Dragon Hermit

Chapter 524: You come to be the captain

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"Perhaps you should tell this to the Bureau of Superpowers. Compared to the loose World Power Alliance, the Superpowers Bureau is less likely to be eroded by demons." Xia Yan thought about it and continued to make suggestions. , "Or you can choose to cooperate with the sanitation group, I think the devil will not have the ability to enter the sanitation group." TqR1

Paul looked at Xia Yan with strange eyes and shook his head and said, "Xia Yan ... No, Lich, you Huaxia have a word that I agree with, and I will not let it go! Since you are capable, why not say 'this thing is special to yourself Should I do it, I can do it, everyone else will stand aside for me? "

"Then what?" Xia Yan was unmoved and sneered: "I'm just a lonely man. There are so many powerful organizations and forces in the world, so much stronger than me. Isn't it stupid for me to come forward? It's really interesting, but I don't want to be a cannon fodder. I will die in vain! "

"What are your conditions?" Paul finally sighed and asked.

"This is the right way to talk about cooperation!" Xia Yan laughed. "Just wanting to risk my life with just a few words, how can it be so cheap! To be honest, African black uncle has nothing to do with me , I do n’t need to risk saving them. "

"And speaking of it, I think that the senior leaders of various countries may be very happy that the demon will sacrifice successfully and open the door to another world. After all, the earth is too small, and the resources of the other world will make the big people very interested. Right? "Xia Yan looked at Paul's eyes with a smile.

He has n’t been a country boy who did n’t understand anything a few months ago. The lich ’s memory and the two white lights had a great impact on him, and his character changed quickly. Whatever Paul said was awe-inspiring. , He will not take it seriously.

Paul's face changed, and he didn't seem to think that a teenager who had never seen the world could think so much. But he still shook his head and said: "Although I think what you said makes sense, this is just your guess at the moment, not a fact. I only know that the World Power Alliance does not want the devil to do this. No one I ca n’t guarantee that something terrible will rush out of that door. Think of those giant beasts and demons. They can absolutely destroy the existence of the whole world. If they appear on the earth on a large scale, humanity will be over.

"Talk about what you plan to do. I will decide whether or not to join. Of course, I will never join without sufficient benefits." Xia Yan also has to admit that the crisis that Paul said does exist, human weapons are huge. It is difficult to say how much the beast and the demon can play, and the mushrooms ca n’t be arbitrarily arbitrarily. Think about this battle with Cain ’s bones, and you know how buggy the power is. On top of Cain's bones, it makes people feel terrified.

"Sacrifice requires a lot of preparation work, especially to catch many people. Even in war-torn areas, it is not easy to capture tens of thousands of people. We have at least two months to stop this sacrifice. First of all The Alliance will organize an elite team to investigate in the Sahara Desert. To get enough information to make a plan for follow-up action, I hope you can join this elite team. "Paul put down his glass and explained Xia Yan very seriously.

The black cat's pointed ears kept moving, watching the surroundings with caution, so as not to be overheared by Xia Yan and Paul's conversation.

"Has anyone else been selected?" Xia Yan asked with interest, elite team? It sounds very tall.

"I'm currently in contact, you know, we haven't got this information for a long time." Paul said with a little embarrassment. "I'm the liaison officer, and it's up to me to find someone."

"Well, I just want to know, who is the captain?" Xia Yan pouted, Paul clearly hasn't found enough manpower, the World All-powerful League is indeed loose enough, it is estimated that the league's senior officials dare not tell this matter Multi-union members, simply let Paul find a man himself, it sounds very unreliable.

However, the fighting strength of a team depends largely on the ability of the leader. If Paul dares to say that he is the captain, Xia Yan will definitely turn around without hesitation, because Paul is not the material of the captain. .

"If possible, I hope Tiehu will be the captain. Unfortunately, his identity is sensitive and he can only find others." Paul said with regret.

Xia Yan nodded, although Tiehu used his missiles to detonate with him, but if Tiehu came to be the captain, he would be able to accept: "You will not be the only captain?"

"Of course there are other candidates ..." Paul looked at Xia Yan and smiled strangely: "Lich, would you like to be the captain?"

"What, me?" Xia Yan stunned and laughed. "This joke is not funny at all!"

"Don't you think you are not strong enough?" Paul also smiled. "I think you should evaluate your own strength. Maybe you have always underestimated yourself. Believe me, there are not many stronger than you in this world!"

"Don't laugh, I ..." Xia Yan shut up suddenly. He felt that he really should be like Paul said, to evaluate his ability.

Before summoning the successful Skeleton Beast, Xia Yan's positioning of his power was more accurate, as Ace said, above the Blood Count, it may be weaker than the Blood Count.

But the following period of time, first successfully summoned the Skeleton Behemoth, then broke through to the senior Necromancer, and then picked up the leak and successfully summoned Cain's remains, the strength increased by more than ten times. And the growth rate is too fast, so that he did not update his position in time, and his thinking remained at most half a month ago.

The two powerful young men summoned by the two sides are all capable of supporting an army.

It seems, it seems ... I really qualify as a captain!

Of course, when the captain is not just strong, he also needs enough leaders and tactical skills.

There is no such thing as Xia Yan, but there is a lich! Although most of the Necromancers are loneliness most of the time, they have elite skeleton soldiers. Controlling a small number of elite skeleton soldiers is no easier than leading a team of abilities.

If he is leading a special forces squad, Xia Yan will absolutely not hesitate to refuse, because he does not understand the combat methods of special forces at all, let alone all kinds of modern weapons and complex tactics.

But if you change to a team of supernatural abilities, it will be different. To make a group of strong people obey orders, you only need to be stronger than them.

Paul is right, there are not many people better than me in this world, and I am absolutely qualified to be the captain of this elite team!

"I can be the captain, but every player must get my approval to join!" Finally, Xia Yan made a decision.

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