Dragon Hermit

Chapter 61: Pick a wife

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Chapter 61—Choose a Wife

"Master Uncle!" Xia Yan interrupted him quickly, and said with a wry smile, "You can still call me by my name, or Xiao Yan, don't call it the master, otherwise I would not dare to come to you! "

"Haha, okay!" Yao Shigu laughed a few times and seemed very happy. Then he turned his head and called Yao Ting, "Xiao Ting, come and call Uncle Shi!"

"I don't ..." Yao Ting blushed, Xia Yan was obviously younger than her. How could the word "uncle" be called out.

"Sister Uncle, my sister Ting and I are of the same age, don't you have to depend on your seniority?" Xia Yan also said quickly.

"This ..." Yao Shigu hesitated, and finally said, "It's okay to call it privately, but important occasions must be based on seniority, otherwise it will spread, and others will laugh at us!"

"Good!" Xia Yan and Yao Ting glanced, and both nodded in agreement.

"Xiao Yan, we once again have a new leader, and I plan to hold a formal ceremony to let everyone know you!" The three sat down and Yao Shigu said again.

"Uncle, don't do it!" Xia Yan said quickly.

"How can this be done!" Yao Shigu anxiously said, "For so many years, I have always hoped that we can raise our eyebrows once again in one stroke. Since you appear, of course, you must do it well, otherwise others will think that our stroke has fallen!

"Uncle, I haven't learned my craft yet ..." Xia Yan quickly waved his hand. When the head of the team had exceeded his expectations, he had never considered this kind of high-profile operation. He hadn't considered it at all. His character does not match.

"Nonsense!" Yao Shigu glared and said anxiously: "With your downhill tiger, few people dare to say that they are stronger than you. Your craft can fully meet the standards of the master. Who dares to defame you? If the craftsmanship is not at home, the old man should look out for him! "

"Uncle, I'm still a student!" Xia Yan said quickly.

"What's wrong with the student, you haven't let you drop out!" Yao Shigu said urgently.

"My Master didn't come!" Xia Yan thought of another reason.

"It makes sense!" Yao Shigu nodded and twisted his beard. "Well, now I'll talk to your master. Call me for him!"

Despite the fact that Yao Shigu tried to calm his tone, Xia Yan heard the excitement in his words.

Is Uncle's real purpose to talk to Master?

Xia Yan was suspicious in his heart. He always believed that there was a reason why Master had not been with Master for so many years, but since the words had already been said here, he had no reason not to talk to the two old men.

"Uncle Li, my Xia Yan ... It's good. Could you please call Master to answer the phone, thank you!" Xia Yan dialed the phone of the ministry and pressed the speakerphone.

"Brother don't even need a cell phone?" Yao Shigu asked in surprise.

"Yeah, Master said he didn't need it." Xia Yan said.

"No wonder Brother's achievements far surpassed me. He was devoting himself to sculpting together, and I still did not stand up to it!" Yao Shigu sighed.

Soon, Han Yidao's old and calm voice came from the phone: "Xiao Yan, what's the matter? Didn't you just make a call yesterday, don't you need money for long distance?"

"Hey, Master, the package I use, hundreds of minutes of talk time per month, it's not cheap to move!" Xia Yan said with a hippy smile.

"Less nonsense, have something to talk about!" Han said impatiently.

"I'm here now, Master, do you want to say a few words to him?" Xia Yan quickly went to the subject, and when he asked this sentence, he heard Yao Shigu breathe heavily.

"..." Han Yidao was silent, and Yao Shigu, Yao Ting and Xia Yan did not dare to say anything. After a while, Han Yidao finally said: "Don't say it, if he cut the other half of the knife If you give it to you, you can decide what to do if you do n’t have to ask me! If he does n’t give it, then you can turn around and leave without having to be a teacher! "

"Here it is!" Xia Yan said quickly. He saw Yao Shigu's face changed and his hands were trembling slightly. He was really cruel, and he didn't know what entanglement between their brothers and sisters. Is it The love triangle of dog blood?

"Just give it, did you tell him to prepare to pick a granddaughter as his wife ..." Han Yidao continued.

Xia Yan hung up the phone decisively, his face flushed instantly.

Yao Shigu showed a shocked expression on his face and smiled immediately.

And Yao Ting was shocked, almost as red as Xia Yan.

Master, you definitely did it on purpose? Xia Yan smiled bitterly in his heart. This old man really spared no effort to find a wife for his apprentice. Any tricks can be used!

"Cough! Master still loves joking so much ... He is really joking, don't take it seriously!" Xia Yan was helpless and tried to explain.

"Hehe!" Yao Shigu smiled without a word.

"Master Han is really ..." Yao Ting lowered his head, his face flushed.

"Right, Uncle, that downhill tiger is a gift I gave you!" At this time, besides digressing, Xia Yan didn't know what to do.

"Xiao Yan, your sword skills are already far above me. Although this downhill tiger is only carved with jujube wood, if you take it out, you can easily pay 100,000!" Yao Shigu held the downhill tiger. Love it.

"Hundreds of thousands?" Xia Yan was surprised. In addition to teaching art, Master didn't say much about the carving world. Usually, a chapter is only dozens of dollars. Although the last two requiem charms cost a million dollars, it was because of the magic of the undead. Only this downhill tiger can represent the true value of his one-handed craftsmanship.

"Xiao Yan, if you have the reputation of being a senior brother, there are more than 100,000 downhill tigers. One million is also easy. This is because of the general materials. If you use Huanghuali, sandalwood, Tianhuangshi or super jadeite Come to sculpt, it is not surprising that the value is tens of millions or even hundreds of millions! "Yao Shigu sighed.

"Master's craft is so valuable? Why is he so poor now?" Xia Yan was stunned by astronomical figures. With such a skill, how could Master always live in a 50-square-meter cabin without even a decent furniture at home?

"So Xiao Yan, if you spread the news that you have become the leader of the knife, fame is no longer a problem.

Chapter 61—Choose a Wife

, The value of your work will not be much lower than that of Brother! "Since seeing Xia Yan's heart, Yao Shigu continued to persuade him."

"Uncle Shi, forget it. I can't use that much money. I'm just a student!" Xia Yan didn't even think about it, and still rejected Yao Shigu's proposal. He was just shocked, but it did not make him change his attitude towards life.

Yao Shigu persuaded him a few more times, and seeing that Xia Yan remained unmoved, she had to give up the idea temporarily. But he thought of another thing in a blink of an eye and asked with a smile: "Xiao Ting, what do you think of Xiao Yan?"


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