Dragon Hermit

Chapter 580: Sihe TV Station's invitation

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"Xia Yan, someone invited you to the show." As soon as he returned to the Master Tower, Hou Xiaotian said weirdly.

"What?" Xia Yan was puzzled.

"Someone invited you to TV!" Hou Xiaotian said.

"Invite me? I'm not a celebrity, who will invite me to TV?" Xia Yan became more confused.

"Others are not inviting Xia Yan, but inviting Lich to be on TV." Hou Xiaotian said.

"Fuck!" Xia Yan froze for a moment, then burst into a swearing.

"Xiaotian, aren't you kidding, someone invited the lich to TV?" Liu Xueer asked in surprise.

"It's no joke, you come to see." Hou Xiaotian touched his mobile phone, opened Weibo, flipped it over, and showed it to the two people: "A director of Sihe TV Station privately wrote the Weibo account of Master Lich and said you are invited Reality show. "

"This ..." Xia Yan didn't know what to say.

"Is it a fake joke?" Liu Xueer didn't believe it either.

"This is a verified account. I checked it. It is indeed a director of the Variety Department of Sihe TV Station. I have no problem with my identity." Hou Xiaotian said.

"In other words, does he really want to invite me to TV or a reality show?" Xia Yan believed a little, but still felt incredible.

"The colorless master has already accepted an invitation from an Internet TV station, and many media across the country have also invited people with supernatural abilities, so this private message is still reliable. Sihe TV Station really wants to invite you to the program to boost the ratings "Hou Xiaotian said.

"The colorless master is actually the first person with supernatural abilities on the show ... Yes, he is already very high-profile, and there are many Weibo fans." Xia Yan said.

"Don't you say that the supernatural age is coming, this kind of thing will definitely be more and more in the future." Liu Xueer said.

"Xia Yan, do you want to promise this director Zhang?" Hou Xiaotian asked, looking at the look he expected, Xia Yan knew that he tended to participate. This high-profile thing is his style.

"Xue'er, what do you say?" Xia Yan asked her girlfriend.

"I think I can participate." Liu Xueer thought about it and said.

"Why?" Xia Yan asked.

"Since the supernatural age is inevitable, people should be accustomed to the existence of supernatural abilities as soon as possible, and the mysterious aura shrouded in supernatural abilities should be erased, so as to minimize the future shocks, I think this should be The important reason why the state tacitly approves the supernatural ability, otherwise the colorless Taoist simply cannot be the first to be exposed on the Internet. "Liu Xueer said.

"Sister Xueer is right, I think so too." Hou Xiaotian nodded and added, "Also, Lich is the most famous supernatural ability in the world now, but with the advent of the supernatural age, there will be more How powerful supernatural abilities appear in people's sight, they may replace your position ... "

"This position doesn't matter, fame is nothing to me?" Xia Yan said.

"No, it's very important. Don't forget that the demons will always want to open the door to hell. If they succeed, we need to fight against the leaders of the **** creatures. You should be kind enough to do it!" Hou Xiaotian was excited, "and even from our own For your benefit, the higher your visibility, the more your enemies will worry. This is not a bad thing! "

"Xiaotian was right, Xia Yan, would you like to participate?" Liu Xueer said.

Xia Yan pondered for a while, then nodded: "Well, Xiaotian, you help me reply to the director, yes, did he say that it is that kind of reality show, it is impossible for me to tear the brand?"

"I'll ask." Hou Xiaotian wrote back to the director excitedly.

Zhang Xiaolong is the director of the Variety Department of Sihe TV Station. Sihe TV Station can only be regarded as third-rate in all provincial stations. There is no variety show at all, and even the popular TV series can't grab the first round of broadcasting rights. At best, you can only compete for the right to broadcast for two or even three rounds. If the ratings don't go up, the advertising revenue will naturally be the same. The life is very hard.

The lack of funds and the inability to purchase copyrights and produce well-made programs have become a vicious circle. The whole audience is very unwilling, but no one can come up with a good way to change this situation.

And now, since the bald-headed director proposed the idea of ​​inviting the lich to participate in the reality show, the senior executives on the stage suddenly found that the door of a new world was opened. If this special code really invites the lich, To participate in the program, the ratings are still not good?

And the director is right, the lich was originally our Sihe people, okay, maybe not, but at least he is the most active in Sihe, and he will probably agree to the show. If he is unwilling to participate in a reality show, he can also be invited to participate in a talk show, can he accept an interview?

So Master Zhang Xiaolong sent a private message to Master Lich with his Weibo account under the watch of a group of high-level TV stations. This is the official account of the lich. After sending some private videos of the lich, it is also added by the official Weibo. It will not be fake.

"Hello Lich Teacher, I am Zhang Xiaolong, Director of the Variety Department of Sihe TV Station. I sincerely invite you to participate in the program of our station. The type of the program is tentatively scheduled to be a reality show. The specific content can be determined by you personally. In addition to your remuneration, the production capital is expected to be no less than 100 million Huaxia coins, I hope you can agree! "

This passage was naturally drafted by the general public and approved by the director. There is no nonsense, and 100 million yuan of production funds is definitely a big deal for the poorly used Sihe TV station. Of course, as long as the lich can promise, the money can recover the cost in minutes, and can also earn a huge amount of advertising costs.

After sending the news, a group of senior officials waited nervously. But at that time Xia Yan was looking at the house at the Sands Museum and had some unfriendly conversations with Tiehu, so the leaders waited for a long time, and later they all left to do their own work, only Zhang Xiaolong was still sticking to it, this is him The most important job now. tqR1

When a cup of tea was filled with water several times, and when it was almost as pale as boiled water, Zhang Xiaolong finally refreshed a most touching private message in the world.

"Please talk about your detailed plan." A very simple message, but made Zhang Xiaolong jump up, did not pay attention to the tea cup overturned, rushed into the office of the director with the mobile phone wind: "Director, he agreed! "

"Who agreed ... Did you mean that the lich agreed to participate in the show?" The bald-headed director froze for a moment, and immediately reacted, and started shooting, "What did he say?"

"He asked us to talk about the detailed plan." Zhang Xiaolong exclaimed.

"Then what are you waiting for, send it over! Tell him we are ready to purchase the best equipment. There is no upper limit for the investment. His compensation is 80 million, no, 100 million Chinese dollars. The form of the program is determined by the lich. If If you need other star guests, no matter who he wants, we will definitely invite you to ... "

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