Dragon Hermit

Chapter 556: The devil will evacuate

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After flying a hundred miles, Xia Yan and Cohen landed in the desert. Xia Yan took out water and food from the space ring. The two ate something and took a sigh of relief. Xia Yan sighed: "This time I lost, I didn't get any benefit from running so far!"

"Don't you grab a few sets of equipment?" Cohen said.

"That thing is too little!" Xia Yan was very dissatisfied.

"The cheap ones were picked up by John's fellow. Hell Devil Dog was actually caught by him!" Xia Yan sighed again.

"Oh!" Cohen smiled. "Have you caught it, not necessarily."

"You mean he may not have caught the Hell Devil Dog yet?" Xia Yan asked in amazement.

"I guess he only temporarily controlled the Hellhound. To subdue such a powerful creature, unless he has special props or skills, I think John should not be that powerful yet," Cohen explained.

"No!" Xia Yan expressed doubts. After all, when John pulled the magic dog into the space crack, he seemed to be at ease. Well, it just pulled the magic dog in, and maybe it was really the same as Cohen said. He only temporarily controlled the magic dog. To completely subdue the magic dog, I am afraid that other means are needed.

But it doesn't make much sense to think about it. John now doesn't know that he can't be traced beyond a few hundred miles.

"If you see this guy again, you must get some good things to compensate us!" Xia Yan said.

"Of course." Cohen agreed.

"Paul, what's the situation?" Xia Yan asked, turning on the intercom.

"The sacrificial formation is being destroyed." Paul simply replied, he was very noisy on the other side and was fighting.

"What about the offerings?" Xia Yan asked.

"Watch online by yourself." Paul said.

"Okay." Since Xia Yan was busy there, he didn't say much. Taking out the phone from the space ring, he quickly found the information he wanted.

"Peacekeepers and the local government jointly sent troops to the Sahara Desert to rescue the hostages." The news content made Xia Yan very satisfied. Under the tremendous pressure, the UN made the decision in the shortest time. Of course, things will definitely not be so simple, but Since the army is coming, will the demons continue to stay here, and they cannot quickly evacuate the thousands of sacrifices, and in the end can only be slaughtered or abandoned.

Xia Yan felt that the devil would give up sacrifices. If the tragic scene of thousands of people being slaughtered is exposed to the world, it will inevitably provoke a greater reaction. When the countries are under pressure, they will definitely be attacked by the demon. It is never a good thing.

However, Xia Yan felt that all countries reacted so quickly this time, probably more to find out what secrets there are in areas where this satellite cannot be detected.

In the sound of the explosion, huge craters flew and the complex magic array in the crater was destroyed. A large transport helicopter took off and flew away from the demon camp in the soot and yellow sand, disappearing into the darkness.

At this time, the Devil would not even send out a force to catch up, and Jason was extremely skilled in controlling the helicopter and left the area far away.

"Alas, it's a loss!" Xia Yan couldn't help sighing again after taking a break. Although the feeling of saving people was very good, he still felt that he had not caught anything in this trekking operation and suffered a great loss.

"By the way, the Devil would disperse and evacuate, right?" He asked suddenly.

"Of course." Cohen nodded. "Drones and fighters will soon fly over that area, and after leaving that area, satellites can also come in handy. If you do not divert evacuation, it is easy to attract air strikes."

"That's good!" Xia Yan smiled and turned on the intercom: "Jason, can you invade the military satellite of the United States?"

"Nonsense, of course!" Jason said in a low profile, and asked again: "Lich, what do you want to do?"


It was finally dawn, and the hustle and bustle of the night was insignificant to the great desert. The sun continued to rise fiercely, and soon, Xia Yan received a satellite map from Jason on his mobile phone, marked with many red dots, which is the evacuation team that the demons will spread out.

"Start from the most recent." Xia Yan selected the target and said to Cohen.

After a rest in the middle of the night, Cohen has recovered his strength and he has no opinion on the robbery plan. After all, he does not want to go back empty-handed.

At this time, clear pictures of the two camps were sent to many big figures. The wooden cages with thousands of people still are still there. This sight made everyone seeing them breathing a breath. However, these big men did not stay in this photo for too long, so they turned their attention to other photos.

Although the huge crater was destroyed, the remaining lines of the magic circle can still be seen faintly. In the end, everyone's eyes stayed on a certain photo for a long time. tqR1

In this picture, there is a glowing crack ...

"This is the secret that the devil will hide, and we have to control it!" Almost all big men made the same decision.

But there is only one gate of hell, which is not the existence of any country that can be controlled alone.

A day later, many media around the world issued news that the first rescue forces had airborne to the depths of the Sahara Desert and launched a hostage rescue operation. A large number of pictures let the people understand the progress of time. At the same time, the major media also attached pictures of the huge crater and also showed the camps left by the demons.

"This is a cruel plan against humanity planned by a cult called the Devil Society. All major countries in the world will list the Devil Society as a terrorist organization and will spare no effort to combat it ..."

People around the world cheered for this humanitarian rescue, and many people are concerned about the lich's movements. After all, the lich has appeared in the initially exposed photos. But there was almost no media report about the Lich. Soon, except for Lich fans, everyone forgot about it, and the attention was attracted by the next rescue operation.

No media has reported the grandeur of the crater a hundred miles away. Of course, no reporter would have thought that the real big news is a hundred miles away.

A large number of helicopters are parked around the gates of Hell. Several elite teams with different outfits, different equipment, and different skin colors are in a state of confrontation.

The gate of Hell, which had been narrowed to only 20 centimeters wide, stood among the squads. All the soldiers were still surprised. Even in the confrontation, their attention was inevitably attracted by this crack beyond imagination. Look at the past.

No one was the first to shoot, and everyone was waiting for the orders of the superiors. There is no doubt that the big figures at the top are in urgent negotiations. If not unexpected, no bullet will be shot out of the barrel. In addition, there will be no other results.

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