Dragon Hermit

Chapter 615: I want to make a big move

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Burst Atom was once a physicist named Johnson, working in a laboratory controlled by the Demon Society. He was not originally a member of the Devil Society, but was brainwashed a year after entering the laboratory.

After he was successfully brainwashed by the demon, he was exposed to the most cutting-edge research projects in the laboratory. He was surprised to find that the technological level of the organization turned out to be almost the level of black technology. From then on, he was like a fish, and he was obsessed with turning the most cutting-edge theory into applicable results.

He even participated in the project to improve Devil's Wings and played an extremely important role in it.

It was not until later that an unexpected explosion from the accelerator collision experiment caused the demon to lose many scientists in contact, and Johnson was initially thought to have died, and even the remains of the bomb were not found. But this is not the case. Johnson not only did not die in the explosion, but activated the S gene, and had a wonderful fusion with high-energy particles, gaining a magical ability.

He can shrink his body to the point that humans can't see clearly, which is almost the same as stealth, and he can also change the microstructure of certain substances to form something new. Just like the cuboid suspended in the air, it is a perfect invisible air “mine”, which can even cause the hidden bones to be hit hard.

After gaining this ability, Johnson became an important figure in the Devil Society. He has completed countless important tasks. With his ability, he has never missed any task.

Johnson's code name in the Devil's Club was "Burst Atom". Later, this name was learned by other organizations, and the Burst Atom became famous. The Super Bureau of Investigation once worked hard to catch Johnson, but every attempt failed high school. It was not so easy to catch a miniature soldier.

The forces of the Demon Club rarely set foot in China, and burst atoms have never been recorded in China, but today, under the watch of billions of people around the world, he launched a sensational sniper killing.

You know, Rongdu Sports Center sits in a row of big men, even if the target of the bursting atom is not them, but since the shots in front of these big men will undoubtedly anger the country they represent, this account will be recorded in the Devil On the head.

Although the Demon Club is huge, it has never done such a high-profile thing, and has never confronted any major power head-on. Now that they are uncharacteristically, what exactly do they represent?

"Will the burst atom and the devil turn their faces, and he is suspected of doing so?" Xia Yan asked Tiehu.

"It is possible, but I think they are going to kill you in front of the whole world, even if you are not dead, they will be reduced from superheroes to laughter." Tiehu said.

"They hate me so much, they must kill me with their mad pull?" Xia Yan puzzled.

"What do you say?" Tiehu asked back. "You robbed them of two vaults, killed dozens of people, and destroyed the big scene of tens of thousands of live sacrifices, preventing them from opening the gates of hell. For me, Also try every means to kill you! "

"What are your plans?" Xia Yan asked.

"It was you who were assassinated. How can I ask what I plan to do?" Tiehudao said.

"You still think about it." Xia Yan said. Just kidding, shooting in front of the elders, if China hasn't fought back, the face will be lost internationally. To deal with the ability, of course, the sanitation team must be the shot.

Tiehu clearly knew this too, just made a joke just now. He shook his head: "This time the devil will face more than us. The agent president in the north has always been tough, and the demon will provoke him. Seven, the KGB special team will make the demon regret it."

"In addition, there are European knights who will not tolerate demons doing this. Their strength is not much worse than our sanitation team." Tiehu continued.

"Don't the devil think of such consequences, why should they do it?" Xia Yan said doubtfully. "I don't think they might care about harassing the whole world. They can make them so confident. Is it ..."

He remembered something and didn't go on, but he had set off a huge wave in his heart.

"Are they confident in opening the permanent door to hell? Or, they have opened the door to permanent hell, so there is no fear, so they are so unscrupulous?" Tiehu also thought.

"Hopefully we guessed wrong, otherwise the whole world will be in big trouble!" Xia Yan smiled bitterly.

"Whether it's a personal act of bursting atoms, or a demon's provocation, all I have to do now is counterattack!" After dispelling many speculations that were impossible to answer, Xia Yan put down her face shield and returned to coldness again Lich image.

"Captain Iron, how can we find the trail of the bursting atom, the sanitation team should have a way?" After putting down the armor, Xia Yan seemed to be a different person. The cold bass made Tiehu tremble slightly.

"The burst atom can't keep shrinking for a long time, otherwise it will definitely cause permanent damage to his body, and there must be a continuous interval between his two shrinking. This is our opportunity." Tiehu said.

"Give me a picture of Johnson," Xia Yan said. tqR1

"It ’s useless. He had a face-lift. It was an operation performed by the Demon Society ’s psychic doctor. Later, the doctor and his assistant all died in a car accident. Now. "

"In other words, I can't revenge?" Xia Yan felt very unhappy.

"No, you are the most likely person in the world to find burst atoms." Tiehudao.

"You mean let me be the bait and lead this little ant out?" Xia Yan asked.

"By the way, the burst atom will not be hiding next to us now. Hearing the plan, he might laugh at us!" Xia Yan said again.

"Relax, he's not here." Tiehu shook his head. "The strong magnetic field proved to be a threat to the burst atoms, and he couldn't keep it down in the strong magnetic field."

"That's good." The hair on Xia Yan's body has long been erected. Tiehu said that this is a strong magnetic field, and it doesn't seem like a big deal.

"A person who has never failed, and today you have failed to kill you. He will definitely not be reconciled. As long as he has patience, he will wait until he shoots again." Tiehu continued.

"I don't like to wait for him to do so passively. I will find him first and then shut him in the bottle!" Xia Yan said.

"What are you going to do?" Tiehu suddenly had a bad hunch.

"I'm going to make a big move." Xia Yan said.

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