Dragon Hermit

Chapter 589: Xiao Jun's talent

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The advantage of the Necromancer is that it can summon creatures, and the undead phoenix can fly. The skeleton soldiers on the ground cannot pose a threat to her, and Xia Yan ’s own attack methods are relatively scarce. I plan to use Cain's bones or bone dragon.

Because the hidden bones of Cain have hidden dangers, it is inevitable to choose the bone dragon. This powerful undead creature belongs to the strongest existence on earth, and it is not that the undead Phoenix can match.

After showing the strength of the bone dragon, it is presumed that the sounds that are unfavorable to oneself in the sanitation group will be much weaker.

The threat of Bone Dragon is definitely at a strategic level, and the sanitation team will never want to see such a monster appear in the city one day.

Xia Yan is no longer a freshman. He understands the truth very well: only with sufficient strength can equality and fairness prevail. Just like there is a big mushroom, there is world peace.

Such a force will produce a deterrent effect only if it is displayed. The challenge of the undead Phoenix just gave Xia Yan an opportunity to show his strength. Of course, he would not be polite.

The eyes above the sky in the barracks will faithfully record today's combat process. I believe those big men will make accurate assessments and re-examine the way of getting along with Xia Yan.

"So, can you tell me your name now?" Xia Yan asked.

"Phoenix." The undead Phoenix said coldly.

"I asked for the real name." Xia Yan said dissatisfied.

"This is my real name, love it or not." Undead Phoenix said.

"I want to believe, but I can't do it!" Xia Yan said.

"Many years ago, I changed my name to Phoenix, which is my real name." Undead Phoenix said.

"Uh ... Can you ask me why you want to change your name?" Xia Yan was still doubtful.

"Because I accidentally burned the house at home, together with my parents, I was six years old that year. Are you satisfied?" Phoenix stared coldly at Xia Yan's eyes.

"I'm sorry ..." Xia Yan didn't expect to ask such an answer. She couldn't help but be amazed. She felt sympathy for Phoenix.

He could imagine the cruel process. The little girl found that she had supernatural abilities, but she could n’t control it. She panicked her home and even burned her parents together. What a terrible experience this would leave her Psychological shadow?

Unexpectedly, this powerful beauty turned out to be sympathetic to herself.

"Later?" He asked again.

"Later, the sanitation team found me, and since then I grew up in the sanitation group and became a cleaner!" Phoenix strode out of the barracks. "I lost, saying that these are just to honor the promise. Now please don't follow me ! "

Xia Yan will not touch the mold at this time, but he still asked aloud: "Hey, how old are you this year? Are you thirty years old?"

"Asshole!" Phoenix turned his head and glared at him fiercely, accelerating his pace: "My mother is only eighteen years old this year!"

"Ha ha ha!" Xia Yan laughed, it seems that Phoenix has not been psychologically distorted by the tragedy of his childhood, but is eighteen? It does n’t look like that mature body!

Just after driving away from the barracks, Xia Yan heard a little noise from behind. The soldiers' forbidden orders were lifted, and they were spitting out the shock in their hearts.

For the soldiers of this military camp, everything that happened today can only be hidden in the bottom of my heart, and no one outside the military camp will know. And they will always remember the shocking scenes seen today. Those two arbitrarily flying figures will occupy an extremely important position in their hearts.

Many years later, some soldiers in this barracks activated the S gene to become abilities. At that time, their shock to the battle today has not only weakened, but has been strengthened. Only when their strength has reached a certain level can they understand how high the level of this battle is today. Those black and red figures are like clouds in the sky. They can only look up and be difficult to touch.

In the car, Xia Yan received a call from Tiehu.

"See you again." Tiehu said.

"Old place, ten o'clock tomorrow morning." Xia Yan said.

Xia Yan does not believe in the sanitation team, but sometimes it is enough to cooperate and trade without trust.

The materials obtained from the Demon Society are not very useful to him, but they can be exchanged from the sanitation group to what he needs. tqR1

Go back to the Master Tower and talk about things with Liu Xueer and Hou Xiaotian. Both of them were surprised. Xia Yan did not expect to go out and even had a fight with the masters of the sanitation team. And this one seems to be of great importance. If you lose, I am afraid that the sanitation team will become a big mountain above the mage tower in the future. You do n’t want to see the consequences.

"Gulong is really so powerful? As soon as he came out, he scared the masters of the sanitation group to admit defeat directly?" Hou Xiaotian asked excitedly.

So Xia Yan summoned both the bone dragon and Cain's bones and let everyone take a good look. Liu Xue'er thought deeply, Hou Xiaotian was elated, even Xiao Jun's big eyes were shining, full of envy and longing. As a Necromancer, Little Loli also wants to have such a powerful summoning creature.

"Xiao Jun, practice hard. When you have enough strength, Master will also summon a skull dragon for you. How about it?" Xia Yan touched her little head and encouraged him.

"It's a word!" Little Loli immediately stretched out her little finger.

"It's a word!" Xia Yan hooked her. If Little Loli grows into a senior Necromancer, take her to the underground of the Sands Museum to help her summon a Skeleton Beast, and then match the Wings of the Undead, Little Loli can immediately become the strongest existence on earth.

In the evening, Hou Xiaotian rested in the mage tower. He was a true otaku. As long as he had a computer, it would be fine to stay out of the house for a month. It can be said that his current state of life is what he has always dreamed of. He is wholeheartedly helping Xia Yan to build the Master Tower, leaving everything else behind, and even his girlfriend has no intention of looking for it.

"Xiaotian will be okay?" Liu Xueer sat in Xia Yan's car and turned to ask.

"It's okay, it's a happy thing to be able to devote all your body and mind. Xiaotian wants to do it, I will do it for him. That's enough." Xia Yan said.

"Master, I will sing you the bloodthirsty curse again, you listen to me singing right!" Xiao Jun said in the back seat at this time.

"Okay, let's get started." Xia Yan said.

Little Loli's crisp voice rang in the car, and soon, Xia Yan opened her mouth in surprise.

Yesterday Xiao Jun was stumbling, unable to sing smoothly to complete this simple magic, but today, her singing has become very smooth, only stumbled once in the middle, and other places have completed it very standard.

"Exactly fifteen seconds!" At the same time as the singing ended, Liu Xueer pressed the stop button of the stopwatch on the phone and said this time.

"80% completion!" Xia Yan made an evaluation.

"Master, you said ..." Xiao Jun exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, Xiaojun, as long as the singing completion rate reaches 70%, within 15 seconds, you can use magic, but is Master's request like this?" Xia Yan's voice tightened.

"Master requested 90% completion of singing, within ten seconds!" Xiao Jun's voice lowered.

"It's good to know. You have another day to continue practicing." Xia Yan said with a straight face.

"Yes, Master!" Little Lori's eyes were red, but she didn't cry, but her small face clenched her fists firmly.

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