Dragon Hermit

Chapter 569: return

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The bone dragon can change its size, which is undoubtedly the credit of the devil's arm, which seems to be a hidden attribute of the **** creature. Hellhound can be made smaller by John's guy and packed in a glass bottle. The demon arm can be miniaturized and grown on John, and it can be enlarged on the bone dragon. It is not surprising that after the fusion of the demon arm, the bone dragon can change its size.

Xia Yan tried again and found that the bone dragon can change its size at will, but the largest one can't exceed its original size. The smallest one can be as small as a **** devil and can be packed into a glass bottle.

There is also an unexpected joy. Xia Yan can put the bone dragon into the space of the undead. From then on, he no longer needs to hide the bone dragon in the sea, and he has an extra strong brother who can be summoned at any time.

Xia Yan is fearless now with two brothers, Bone Dragon and Cain's bones, and there are not many threats to his existence in this world. And with his keen sense of danger, even if someone wants to snipe from a distance, he can avoid it in advance. Unless someone sends out a big killer and grows mushrooms on his head, he does n’t need to worry too much even if he shoots missiles. Of course, no one like the mushrooms will be in trouble, otherwise the world will be in chaos.

For the rest of the journey, Xia Yan stayed in the skull of the giant beast, and used it directly. He stood on the back of the bone keel with great ease and flew at a height of 10,000 meters. He felt a little dissatisfied with the silver demon wings on the bone dragon's back. This pair of wings is too small, and can only be used after the bone dragon has become smaller, otherwise it cannot bear the huge body of the giant beast.

Unfortunately, he can only bear it for the time being. He is a necromancer, not a wind magician. Otherwise, he can engrave a few wind magic arrays on the silver demon wings. That would be able to carry the skeleton monster with small wings, but now, he It can only be so.

In the case of supersonic flight, the vast Pacific Ocean has become much smaller. Soon, Xia Yan flew to the South China Sea in China. This sea area has always been a popular place where maritime forces of various countries have played. He did not dare to be too high-profile. He collected the bone dragon into the undead space, spread the wings of the undead himself, and flew to the land with a super high speed of Mach 5.

He flew close to the sea, wherever he passed, the sea separated, leaving a long straight track behind him.

A fishing boat was working. Suddenly, a shadow hundreds of meters away passed by. After a while, the roar of the sky broke into the ears of the astonished fishermen.

"Then, what is that? Fly so fast!" A fisherman looked at the white line on the sea, stunned.

"This speed may be the most advanced fighter in the country, right?" Another fisherman guessed uncertainly.

"It's impossible, no fighter dare to fly so fast against the sea unless the pilot wants to commit suicide!"

"How fast do you say this plane flies?"

"How do I know!"

Flying all the way, Xia Yan took a straight line and did not care whether it would scare people. But he really frightened many people. The closer to the land, the more ships there are. Many ships saw or heard him fly by, and then saw the trace left on the sea.

Finally, Xia Yan was discovered by a fishing boat.

"Then, what is that?" The captain was also stunned. At this time, there was still a passing image on his retina. The sea was split by the high-speed aircraft, leaving a shocking track.

Then he reacted violently and ordered loudly: "Pull the alarm!"

Soon, the news that UFOs invaded our national airspace shocked many people, but after a careful search, except for some blurred images and photos, nothing was found, and this event eventually became a mystery.

Xia Yan didn't care about his influence. He flew up to the land and continued to fly west, across the plains and mountains. Without much time, he returned to Rongdu.

Xia Yan feels that she can go to Guangnan every morning to buy some morning tea. She will bring Rong in the insulated barrel and give Liu Xueer their breakfast. They will go to the prairie to take a roasted whole sheep at noon. At that time, you can also go to the square in Paris to see the pigeons and think about life ... The super high speed of Mach 5 makes the world very small, which is not a matter.

Thinking wildly, Xia Yan landed on the roof of a building that sent Xianqiao Antique Market, then put away her wings, put on T-shirts and jeans, and took out a backpack from the space ring, loaded some clothes and souvenirs into it. Then Shi Shiran went downstairs and walked to Jiguzhai.

The first thing that comes back is naturally to see Master and Uncle. The last apprenticeship ceremony was too fast. Most of the follow-up tasks were dealt with by the uncle, including receiving guests and selling their works. I am afraid that Jiguzhai has been busy for a long time, saying nothing Come back first.

This is the afternoon, there are not too many people in the antique market, but there are obviously more guests in Jiguzhai than before. Xia Yan is stepping into the store. Sister Li is busy introducing the works to the guests. When he comes in, his eyes shine. It just nodded.

Xia Yan waited for her to deal with a guest, and then went up and handed over a gift with a smile: "Sister Li, bring you a gift, see if you like it or not."

"Like, I like it!" Sister Li smiled so much that she couldn't see her eyes.

"Then you are busy, by the way, who is upstairs?" Xia Yan said.

"Sister Min is at work, Xiaoting is at school." Sister Li said.

Xia Yan knew some things when she called before, and now there are too many people who want to visit Master. Generally speaking, Master Yao Shigu received it. She only said that Master was not there. Sister Li only said that Yao Min and Yao Ting were not there. Then Master And Uncle must be upstairs. tqR1

"Then I will go up first." Xia Yan greeted and went upstairs.

"Little girl, who was the young man just now?" An elderly guest asked Xia Yan, looking questionably.

"It's a junior of the boss." Sister Li said.

"Oh." The old man nodded and pointed to something. "Is this Master Han's work, or is it Xia Zhangzhang's work?"

"It's Xia Zhang's work, old man, look ..."

Xia Yan went upstairs and heard a voice in Master ’s room, and walked over to gently open the door. Both Han Yidao and Brother Shi Shiyao were present. Han Yidao was evaluating a stone carving: "Yes, Shigu, recently For a while, your level has improved and you have worked hard! "

"This is Brother Shi, you have given you good advice, and Xiao Yan's work has also inspired me a lot, and made me feel better!" Yao Shigu smiled happily after being praised by Han Yidao.

"Master, Uncle!" Xia Yan shouted.

"Xiao Yan?" Hearing the sound, the two old men looked at him in surprise. Yao Shigu said in surprise: "Xiao Yan, you are finally back!"

"Master Uncle, this, I ..." Xia Yan was very embarrassed. Although he was not idle abroad during this time, he left everything behind and said that it was too self-willed. Master Uncle's tone Obviously with blame.

"Senior Brother hasn't told me what you have done, let me wait until you come back and tell me how. Now, are you going to tell Uncle what?" Yao Shigu asked with a smile.

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