Dragon Hermit

Chapter 561: Will the lich show?

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"Is this Weibo?" An old Weibo screenshot appeared immediately on the screen. I have to say that, with the stimulus of soaring ratings, the director's hand is going to skyward.

"Yes, it's this Weibo. What I want to say is that it was Lich and Po Dao that jointly captured the vampire. Like Po Dao, Lich is also understating the beautiful city of Rongdu!" The colorless old man was full of pride.

"Wow, there is still such a source ..." The hostess exclaimed, but she was very sullied. Before inviting Wuxi to show, she also did her homework, knowing what the virtue is, and bragging. It is his normal state, and it is his hobby to give light to female donors. Not only is it not low-key, this old-fashioned one is also outrageously high-key.

But in terms of ratings, all this is not a problem, she is willing to cooperate with shaping the image of a hero.

"So let's take a look at the comments of netizens. The director, everyone is very interested in supernatural abilities. I don't know if you can show some of your abilities, so that everyone can see it?" The hostess read a few passages of the guide. Netizens commented out and said.

"The poor skills are used to eliminate evil spirits and protect the citizens." Lao Dao was righteous, and the hostess was in a hurry. What he was about to say, he continued: "But since everyone wants to see, Lao Dao is not good. Disappointed everyone, had to show ugliness! "

"The poor Taoist practice is Taoism. That's right. It's the Taoism that everyone knows. The Flying Sword Rune Spell or something, the old Tao will know a little bit. I don't know what you want to see?" The old Tao asked politely.

"Flying Sword!" Numerous barrage screens obscure the picture, and the hostess also said expectantly: "Can Dao Chang show the Flying Sword?"

"That poor way is ugly ..." Lao Tao started his performance. Ten seconds later, all the barrage disappeared in an instant. Netizens looked at the pocket flying swords that turned into a streamer and hovered in the air, all stunned.

"Ashamed, Fang Dao's imperial swordsmanship is not mainstream, so Fang's family laughed." Lao Dao is ashamed to be an elite, even actually playing a flying sword. Compared with Huang Zunshou's true swordsmanship, it is naturally garbage, but it is It's more than enough to bluff ordinary people, and the netizens were so shocked that they even forgot the barrage.

Then the masters performed a few small spells, and played a circle of five-element spells like water, fire, ice and wind, and let a few paper people dance on the table. The number of viewers skyrocketed and quickly broke through 10 million. The barrage was flying all over the sky. The picture stuck like a tortoise, and even a slightly poorly equipped computer couldn't bear it.

And the colorless old Weibo fans have skyrocketed all the way, quickly surpassing 8 million. After the show ended, the color Taoist laughed away.

The old way is hot, and the owner of this small website is happy and sad. In the future, there will be a lot of media on the show on the old way, and I have to find a way to narrow the relationship.

So after the show was finished, the choppy hostess offered to send Lao Dao back to Taoism, and naturally entered the bar on the road, and then the number of Lao Dao opened to increase.

This episode of the program quickly caused a storm on the Internet. You must know that the old man is the first supernatural person on the show in China. The word "first" alone means too much. There is no doubt that the old road is hot for half the sky, and this small website in Rongdu is also hot. Within just one day, the server was crowded by surging traffic several times, and the technical staff was busy like a dog. .

But this is a happy worry. After smashing money to get the server, this small website has become a national website. Since then, it has clung to the thigh of the colorless old man and flew into the sky.

This is all afterwords. It ’s not just ordinary netizens who are shocked by this show. More websites and media were shocked. Then they thumped their chests and stomped their feet. Why did n’t we think of asking people with supernatural abilities to appear on the show? , Actually let such a small broken website take the lead, which is unbearable!

"Give me a supernatural ability immediately, whoever can find a real supernatural ability to be interviewed, I will give him a promotion and salary increase, optimistic, this **** is a million cash, who can invite someone, who will You can take it home! "The CEO of a portal patted the table to make a wish to all employees in the company. A pile of cash took everyone's eyes away.

"Remember, what I want is a real supernatural ability, not a river and lake liar, whoever finds me the so-called masters and masters, and if the reputation of our website is broken, I am ready to roll it up!" The CEO continued to roar, suddenly Let all the employees who are preparing to nominate the masters of their hometowns die down.

This portal is not alone. Almost all media began to look for people with supernatural abilities. Under this wave, many people with supernatural abilities appeared either passively or actively. Since the sanitation group acquiesced, they also disappeared. Scruples, they have been exposed in the media. For a time, this craze swept the country, and even the roadside sunbathing lady can name a few supernatural abilities.

"Director, should we also invite some supernatural abilities to come to the show? Other TV stations are busy with this matter. I heard that even the TV station in your province next door is running to the Miao Village in the mountains, saying that it is necessary Find a wizard, and all the ratings will be snatched up by them! "On the Four Rivers TV station, the leaders of several channels squeezed in the office of the director, and they suggested to the director.

"Let them please, we are not in a hurry!" The director of the Mediterranean Hairstyle remained calm, and several subordinates looked at each other. If the director did not keep up with this trend, the otherwise poor Sihe TV station was afraid to continue to decline. Going on, is it our destiny to grab the three rounds and four rounds of the popular TV series?

"This time is a good opportunity for our Sihe TV station to rise. Let's not blindly follow suit. You know, compared to other TV stations, our Sihe TV station has a natural advantage!" Said.

"What advantage?" The subordinates naturally come to praise.

"The lich is our Sihe people, this is our biggest advantage!" The director slapped his hand on the desk, and the tone suddenly increased. "What about other TV stations, how about more supernatural abilities, all supernatural abilities add up It ’s not as good as a lich, as long as we can hire a lich, we can crush the scum immediately! "

The eyes of several subordinates were all bright, and the head of the station was the head of the station, and the problem was far more profound than ours!

"You immediately find a way to contact the lich. We are the TV station in our hometown. Presumably he will give face to him. By the way, didn't the colorless master say that he was familiar with the lich? He contacted the lich and he must let the lich appear on our show! "The station leader shouted Fang Qi loudly.

"Taiwan Director Yingming!" Suddenly again a flattering voice, but this time flattering everyone is very sincere.

"The director, what column do we want the lich to get on?" A subordinate asked carefully.

"Which program is the hottest in the country now?" The director asked.

"Of course it's a reality show!"

"Just ask the lich on our reality show!" tqR1

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