Dragon Hermit

Chapter 598: Wonderful night at the museum

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"What happened, so heavy yin?" In the woods on the other side of the exhibition hall, both Tie Hu and Yuan Tianfeng's faces were shocked.

"Captain, have you heard any voices?" Yuan Tianfeng listened with a close ear and asked suspiciously.

"I heard it. It is a spirit flute. I have seen this kind of thing in Eastern Europe!" Tiehu nodded.

"Won't Xiaojun do it?" Yuan Tianfeng looked weird.

"It's Xiaojun." Tiehu smiled bitterly. "Her spirit flute is blowing in her mouth!"

"Xia Yan actually gave her such a thing? Xiao Jun is just a child!" Yuan Tianfeng was slightly dissatisfied.

"Xiao Jun is not an ordinary child." Tie Hu was unmoved, and said, "Xiao Jun will be alone tonight, shouldn't Xia Yan arrange the task for her?"

"It's hard to say, this kid Xia Yan has always been brave." Yuan Tianfeng smiled bitterly.

Suddenly, the two of them opened their eyes and looked at the exhibition hall at the same time. In their eyes, a group of looming white shadows emerged from the exhibition hall through the wall. tqR1

"Mammoths, savages, wolves, wild boars ... these ..." Yuan Tianfeng looked at this scene in surprise and couldn't believe it.

"It is Yin Qi, Xiao Jun summoned the Yin Qi on the remains of ancient creatures in the exhibition hall!" Tiehudao.

"It's all formed yin. If they lose control, Rongdu will be lively tonight!" Yuan Tianfeng thought of a serious consequence and his face suddenly changed.

"There will be a lot of frail people who get sick, and many people with their own yin qi will meet ghosts. If there are evil spirits in these yin qi, more serious incidents will happen!" Tie Hu's face is also not good-looking.

"Captain, what shall we do?" Yuan Tianfeng looked at Tiehu.

"If Xiao Jun can't control it, I will shoot." Tiehu said.

"Is Xiaojun risky?" Yuan Tianfeng asked worriedly.

"Look, although Xia Yan is young, but not too rash, should not let Xiao Jun accomplish things beyond his control." Tie Hu said.

"If I call a few more people, or call Xia Yan's kid, Xiao Jun is now his apprentice, this kid can't stay out of the matter!" Yuan Tianfeng said.

"His phone is not so easy to get through." Tiehu said.

"Also!" Yuan Tianfeng was stunned and scolded: "This kid's phone will not be able to get through very long, I don't know what use he has with his mobile phone!"

In the meantime, both of them suddenly changed their faces and looked at their feet.

"Is there an earthquake?" Yuan Tianfeng wondered. Rongdu is located on the edge of a certain seismic zone, and there will be a little vibration from time to time, but the shock just now was not like an earthquake, and both of them suddenly felt palpitations.

"No!" Tiehu stared at the ground with a serious face: "There is something in the ground that has been awakened!"

"Awake by the sound of Xiao Jun's flute? What is it that actually makes the ground vibrate?" Yuan Tianfeng was more and more surprised.

"I'm afraid that something is going to happen tonight, Tianfeng, and immediately notify the others, as long as they are in Rongdu, they all rushed over and let them bring equipment to deal with the evil spirits!" Tiehu sank in a heart and ordered .

"Yes, Captain!" Yuan Tianfeng did not dare to neglect and immediately connected the communication of the sanitation group base.

Tiehu tried to call Xia Yan's phone, and it didn't connect. He could not help but scolded "Smelly Boy" with a sullen face, and then dialed another number.

In the mage tower, Hou Xiaotian ’s cell phone rang. He picked it up and immediately screamed in surprise; “Tiehu, how does he know my number? Well, it ’s not surprising that the sanitation team knows my number, but he What are you doing with me, wouldn't you want to counter me? I can't agree ... "

Thinking, he answered the phone: "Hey!"

"Sky rage, is the lich there?" Without any greetings, Tiehu asked in a hurry.

"Captain Iron, he is not here." Hou Xiaotian froze for a few seconds before adapting to Tiehu's direct style.

"Can you contact him?" Tiehu asked.

"His mobile phone doesn't work again?" Hou Xiaotian had long been dissatisfied with Xia Yan's problem. He operated the device a few times, and the tracking device installed on the lich's uniform also had no signal. He was no doubt lost to Xia Yan Into the space ring.

"Captain Iron, I can't reach him. What happened?" Hou Xiaotian asked.

"Even if he's not there, you can't help." Tiehu hung up the phone.

Hou Xiaotian thought about it suspiciously, quickly connected to the Sky Eye system, and began to look at cameras around the city. However, Rong is so big, with many people and many cars, and he has no definite goal. It is so easy to find abnormal conditions.

"No, what about Xiao Jun?" Looking for it, Hou Xiaotian was suddenly agitated, Xiao Jun went out with Xia Yan, and now neither of them came back.

Xia Yan's lich uniform can't be tracked, it should be put back into the space ring by him, but what about Xiao Jun? The mentor and apprentice will not change back to the status of ordinary people. Wandering around the streets in the middle of the night?

Hou Xiaotian rushed through the operation for a while, tracking Little Loli, and soon the result came out.

"What is Xiao Jun doing at the Sands Museum?" He was stunned. He quickly tuned out all the cameras around the Sands Museum for a closer look, but there was no gain. He didn't hesitate to hack into the security system of the museum and looked at the monitoring, but Xiao Jun hid in the woods, found nothing, and the camera couldn't show the dense anger in the museum.

"Nobody? No, look carefully again, Xiao Jun's signal is there, she must be hiding in the woods!" Hou Xiaotian continued to check, when he glanced at another monitoring screen, seven or eight cars parked The more remote North Gate of the Sands Museum. A group of people got off the car and opened the door to enter the museum park.

"Is something really wrong?" Hou Xiaotian's spirit was up, and he wanted to continue monitoring. Who knows that some people in this group raised their hands, and the monitoring screen suddenly turned into a snowflake.

"I rely on, so strong interference, shit, what should I do?" Hou Xiaotian was anxious. He anxiously scratched his head, and finally picked up the phone to call Liu Xueer.

"Xiaotian, what happened?" Xiao Jun did not return, and Liu Xueer did not hear that Xia Yan would not return at night. She was still waiting, not asleep. At this time, she received a call from Hou Xiaotian, Make her feel a little uneasy.

"Sister Xueer, is Xia Yan there with you?" Hou Xiaotian asked.

"No, what happened?" Liu Xueer asked in a hurry, feeling more and more disturbed.

"No, no, I just asked!" Hou Xiaotian was also a little flustered, and it was no use telling Liu Xueer the matter. He subconsciously wanted to hide it.

But Liu Xueer is so easy to fool, quickly asked: "Xiaotian, don't lie to me, what the hell, tell me!"

"Okay ..." Hou Xiaotian had no choice but to tell the situation again. Liu Xueer also panicked, and quickly got dressed to go out: "Xiaotian, I will go to the Sands Museum immediately!"

"Sister Xue'er, don't go ... Hey!" Hou Xiaotian held the phone, and his face was intertwined, Xia Yan, don't you have a problem!

Hou Xiaotian also drove to the Sands Museum without impulse. He continued to sit in front of the computer, tried to contact Xia Yan and Xiao Jun, and controlled the cameras around the museum, paying attention to any new situations that might occur.

The little loli in the woods did not know that she had made a big noise. She watched with excitement as a large number of ghost soldiers and monsters flew out of the exhibition hall, planning which one to be their baby.

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