Dragon Hermit

Chapter 547: Skyfall Skeleton

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When the world knows what is going on in the Sahara Desert, the devil will naturally know.

"Fak, Jason, that's okay. Will the devil bring all his troops to our side? The picture shows us here?" The second place of worship, Alice shouted at Jason. .

"Alice, this is Lich's plan, what is said is true and false," Jason said.

"In two minutes, the lich will start to act there. The devil will definitely think that he is going to tune the tiger away from the mountain. They must pay more attention to the opened door of hell, and they will tune their troops there. Will be empty, our pressure will be less! "Paul explained.

"If those countries do not send people, it is estimated that those sacrifices will not survive!" Mueller sighed.

"There is only so much we can do," Paul said. "Since the devil will deceive the satellite and engage in such a big situation, it just shows that there are valuable things here. I believe those politicians will be curious about this, They also have to take into account public opinion, do n’t they? "

"Time is up!" Jason said.

"Let's get started." Xia Yan's voice sounded in the satellite phone. This is Jason's transformed equipment. Even in the desert hundreds of miles away, the call effect is still very good.

As soon as Xia Yan's wings were closed, he swooped down from a height of 1,000 kilometers, and the black dragon flew out of his back, circled and swooped beside him, keeping the same speed as him.

At a height of one thousand meters, it disappeared in a blink of an eye. When it was still 100 meters above the ground, Xia Yan activated the formation of the Wings of the Undead, shot a thick bone spear, and told the dive that the bone spear gained extra huge energy.

A sturdy armored car parked 300 meters away from the gates of Hell was shot by a bone spear and suddenly turned into pieces of steel. The two soldiers on the car directly turned into blood mist.

This kind of power is even stronger than rockets.

And this is just the beginning. The wings of the undead suddenly spread out, and the body falling at high speed suddenly stopped in the air. The wings slammed again. The gusty wind rolled up the yellow sand, and Xia Yan flew again, keeping 20 meters above the ground. Flying at a very fast speed from left to right. The soldier on the ground raised his gun, but could not lock his figure, barely fired the gun, and the bullet could only follow him, and no one could hit him.

Occasionally, a bullet shot at Xia Yan's body, and the Black Jiao would always swim like lightning and bounce off the bullet.

At this moment, a huge monster stood up in Huangsha, covered with a shell formed by sand grains, and with his arms flicked, several soldiers were thrown away like paper pieces, and they were killed in mid-air.

As soon as the monster appeared, many soldiers' muzzles turned around, firing wildly, bullets hit the monster, and the yellow sand splashed. But the monster's body was too thick, carrying a lot of bullets.

Just when a large amount of firepower was attracted by the yellow sand monster, a skeleton monster came down from the sky, and just after falling, he used a fist to blast a mercenary ’s chest into a blood hole, hung him on the fist, and then made him like a cloth The doll shook off.

The skull monster rushed towards the two nearest soldiers. They fired in a panic. The skull monster did not flicker. Most of the bullets were missed. Several bullets were shot on its bones. They were immediately ejected and the sparks were scattered. The monster's body is harder than steel.

In an instant, the two soldiers were also killed.

But the panic did not end, and then four skull monsters descended from the sky, each one fell on the most densely crowded place, and launched a crazy killing.

The most brutal is a skeleton monster with sharp bone blades on its arms. It wields a long and a short two bone blades, chopping melons and vegetables to start the slaughter. Even if you wear body armor, you have to be cut with a bone blade, and even the human body is cut in two.

Some soldiers used a gun to resist in a panic, but even the steel gun could not block the bone blade and was cut off neatly.

If you let bone-blade skeleton soldiers and bone-breaker skeleton soldiers go head-to-head, bone-blade skeleton soldiers will definitely lose. They are stronger ordinary people, and their combat capabilities cannot be compared.

But when fighting ordinary people, bone-bone skeletons with weapons are much more efficient than bone-breaker skeletons. There is no need for exquisite fighting skills, as long as the speed is fast and the strength is strong enough, the soldiers of the Devil will hardly be able to block the knife.

However, although the Skeleton Skeleton is fierce, it is much inferior to the Chemist Skeleton. The chemist skeleton soldier rubbed his hands together to make a micro bomb and threw it into the crowd. After the explosion, a group of people would not be able to stand. Some people even though the body has not been injured too seriously, but the soul The fire entered the body, but they immediately felt greater pain than their limbs were crippled, screaming and screaming one after another, completely losing their fighting ability.

The Snake Kiss Skeleton soldier flexibly jumps and jumps, no soldier can touch his body, and even in the gap between people, even if there is only a small space, it can still shoot deadly bone arrows. What he shot was the most threatened object, the one in charge of the machine gun, the one carrying the RPG, and he even shot an aiming sniper hundreds of meters away with one arrow. Although the number of killing enemies is not as good as that of other skeleton soldiers, it is definitely a threatening enemy.

The front sight skeleton soldier holds the gun alone, and the long Mosinagan rifle is not suitable for such a posture, but every time it raises its hand and shoots, it can always shoot a soldier without exception.

The five-headed skeleton soldiers massacred, and soon nearly a hundred soldiers were killed. This casualty rate caused the soldiers to fear. They began to escape and evade, but on the battlefield, this behavior is not much safer than the brave rush to kill Kill.

A hundred meters away, five men in black are approaching this battlefield at high speed, three of them are on all fours, running in a wild way. Behind them, there are five men in black with guns or bows and arrows aiming at the five skeleton soldiers. tqR1

The demons of the Devil Society were dispatched.

And the devil will be dispatched, not just these ten biochemicals. In the camp, eight people in black spread the wings of the demon and rose into the sky. Their goal was Xia Yan.

After the looting of the vaults in Maicheng and Washington, the Devil Club has already known the name Lich and raised his threat level to the highest. After all, even the old rival world allies alliance has never done the same thing as the lich. Such an enemy is definitely worthy of great attention by the devil.

Eight bioman equipped with demon wings, this is a powerful force. And the biochemicals who are qualified to come to the Sahara desert are far more powerful than those in Maicheng and Washington.

A full of eight cyborgs besieged the lich, and no one in the demons thought they would fail.

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