Dragon Hermit

Chapter 572: I want to drop out

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"I'm gone. Xia Yan is really domineering. He slaps a high-quality handsome guy in the car and returns to the car!" Seeing this scene, Zhao Qiang was stunned and shook his head.

"It's not, and this boy's strength is too great, the handsome guy is almost as tall as him, how could he be fooled by him like a pupil?" Qin Jian expressed puzzled.

"There's a secret in this kid!" Zhao Qiang thought about the soft furry chin.

"Do you think so?" Qin Jian agreed. "I have long felt that there are too many secrets in this kid. Why should I interrogate him?"

"Necessary!" Zhao Qiang nodded fiercely and said again: "Yeah, and Hou Xiaotian's boy, who often stays at night and often sneaks with Xia Yan, I think they must have a problem! "

"Do they have basic feelings?" Qin Jian's expression was startled.

Zhao Qiang's face also changed: "How do you think this is really possible when you say that? It's not okay, what if they really have a love relationship, what if they break us both?"

"Fuck!" The two fought together in a cold war.

Xia Yan did not know that the two roommates had already made a very impure conjecture about himself. He and Qi Ziyu left the school and drove away several fans to a high-end restaurant on the edge of the Second Ring Road. It's not yet six o'clock in the afternoon. There are not many people eating. Qi Ziyu brought his sunglasses and entered the private room with Xia Yan. Then he took off his sunglasses and complained rarely: "Every time I want to find a place where no one harasses It's really difficult! "

To the extent that Qi Ziyu is so beautiful, even if she frowned and complained, she also had a touching style. Xia Yan smiled and said: "If people who dream of becoming a star listen to you, it is estimated to be depressed!" TqR1

The two ordered the food first, and after the waiter in the private room went out, Qi Ziyu asked, "Are you in the US ... not injured?"

Her voice was soft and full of concern, and Xia Yan jumped in her heart, a little afraid to look directly at her eyes. He already has four women now, and there is no ignorance during the virgin period. What Qi Qiyu's tone means, he understands very well.

"It's okay. The imperialists are all paper tigers, and they won't hurt me!" He smiled, but he smiled a little unnaturally.

"Just know it!" Qi Ziyu gave him a white look. "I thought you were hurt by that missile when you were in the sea. Who knows you went to the country silently and happily ..."

As she said, her eyes were a bit red. It should be remembered that Xia Yan was hit by a missile into the river and no longer showed up.

"Zi Yu, I'm not good!" Xia Yan felt guilty. He found that he was sometimes a bit wrong. Rong had so many people concerned. He often threw his phone into the space ring for several days. Or else, in the deep ocean or desert where there is no cell phone signal, those who care about themselves are not worried.

He reached over and took Qi Ziyu's hand. Qi Ziyu retracted his hand instinctively, and then stopped immediately, letting him press, smiling with red eyes: "Xia Yan, you have a girlfriend, be careful I told Xueer, she is my good sister ! "

If Xia Yan used to hear this sentence, she would blush and shrink. But now, although his face was still reddish, he was still thick-skinned, but Qi Ziyu's hands were tightened even more.

Just kidding, other girls didn't throw your hand away and give you a slap in the face. If you let go, wouldn't it be a brain pump?

The two stopped talking, and after a minute of silence, Qi Ziyu finally sighed quietly: "You let it go!"

With that said, she drew her hand back, not waiting for Xia Yan to say anything, and then went on to say: "You have been too busy in Washington this time, even the President of the United States has been forced to admit the existence of supernatural abilities, the whole world It has changed! "

"It's a matter of time, I just made it earlier." Xia Yan said.

"Now the whole monastery community has become a pot of congee. Some people want to keep a low profile and avoid the world. Some people want to disclose their identities. There is no clear statement from the sanitation team. It seems that it is ready to take its course!"

"This is a big trend. Even if the whole world wants to continue to hide the existence of supernatural abilities, it is impossible to do it. In a short time, something big will happen." Xia Yan thought of the seven-headed monster found in the Antarctic ice crack. There is no doubt that the world will change dramatically.

"A big event? It's bigger than that in the Sahara Desert?" Qi Ziyu was taken aback.

"The Sahara Desert is just the beginning. Believe me, the whole world is in crisis and may break out at any time." Xia Yan said seriously.

"Related to the sacrifice of the Devil Society?" Qi Ziyu couldn't help worrying when he saw him so serious.

"There is just a place where the devil will prepare for the second sacrifice ..." Xia Yan explained the matter to Qi Ziyu in detail, and stopped when he was serving.

I heard that the Devil would have performed a thousand sacrifices and successfully opened the door to hell. Although the door may have been closed, it still made Qi Ziyu lose her face.

"They will continue to prepare for sacrifices, maybe some time will succeed. When the **** demon comes across the border, humanity is about to die!" Xia Yan shook his head.

"Can't the demon be destroyed? If all countries in the world join forces, it will certainly be able to do it, right?" Qi Ziyu asked anxiously.

"Join together? Maybe it will, but the countries will not cooperate sincerely. They will quietly divide the giants of the Antarctic, and have not seen any joint organization to study together." Xia Yan disagreed, if you can open the door to hell, then Equivalent to obtaining the qualification to enter a new world, the resources on the earth are not big enough for the rogues to scramble. The emergence of the new world is tantamount to discovering the new continent hundreds of years ago, and it will definitely become a feast for adventurers.

As for the **** demon coming across the border ... Will politicians holding high-tech weapons be afraid? That is impossible.

"Antarctic monster? What's the matter?" Qi Ziyu felt that Xia Yan was too incredible today, but she didn't doubt it. She was shocked.

Xia Yan reiterated the matter of the seven-headed beast body, Qi Ziyu was silent. The Eight Kingdoms quietly divided the seven-headed beast, which proves that Xia Yan ’s inference is correct. In the face of huge interests, it is impossible for all countries to cooperate sincerely. Perhaps the permanent door to **** will really be opened soon.

"What should we do, Xia Yan?" Qi Ziyu looked directly at Xia Yan's eyes, his face unprecedentedly dignified.

"We have to become stronger!" Xia Yan said, "Zi Yu, I am going to drop out."

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