Dragon Hermit

Chapter 531: Let me hurt

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The silver-haired man has a painful face. Although he is a supernatural person, he has not been injured under huge overload, but this taste is uncomfortable. If it is not imperative, he definitely does not want to try this taste.

The flat-headed beauty looks much better. She is the best pilot of the Superpower Bureau. Her physical fitness is naturally very strong and can withstand this huge pressure.

Neither of them could calm down, because the hummingbird fighter accelerated to the highest level, and it took at least ten seconds longer than the lich.

And these ten seconds prevented them from seeing the lich with their naked eyes, and could only rely on the radar to continue tracking.

"He can't maintain this high speed for too long, no matter what power he uses, at this high speed, it will consume very fast. He must not support it for five minutes!" The flat-headed beauty pressed her thin lips tightly. Heart ruthless.

If the lich still does not slow down after five minutes, then the mission is declared a failure, because the hummingbird fighter can only maintain the high speed of Mach 5 for five minutes.

Compared with any other fighter, the performance of the hummingbird fighter is definitely called the black technology level, but in front of the supernatural lich, the flat-headed beauty has no confidence at all. tqR1

The flat-headed beauty has always wanted to lock Xia Yan, but Xia Yan is fast and shaking constantly, making her unable to lock, and she can only follow closely.

In the front, Xia Yan was already on fire. He asked himself if he had any trouble with the Super Investigation Bureau, but the other party repeatedly wanted to be against him. If it was not he found it in time just now, the fighter might have launched an attack.

Since there is no holiday, the Super Investigation Bureau is undoubtedly trying to seize themselves and obtain the secrets of themselves. Even if they do not know what secrets are in them, it is always wrong to catch them first.

Speaking of which, the Super Investigation Bureau took action against the lich with a brazen taste. Xia Yan couldn't help but wonder, did these guys really think that they were determined to be bullied?

Perhaps this arrogant organization should be given some warnings, otherwise they will be entangled with themselves like a maggot.

As long as they hurt them, they may consider whether they will continue to deal with the lich if it will outweigh the gains.

To maintain the high speed of Mach 5, Xia Yan's consumption is indeed very large, but the time he can maintain is far beyond the estimates of silver-haired men and flat-headed beauties. With such a speed advantage, Xia Yan is not worried about losing his superpower Bureau of Investigation.

But now he has decided to shoot down the fighter behind him and let the Super Investigation Bureau know the pain!

Five minutes later, Xia Yan had hurled a hummingbird battle for nearly 500 kilometers, and had already been far away from Washington. He believes that even the giant aircraft of the Super Energy Investigation Bureau cannot be caught up in a short time. It's time to deal with the fighters behind.

"We must slow down!" Jin Dao, the flat-headed beauty.

"Kim, his speed has slowed down!" The silver-haired man cried with joy.

"Okay, he can't run away!" Jin's eyes lit up, and did not immediately slow down. He continued to force the Hummingbird to fly at a high speed for a few seconds. Then, they could see the lich's figure with their naked eyes.

The speed of the lich has quickly dropped, and the current state has not exceeded the speed of sound, it seems that he is really exhausted.

"We have 30% of our energy left, and we will soon be on the cordon. If we use a laser, we can only fire it twice!" Jin said.

"So we have to take him down before this!" The silver-haired man took off his anti-roll suit on his seat, revealing his naked upper body.

Finally, the speed of the hummingbird's record also quickly dropped, still staying directly above Xia Yan, and the laser transmitter was extended under the belly of the aircraft, aiming at Xia Yan.

At this moment, Xia Yan activated the attack magic on the wings of the undead, a thick and long bone spear appeared out of thin air, and shot into the sky with lightning. This bone spear looks like a rib, with an arc, like an adult's arm, shining white light all over the body, the speed is amazingly fast, but in a blink of an eye, it is close to the hummingbird fighter.

"Hurry up!" The silver-haired man yelled.

Jin bit his lip tightly and operated with both hands, and the hummingbird fighter jet accelerated, spilling a piece of metal foil. This is the way to detonate missiles, and Kim is the best pilot, and he responded subconsciously. She could not see what the white light was, so she had to follow the method of dealing with missiles.

At the same time, she operated the fighter to start a crazy maneuver and wanted to get rid of the "missile" shot by the lich.

"Mid!" Xia Yan raised a **** to the sky and spit out a word in her mouth. Bone spears made a 90-degree turn in the air against the common sense of physics. The speed not only did not decrease, but increased sharply, ignoring the dazzling perfect maneuver of the hummingbird fighter, and hit the belly of it, Immediately, he stabbed this world's most advanced fighter into a pair, and then he continued to fly. After continuing to fly out for hundreds of meters, it finally turned into a little white light and completely disappeared into the air.

The silver-haired man was dumbfounded and didn't dare to move in his seat. He has a long wound on his naked chest, and a bone spear rubbed his body and shot it. If the angle is a little deceiving, he will be penetrated like a fighter.

"That's a rib!" Jin yelled, desperately trying to control the runaway fighter. Hummingbird fighter planes were hit hard and can no longer maintain a stable flying attitude in the frenzy airflow, and Kim knew that because of this damage, the fighter planes could no longer enter the supersonic state, of course, only 30% of the energy was originally Cannot support this high-speed flight.

"Ready to give up the fighter!" Jin shouted.

"Damn, it's hard to write a report this time. I hope the director won't let us compensate!" The hatch opened, and the silver-haired man stood by the door, spit out a sentence, and jumped out.

Then the hatch of the fighter cockpit flew open, and Jin Lianren was ejected with the chair. Before the parachute opened, she had already emerged from the seat, a pair of thin metal wings popped from behind, and a sword in her hand.

A pair of metal wings also popped up behind the silver-haired man. It turned out that he looked shirtless. In fact, something like a devil's wing was attached to the spine. The wings popped out from inside.

Like the two big birds, the two made a circle in the air and swooped down to Xia Yan from both sides.

Seeing the appearance of the enemy clearly, Xia Yan felt a little accident. The half-naked man went down. The flat-headed woman on the other side was very beautiful, and she was absolutely domineering. When she swooped down, her chest was more majestic.

"Obviously I can eat by my face, why should I be a warrior?" Xia Yan shook her head and sent mana into the wings of the undead. The skull bell on the top shook, and the cry of a terrible ghost sounded, and was immediately blown away by the high winds, The black dragon flew out of the wings of the undead, and greeted the silver-haired man with his head wagging.

Xia Yan himself greeted the flat-headed beauty.

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