Dragon Hermit

Chapter 605: Overweight VIP lineup

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Eight days later, the Rongdu Sports Center was full of people. The square outside the stadium was full of people, and everyone was talking loudly in excitement, because the other party could not hear it at all.

Many people held up the sign of "high-priced ticket" and squeezed in the crowd, hoping that someone could sell a ticket to themselves.

"Do you want a ticket?" A scalper found a young man holding a sign.

"Yes!" The sweaty young man's eyes lit up immediately, "How much?"

"Third ticket, two thousand." Huang Niu said.

"Two thousand?" The young man exclaimed. "Aren't third-class tickets only cost eighty?"

"Then you spend 80 to buy it?" Huang Niu sneered. "Shall we? If not, some people want to watch the Lich's live broadcast up close."

"The third-class ticket requires a telescope to see the lich!" The young man vomited, but he still paid for it with pain, "Give me one, I bought it!"

Two thousand is two thousand. Although this is a half-month salary, in order to "close-up" see how the lich shows the limits of humanity, it is totally worth eating a month of instant noodles, with a little money left in your pocket, you can buy a telescope ...

Similar scenes are staged everywhere in the square. Today is definitely a feast of scalpers. The worst-placed third-class tickets can be sold for two thousand. This is still the price of conscience. Some disgusting scalpers dare to sell for three thousand, still In short supply. As for the higher second-level ticket and first-level ticket, it goes without saying that after completing today's trading, one year of money can be earned back.

In the stadium, Sihe TV station has made the final preparations before the live broadcast. This time, Sihe TV station, which has always been a small family, has a very generous shot. All the equipment is the best. Every corner of the stadium is equipped with seats. The most critical places are even expensive high-speed cameras.

There were also some decorations in the arena, and even a weight-lifting platform with a lot of barbells stacked on it. The runway has been completely renovated, and it has obviously been carefully maintained. The sand pit is covered with clean and smooth sand. The high jump venue is also arranged. In addition, there are various sports equipment such as shot put, javelin and so on.

This is not like an ordinary variety show, but like a sports meeting, but there is only one athlete participating.

Director Zhang Xiaolong looked at his watch anxiously, half an hour before the start of the live broadcast, the stadium that can accommodate 30,000 people was already full, but the protagonist had not yet appeared. Although the lich had previously sent a private letter saying that he would definitely arrive on time, he still felt uneasy, what if?

"How are the guests?" Zhang Xiaolong asked the assistant.

"Guests have arrived and are applying makeup."

"What about experts?" Zhang Xiaolong asked again.

"The experts are ready." The assistant said.

Four Rivers TV invited several experts to explain, including experts in sports science, as well as professors in the Institute of Physical Education, the biggest card is an academician of genetic research.

The academician had never participated in any TV program, but after learning that he could get a close look at the lich's body data, he immediately agreed.

And this live broadcast also attracted a lot of celebrities from all over the world. The three levels of tickets are all in the stadium stands, but there are many VIP seats located in the stadium, which is different from the ordinary auditorium.

He Peng entered the stadium with a third-class ticket bought for two thousand dollars, struggling to squeeze through the crowd and find his place. Although he was mentally prepared, he was still disturbed by the seat in the worst position on the mountain. Fortunately, I bought a telescope, otherwise it would be impossible to see any details. tqR1

Since it was the last row, he didn't have to worry about the feelings of the audience behind him. He stood directly and raised his binoculars to look into the field.

He first looked at the center of the stadium, but unfortunately did not see the figure of the lich, nor did he see the four guests. Then he turned his gaze to the VIP seat and immediately exclaimed "Wow".

"All stars!" He began to count these big stars one by one, these stars come from various fields.

The first thing I saw was a group of super rich people with extremely high exposure, including several big names in the domestic Internet field, all three of BAT were there, and a few selling mobile phones. In addition, the national husband and his father Also came. These symbols chatted with a smile on their faces. Of course, their dialogue may not be harmonious, but it seems to be harmonious.

"The charm of the lich is too great, and even these big figures are alarmed!" He Peng sighed and continued to move his gaze.

"These are Hollywood stars, and everyone's pay is over 20 million!"

"The super director is also here, is that a truck driver? There is Stephen, selling copies ... I wonder if they will change the story of the lich into a movie? If it is adapted, it will definitely be a super investment of hundreds of millions. Blockbuster! "

There are also a lot of domestic big stars, but compared with these Hollywood stars and big directors, their aura is much weaker.

Then He Peng saw another vote of sports stars, including the world champion who had just been released in the Olympics, such as the fastest man in human history, and the flying fish that had won many gold swimming medals. He Peng, who likes all kinds of sports, also recognized other sports stars.

Heavyweight champion, MMA champion, NBA little emperor, world ball king ... Superstars in various sports fields gather, and the stars are shining, which makes people almost dazzled.

"Who is the seat in the front row?" He Peng found that there was a row of seats in front of the seats of these heavyweight VIPs.

At this moment, there was a commotion in the audience at the entrance of the stadium. He Peng quickly looked over and took a breath. The person who walked in now was too familiar with him, and often saw his face a few minutes before the 19 o'clock news. The big man was followed by several alert bodyguards, guarding him in the center.

Behind this big man, there are several big men who also show up in the news, including a general.

Thunderous applause suddenly sounded, and 30,000 people cheered. These big figures waved to the audience and were affable.

The leaders of Sihe TV station had already greeted them. The former big man shook hands with them and encouraged them to let Zhang Xiaolong's legs feel a little soft when he returned to work. The bald-headed director was rightly beside the big men, explaining to them. He now feels that his decision is extremely wise. After today, his career will be smooth sailing!

But this is not the end, and then the admission is also a big man known all over the world, the tough president from the northern neighbor.

Then came a vice-president from the United States, several European prime ministers and prime ministers, and Haidong, who was under tension due to the maritime dispute and Huaxia. Their prime minister did not come, but the female president of Nanyu also came.

Even Beiyu ’s post-80s little sun appeared in the stadium. There are only two people between his seat and Nanyu ’s female president. This is definitely the first time in history ...

He Peng has been stunned by these VIPs who are enough to dominate the fate of the earth. He now suddenly finds that Lich ’s first TV show is so important!

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