Dragon Hermit

Chapter 529: Missile can't hit

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It takes a process for the fighter to accelerate to the fastest, as is the formation. Xia Yan continued to increase the input of mana and gradually released the power of the formation. The airflows from those holes became stronger and stronger, so that his speed increased rapidly.

Finally, with a loud bang, Xia Yan caught up with his own voice, the sonic boom appeared, and was thrown behind him, he flew into the higher sky.

Breaking through the speed of sound brought a wonderful feeling. This moment made Xia Yan feel a little uncomfortable, but immediately the discomfort disappeared, and he enjoyed the thrill of speed.

The sound of the explosion in mid-air was almost heard throughout Washington, but most people are still asleep at this time. Unless the sleep quality is poor, ordinary people will not be awakened.

However, some people were alarmed. At this time, a light spot on the radar of a nearby military base was rapidly flying off, and the base was making a loud alarm.

"What's the situation?" An officer hurried over and asked anxiously.

"It is reported that UFOs have appeared over Washington, which has just broken through the speed of sound, and the speed continues to increase!"

"UFOs? Soldiers, you shouldn't use such loose words, I need accurate information!" The officer frowned.

"Sorry, sir, I can't tell what kind of flying object it is. It's not any flying machine I know, it's more like ..."

"What is it more like?" The officer asked.

"More like a big bird!"

"Damn, what bird's flight speed can break through the speed of sound?" The officer scolded, and without hesitation ordered: "Shoot it down with an air defense missile!"


After experiencing a collision with a building more than a decade ago, the United States is the world ’s strongest in monitoring its own airspace. Once any unauthorized flying object is caught by radar, it will be immediately locked by anti-aircraft missiles and can be launched at any time.

Soon, a missile dragged a long tail flame and fired into the sky. It locked the UFO that was still accelerating and rushed straight to blow it to pieces.

Xia Yan didn't know that he was going to face the missile again, he was still urging the formation to make the speed increase quickly. Soon, his speed reached Mach 2, and after a while, it reached Mach 3, at which time he finally felt a little discomfort.

Fighter pilots need the help of a special anti-load suit to withstand such a large overload force, and they cannot maintain it at this speed for too long. However, Xia Yan's lich uniform is not designed for overload. He is completely carried with a strong body. At present, there is no danger.

"I don't know how fast the speed is now. I broke through the sound barrier just now. Maybe there are four or five hundred meters per second now?" Xia Yan felt that she should add a speed measuring device to the wings of the undead. Too inaccurate.

He underestimated his speed. He didn't expect that he is not four or five hundred meters per second, but about three times the speed of sound. Only a few fighters in the world can reach this speed, and the duration is very short.

In other words, by speed alone, almost all fighters in the world will not threaten him.

But missiles can.

Xia Yan felt that the Wings of the Undead had not reached the speed limit. All he had to do was to test this limit, and by the way, how fast he could bear.

So he continued to push the formation, and his speed increased steadily. tqR1

The lights in Washington DC are getting farther and farther away. Xia Yan has already flown to a height of 10,000 meters, the temperature has dropped sharply, and the air has become thinner. Xia Yan turned from a rise to a flat flight, and felt more comfortable.

In this short period of time, the officers and soldiers in front of the radar were stunned.

"Three, three Mach? And continue to accelerate! What the **** is this **** thing? Did someone fire a missile?"

Of course, the speaker also knows that it can never be a missile, but such a small volume cannot be any fighter in the world, because the speed of this UFO has already approached Mach 4, and any known fighter is not. It may reach such a fast speed.

"No matter what it is, you know it after you hit it!" The bright spot representing the missile appeared on the radar screen and quickly approached the UFO.

Xia Yan felt cold and felt the crisis approaching. He turned his head around and found no danger. At a height of 10,000 meters, even those with supernatural abilities can't catch up.

He once asked Ace that although the blood clan can fly, even the blood clan prince, it is not an easy task to fly to a height of 10,000 meters. As for flying out of the atmosphere, and even getting rid of gravity, it is even more fantasy.

Then at this height, you can pose a threat to yourself ...

Xia Yan's eyes widened violently, and science and technology can do what supernatural abilities cannot do! I heard that many fighters can reach twice the speed of sound, and some can even reach three times the speed of sound. Could they provoke the advanced fighters of the United States themselves? If that's the case, it's not good!

Or is it an air defense missile? Fuck, this one is more terrible!

No, I have to fly faster!

Xia Yan delivered more mana, the formation was fully activated, and his speed increased dramatically.

In front of the radar, Mi officers and soldiers exclaimed in unison: "Mach 4!"

The general ’s face became ugly, and the speed of Mach 4 was terrible. If this is a new generation of weapons developed by other countries, it will be a huge threat to the United States.

At this time, the bright spots representing the missile finally caught up.

The feeling of danger impacted Xia Yan's body. This time, he clearly felt the danger came from below. He looked around at the sky below, and saw that something was approaching fast underneath. He had seen this thing countless times on TV and movies.


His scalp was tingling. The last time he was attacked by a missile in Tonghai, he was just swept by the aftermath, and he already felt the horror of this weapon. Now the target of this missile is him, and the psychological pressure caused is really greater than that of the mountain.

Damn it! Too late to think, Xia Yan split a mana and activated another formation of Wings of the Undead.

A thick bone spear emerged abruptly from the wings of the undead, formed instantly, and fired at the air defense missile. However, under such a high speed, it was difficult to guarantee the accurate head. This bone spear passed by less than two meters beside the missile and disappeared into the sky.

Xia Yan was so depressed that he vomited blood, dared not delay, and continued to activate the formation. The bone spear just now was his air combat weapon. In the future, if he encounters a powerful flying enemy like the Duke or even the prince of the blood family, the enhanced version of the bone spear will cause them great trouble.

But now it seems that in high-speed sports, the hit rate of a bone spear without a guidance system is somewhat touching, and more practice is required.

A bone wall appeared out of thin air, blocking the front of the missile. The area of ​​about 10 square meters prevented it from being in vain again. The missile hit one end and then exploded.

Xia Yan only felt that his back was pushed by a fierce force and felt pain. Fortunately, his speed was fast enough, and he was out of the scope of the aftermath of the explosion in the blink of an eye. The back should be injured by the fragments of the missile, without hurting the bones and internal organs, and it will be cured in two days.

After escaping from this robbery, Xia Yan dared not get caught, and hurried down. On the radar screen, the bright spots representing him also disappeared.

"This thing escaped the missile!" All the rice officers and men who saw this scene were stupid.

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