time the black president said: "The following is the answer to your question by the Director of the Super Investigation Bureau Evans."

What, Superpower Bureau? When will there be such a department? The reporters were a little dazed. Then they saw a row of officials standing behind the president, one of them shook hands with the president, and then stood at the front desk.

Evans glanced at the audience, his face calm.

Suddenly an arm was raised like a mushroom.

Director Evans ordered a media reporter who was closer to his own party. The reporter stood up and could not wait to ask: "Excuse me, what is the agency of the Super Investigation Bureau, why have you never heard of it?"

"The Bureau of Transcendent Investigation is a body that deals specifically with supernatural abilities and various supernatural events, and is directly responsible to the president." Evans said.

"Why has the government never published information about the Super Energy Bureau?" Another reporter asked.

"For confidentiality."

"Will that aircraft belong to the Super Investigation Bureau?" Another reporter asked.

"The sky carrier really belongs to the Super Investigation Bureau."

"Can you introduce the Sky Mothership in detail?"

"No comment!"

"Excuse me, Director Evans, what was the winged skull monster yesterday? Why did it fight the lich? What organization did the aircraft that appeared later belong to? Who were the twelve winged warriors? ? And ... "After a bunch of questions about the Superpower Bureau, Louise stood up and asked a bunch of questions in one breath.

"First of all, I want to pay tribute to you, Miss Louise, you are very brave!" Director Evans nodded to Louise, and then said in a loud voice: "Before answering Miss Louise's question, I want to address the President The supernatural power that Mr. said makes some explanations. "

The audience was suddenly quieter, and everyone couldn't help but feel faster. No doubt, Director Evans' explanation was tantamount to announcing the arrival of a new era.

"Supernatural powers are real. Among us, there are a small number of people with supernatural powers, which we call supernatural abilities, such as the legendary werewolf and blood ...

"What, are there really werewolves and blood races?"

In front of the TV, the faces of many werewolves and blood races have changed. Director Evans took two dark races as examples, which is equivalent to putting them in the sun. Although people have had many beautiful fantasies about blood races and werewolves, and have also written novels and made film and television dramas, there are absolutely not many people who wish to have blood races and werewolves around them.

"Are they ready to start against blood races and werewolves?" Xia Yan was also surprised that Evans specifically took these two races as examples.

"Everyone don't have to panic." Evans continued to speak, the noise gradually subsided, and he said: "After many centuries of evolution, the two races of blood and werewolf have been fully integrated into human society, and their danger has been greatly reduced. Of course, because they are so powerful, they need to be constrained, which is why the Superpower Investigation Bureau was established. "

"This is to recruit An'an blood clan and werewolf!" Tiehu sighed at the sanitation base.

"Yeah, first of all, these two races are integrated into human society, and then they say that they need to be restrained. If they are not willing to be bound by the Superpower Bureau, then the people of this country will definitely support the Superpower Bureau to work on them." Yuan Tianfeng Said.

"But we are the food of the blood race!" Someone in the crowd shouted loudly, which was not in line with the rules, but he called out the common concerns of many ordinary people.

"They can consume artificial plasma. Of course, there will definitely be dangerous elements that harm humans. For this kind of alien, the Super Energy Bureau will not appease." Director Evans said loudly.

"Now let me answer Miss Louise's question." After announcing the existence of supernatural powers, Director Evans returned to the theme of the press conference.

"The skull monster with long wings is probably the remains of a blood clan that has died for many years ..."

"Boom!" This time, the crowd was completely boiling.

In front of the TV, all the blood races watching were stunned. Evans' words undoubtedly put their entire race on the brink of danger.

Is the Super Energy Investigation Bureau really prepared to fight against the blood?

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