Dragon Hermit

Chapter 666: Charles Manor

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"There is also a lich. When the country is the back garden, do you want to leave whenever you want?" Compared to the blood, Evans hated the lich more. The nephew was killed by the lich, which made him lose his ordinary mind when dealing with problems related to lich.

"What's the Lich doing in New York?" After calming down, Commissioner Evans was lost in thought. Ace is only a trivial little blood family, and he is very careful, has not rashly displayed supernatural abilities, and has not attracted the attention of agents of the Superpower Investigation Bureau.

"The blood race chased him, indicating that the purpose of the lich to come to New York may be related to the blood family. As long as we monitor the blood family, it is possible to find the lich." Diana said.

"Just do it. If the blood tribe comes into contact with the lich again, I will get the news as soon as possible!" Director Evans clicked on the hologram in front of him: "The most important thing now is to find Jin's squad. come back!"

Back in the basement of Kerry's bar, Ace immediately knelt in front of Xia Yan on one knee: "Thank you master for saving me!"

"Get up, you are my people, I will not leave you alone." Xia Yan said.

"Yes, master!" Ace stood up and stood aside.

"Where did the four of them get caught, do you know?" Xia Yan asked.

"The orders given by Duke Charles personally are likely to be brought before Duke Charles." Ace said.

"I have been to the Duke Charles Manor." Sarina said.

"Let's go." Xia Yan nodded and said, "Xiaotian?"

"Relax Xia Yan, the police won't keep up with you, but you have to keep a low profile." Hou Xiaotian said immediately.

"It's yours!" Xia Yan said.

The blood is not high-profile, and there are very few people who know that this race exists, but the manor of Duke Charles is never low-key. It is almost a fortress here, but all the defense facilities are cleverly hidden. Of course, the best defense is still a large number of blood races in the manor. Even if a special force breaks into the manor, it may be wiped out by the whole army.

The two off-road vehicles drove along the only road leading to the manor without any haste. Such a move naturally conceals no one, and soon, the fence and the iron gate seal the road ahead.

"Private land, please return!" A sign stands in front of the iron gate, and behind the door are two white men in suits and leather suits, watching the two cars coldly, and the camera transmits the image back to the manor's monitoring room.

The off-road vehicle did not stop, but increased its speed and rushed straight towards the iron gate.

"Damn it!" Two white men pulled their pistols from under their jackets and aimed at the buggy in front of them to pull the trigger.

The ghost will fly out through the windshield, and in a blink of an eye, they will be in front of the two. Before they react, they will pass through them. The two white men's defeated skin was even more scary, and they lost their figure in their eyes and fell to the ground without a word.

The off-road vehicle slammed open the iron gate and continued to drive along the road. The magnificent manor was not far ahead.

At this time, an alarm had sounded in Charles Manor.

Duke Charles looked in his fifties, with a shiny, shiny back, and a thick cigar in his mouth, sitting in a large and comfortable chair. In front of him, Dolan, Vincent, Rice, and Taal were kneeling, everyone was ragged, covered in blood, and obviously injured badly. The eyes of the four people were full of fear, they were not hard bones, otherwise they would not show the oath blood crystal, and recognized Xia Yan as the master.

Now, under the double deterrence of the vows of Blood Crystal and Duke Charles, the four tremble like a quail, daring not to betray Xia Yan, nor dare to fight Duke Charles, which is a huge torment for them.

But in comparison, it is still vowed that blood crystals make them more afraid, that is the pain that can touch the soul, even the toughest people can't bear it. On the side of Duke Charles, there is at least the possibility of circumvention and deception.

"Dolan Neville?" Duke Charles pointed with his toes and asked proudly.

"I am, Lord Duke!" Dolan hurriedly fell at the feet of Duke Charles.

"My people told me that you have participated in the search for the remains of the ancestors in Huarong Rong, but since then, you have never appeared again, even the Marquis of Neville thinks you died in Huaxia. Now that you are back, can you tell me what happened afterwards? "Duke Charles's tone was plain, but with irreversible majesty.

"Master Duke, I, we just want to stay in Rongdu and continue to look for the crystal skull and the remains of the ancestor!" Dolan said tremblingly.

"Really?" Duke Charles gestured to Rice again. "Then you tell me, what kind of strange energy is in your body, where did it come from? Before going to Rongdu, you were only the lowest blood, and now, each of you There is the power of the Viscount, and the guy who fled will even break through to the Earl soon, all because of that energy, right? "

"Duke, Lord Duke, I don't know what you're talking about!" Les shuddered more than Dolan and laid his head on the ground, not daring to lift it up.

"Are you ready to deceive me? Deceive a Duke?" Duke Charles suddenly angered, kicked Dolan kicked, and stepped Rice's head under his feet. With a hard effort, Rice screamed.

"I am very interested in this energy in your body, it will make our blood family stronger!" Duke Charles continued to roar, "Tell me everything I want to know, I will hold a blood moon ceremony for you, let you Have the power of the count, and you will also become heroes of the blood, if you do n’t say ... "

The sound of the skull rubbing against the floor sounded, making the scalp numb, and Rice screamed for mercy.

"I do n’t mind using one or two of you for the experiment, even if you peel the skin, bleed all the blood, and take apart all your bones, I must find the secret of this energy. Believe me, this The process will be very long. Before I cut your heart, you will not die. You will regret hiding from me. I swear! "

The four Dorans shivered, and they knew they couldn't hold on for long. Duke Charles will definitely fulfill everything he said, and the oath blood crystal is terrible, but before the master found the betrayal, he was already tortured to death.

"Master, it's not that we are not loyal to you, but we really can't stand it!" All four people were born with despair. tqR1

"I will give you three more minutes to figure out how to do it, and then tell me the answer, if ..." Duke Charles stood up, his voice cold as the everlasting ice on the top of the snowy mountain.

"Master Duke, someone broke into the manor!" Just then, someone came in and reported loudly.

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