Dragon Hermit

Chapter 642: He is a necromancer!

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"Xia, I belong here and belong to this world, but you can rest assured that I will always be a human on earth. The next time you come again, someone in this world will receive you, ha ha ha!" John laughed and waved to Xia Yan and turned Running into a path, disappeared.

"Go!" Xia Yan summoned the bone dragon, and Salina jumped onto the dragon's back. The two rose into the air, and they had to accelerate away from this very unfriendly city.

Several figures have come to the edge of the city, they did not slow down, and came straight to the light film. Obviously, this layer of light film will not stop them. Like John, they must have been recognized by the light film and can walk freely. .

Xia Yan is not worried about being overtaken. Bone Dragon can fly out of the high speed of Mach 3. If you can't get rid of the chase, you can still hold Salina and fly at a super high speed of Mach 5.

As for John, Xia Yan decided that regardless of this self-assertion, there was no team spirit guy at all.

The two pairs of wings flapped and they could quickly accelerate to supersonic speed, but at this moment, the loud chirping sound dropped from the sky. The group of red birds that shattered the UAV just now did not know when they had occupied the upper-air advantage. They swooped down one after another, like a javelin that fell from the sky.

Seeing the long, pointed beak, Xia Yan doubted that the bird could easily tie itself across. He didn't have much time to think about it, and he quickly dodged. Two red birds rubbed his body and shot towards the ground. Then he spread his wings and flew at the moment when he was about to touch the ground.

On the other side, Bone Dragon also avoided the impact of two red birds, but was stabbed **** the spine by the third bird, making a crisp impact sound. Fortunately, Bone Dragon's bone density was amazing and not damaged. Salina was not injured either. However, this time the impact force was extremely great, the bone dragon's body fell down fiercely, and the speed dropped suddenly.

And the red bird was bounced away from a distance, but did not fall to the ground, and flew its wings again. I don't know how hard a skull and beak can withstand this level of impact.

The bone dragon slowed down. Under the impact of the red bird falling from the sky, it was impossible to speed up again.

landing! tqR1

Xia Yan made the right decision immediately, and he and Bone Dragon landed on the ground one after another. The swooping red birds spread their wings at a height of only a few meters from the ground. Although their bodies are sturdy, they dare not directly hit the ground, otherwise, if their long mouths cannot be pulled into the soil, it will become a tragedy.

Red birds hovered in the sky. With them there, Xia Yan and Bone Dragon became extremely difficult to forcefully take off.

Stopped by the Red Bird, the figures behind him caught up.

There are five fastest chasers, two of which are races Xia Yan knows. One is a handsome elf riding a unicorn white horse, and the other is the dwarf riding a giant wolf, both of which are races of the apocalyptic continent.

The other three are creatures that Xia Yan has never seen before. They are weird and terrible.

The five chasers stopped ten meters before Xia Yan. One of the creatures, which looked like a locust, opened his mouth and shouted something, but Xia Yan couldn't understand a word.

Then, the dwarf carrying a sledgehammer spoke on the back of the giant wolf. His voice was very rough, and he was not speaking any language on the earth, but Xia Yan understood it because he was talking about the apocalyptic continent Language.

"Outsiders, you are alarmed by the moon, obediently grab your hands, and wait for the devil master to rule, and if you want to escape, we will kill you."

Moon screen? A move in Xia Yan's heart, this should be the name of the layer of light film, and the devil ... Is it the **** demon?

"Dwarf of the Apocalypse Continent, why are you in the Devil Realm?" Xia Yan said while taking out two Desert Eagles from the Space Ring and carrying them in their hands. And Salina on the side was already holding her pistol, and was waiting for her.

"You are also from the Apocalypse Continent?" The dwarf and the elf were startled when they heard the familiar language, but then the dwarf said again: "No matter where you come from, as long as the moon is shocked, you are already a sinner and you cannot escape!"

"& # ¥ @ & *" Another pair of weird creatures vibrated two pairs of tiny wings behind them, making the same voice as if they were speaking loudly.

The face of the dwarf and the elf became ugly. The dwarf removed the sledgehammer, and the elf's hand touched the long bow behind him.

Xia Yan did not hesitate to raise his hand to shoot, and Salina fired at almost the same time. The broken demon bullet with a light hit the body of the strange creature like a locust. The green blood splashed out and the creature screamed.

However, his body was terribly tough. The bullet shot by Sha Ying broke through the hard scales and rubber-like skin on his body. He was stuck in the muscles. Although he bleeds, he did not suffer too much damage.

Salina's bullets poured on the elf, but the elf had taken off her longbow and waved quickly, and the sound of "ding jingle" continued, and all the bullets were blocked by his longbow. He had a phantom fast, and the longbow was not interrupted.

The dwarf roared angrily, driving the giant wolf, waving a heavy sledgehammer, and rushed towards Xia Yan.

The other two outsiders quickly spread out and rushed from different directions. One of the fastest creatures rushed to the bone dragon without knowing it.

At the next moment, his body was like a ruined rag doll, flying backwards at a faster speed, landing heavily, and no longer move after tumbling more than ten times.

It was the front claw of the bone dragon that flew him. On this claw, the phantom of the devil's arm loomed.

At the next moment, the dwarf rushing to Xia Yan was also shot by the bone dragon, but his body was much stronger and he climbed up again, but his face was full of surprise.

"Wow!" A wooden arrow shot at Xia Yan. The elf didn't rush forward, but quickly backed away by tens of meters. The hand shot the arrow and took Xia Yan's chest straight.

Xia Yan did not evade. Two bone shields appeared in front of him one after another, blocking the wooden arrows, and then turned into countless light spots.

"Bone Shield!" The elf exclaimed in the apocalyptic mainland language.

"And the undead creature!" The dwarf was full of blood, and there was horror in the cry.

"He is the Necromancer!" The word Necromancer shouted out of the elves and dwarves in unison, and they were confident enough that they were already facing the enemy.

"Are you ready to fight the Necromancer?" Cain's remains appeared in front of Xia Yan, and the two most powerful undead creatures flashed blue flames in their eyes, as if glancing at the remaining four dare to offend Brave of the Necromancer.

"No! What a powerful undead creature!" The dwarves and elves yelled in horror, turned around and fled, but no matter how quickly the unicorn white horse and the giant wolf passed Cain's bones and bone dragons. The two undead creatures slammed on the ground, with a speed that was barely visible to the naked eye, and instantly caught up with the two unlucky guys. Obviously, they are not as powerful as the monsters in the wasteland, and they are even too far away from the **** devil dogs. They misjudged the strength of their opponents and caught up all the way, but they just sent themselves into the ghost gate.

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