Dragon Hermit

Chapter 618: Eye of the Undead

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All the people shrouded in blue light felt a itchy body, and the hair on their arms stood up, as if the air was full of static electricity.

Then everyone felt as if something opened their eyes as if by their side, sweeping the crowd over and over again. This kind of feeling is creepy, but it ’s like people do n’t feel too scared when watching more horror movies. People are all around, so they do n’t feel anything. Many people are curious about this feeling. The effect of demon magic?

Ordinary people will naturally not see that they have really opened a pair of "eyes" around them. This is the evolution of the undead elements.

Johnson saw that he was a psychic, and had the ability to integrate into the microcosm, and was extremely sensitive to changes in energy. In his eyes, there was some unknown energy around him that was gathered together in a certain pattern. These energies emit probe waves outward, looking for something.

As for what to look for, don't think about it, Johnson also knows. But he is not in a hurry. Any search requires clues, but he did not show up when he sniffed the lich. No matter how great the lich is, he ca n’t know what he looks like, so this energy detection has no effect .

Unless the lich knows what he looks like, this is impossible. His current identity can only be known by the devil knows a few top levels, and they can never reveal the news.

Besides, even if the lich has the ability to find himself, then what? Burst atoms are not so easy to deal with. Even if they are under siege, they have no problem trying to escape. Johnson is very confident about this.

Johnson continued to look up as if the "eyes" around him did not exist.

Then he saw a blue light wrap the deformed bullet suspended in front of the lich, and turned into an eye again. The bullet was the pupil in the eye.

This eye does not seem to have any feelings, and it swept coldly towards the ground. As it turned, countless "eyes" on the ground also moved synchronously, and the scene was very strange. Of course, this kind of situation is invisible to ordinary people, otherwise it will definitely cause great confusion.

"It turns out that this is the big move he said!" Tiehu shook his head bitterly on a helicopter. He could naturally see the dense "eyes", and even he felt scalp numbness for this sight.

Although ordinary people cannot see these "eyes", they can clearly feel that the "eyes" are turning, so they also subconsciously turn their heads with these eyes, as if they are manipulated puppets, which seem to make the iron tiger more And Yuan Tianfeng felt strange.

"This kid's method makes people feel hairy!" On the top of a building, the colorless Lao Dao and Yuan Tianlin stood side by side, both of them had surprised colors on their faces. They knew that Xia Yan would move, but they didn't expect the action Big.

Johnson felt uncomfortable, because the eyes and the eyes of the crowd looked in his direction, and finally all focused on him. At this moment, he really became the focus of attention. If it is a superstar or a global idol, it would be normal to be so eye-catching, and the parties will also enjoy this kind of gaze. But for an assassin hidden in the dark, this is the disaster of extinction.

"It's that bullet!" Johnson understood that the bullet he used to snipe the lich was actually used by the lich to track himself back. But he didn't know how Lich did it.

You know, even if you have your fingerprint on the bullet, any traces will disappear during the high-speed friction of the discharge. It is impossible to leave any information on it, but the lich did it, which is incredible.

"Hey, there is a foreigner there, no, what do I think he is doing?" And at this time, people who were temporarily affected by "eyes" also reacted one after another. They were not interested in Johnson at all, and turned their eyes away. This "high-profile" process only lasted just one second, but it was enough.

"It's him!" Xia Yan's eyes locked on Johnson tightly.

The deformed bullet did not leave any clues that can be detected by the instrument, but there is a faint residue of undead elements on it. Other people naturally cannot use this information to track users, but for Xia Yan, it is Yes.

Using the magic of the eyes of the undead, and with the help of the remaining undead elements on the bullet, Xia Yan looked at Johnson's position.

And such an obvious scene will naturally not be overlooked by other concerned people. Tiehu's eyes locked on Johnson in an instant, and coldly ordered: "Action!"

"It's time we played!" The colorless old man said to Yuan Tianlin.

"Well." Yuan Tianlin nodded, and sparks flashed in his eyes. tqR1

The bursty shot of Atom at Rongdu Stadium is a provocation to the whole of China, and it also made Rongdu ’s supernatural abilities feel humiliated. But this is their place. How can one foreign destroyer do whatever he wants?

Therefore, all the supernatural abilities of Rongdu, as long as they are known, have been connected in series, to find the burst atom together, and catch him, if not, kill him.

From now on, Johnson has fallen into a lot of siege.

Of course, for a supernatural person who can be narrowed to the naked eye, it is not easy for anyone to catch him, but no one will give up.

"Oops!" Johnson naturally knew his situation. He could already notice that he didn't know how much hostile eyes were watching him.

"They won't do it now!" Johnson also understands this very well. This is the most famous tourist spot in Rongcheng. The population density is extremely high, and no one can afford the consequences of doing it here. They can only lock themselves and then look for opportunities.

Want to lock me? Ha ha……

A ridiculous smile appeared in the corner of Johnson's mouth, no one can lock me!

But at the next moment, his smile froze. Although people's eyes were removed from him, the "eyes" composed of energy still stared at him closely. Suddenly, a very tiny amount of energy came out of these eyes. Before he could react, there were already hundreds of such energy hitting him tightly.

"Oops!" Johnson finally changed his face. The next moment, his body quickly became smaller and disappeared from the crowd in a blink of an eye. Only a set of shirts, trousers and leather shoes remained on the ground.

"Wow!" Some people nearby saw this scene exclaimed, letting others look at it inexplicably.

As Johnson disappeared, the energy from the other eyes fell through. However, Xia Yan was satisfied. Although he couldn't see Johnson in his eyes, he could clearly grasp the trace of the other party. The hundreds of energies had left a mark on the burst atom, and he could not escape tracking.

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