Dragon Hermit

Chapter 674: The most perfect magic

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"Xueer, you said meditation can increase abilities?" Xia Yan asked in surprise. Liu Xueer gave a detailed account of the situation just now, which surprised him.

After all, Xia Yan is not an almighty person, and the meditation methods of the Apocalypse Continent are very technical. I am afraid that no one on the earth can figure out a set of the same meditation methods out of thin air. Ways to increase your strength. But Liu Xueer had both abilities and meditation. After combining the two, a wonderful chemical reaction took place.

It seems that this is an incredible discovery.

"It's not a power. I think it might be the magic element of the nature you said. Like my power, they are all cold attributes." Liu Xueer corrected his statement.

"Nature's magic element?" Xia Yan stood up in surprise, clutching Liu Xueer's shoulder and asked anxiously: "Xueer, is the power in your body actually the ice mana?"

"I don't know what a magician looks like. I wasn't originally a magician, but I think it's very similar to your description of the magical elements of the natural system." Liu Xueer said.

"Then give it a try!" Xia Yan let go of her hand, pacing back and forth, and neither Liu Xueer nor Xiao Jun made a noise, so as not to affect his thinking.

"Xueer, I will teach you an ice magic. You should practice it as soon as possible to see if you can use your powers to release ice magic!" After a moment, Xia Yan looked up.

"Magic?" Liu Xueer was stunned and then excited: "Xia Yan, do you mean that I might still be a magician?"

"This is a very special situation, Xueer." Xia Yan said, "I don't know if I can, let's try it anyway!"

Xia Yan found the pen and paper, wrote a short magic spell, and handed it to Liu Xueer: "This is the frost ring, a very useful low-level ice magic."

Lich's memory contains almost all other magic books of various departments, but since there are no other magic elements in the body, even if all magic spells are memorized, it is impossible to use magic. Originally, he thought that this magic knowledge had no place on the earth. Who knows that there is a possibility of recurrence now makes him quite excited.

Xia Yan first taught Liu Xueer one word at a time to understand magic words. Although the magic text is very confusing to read, but with Liu Xueer's IQ, half a hour later, he wrote down this very short spell.

"Read it again and again, and then I will teach you how to sing." Xia Yan said. Reading aloud and singing are different, just like talking and singing, they are very different, and singing and singing require skill.

"Well." Liu Xueer read the spell completely. Xia Yan was about to speak, and heard her say in surprise: "Xia Yan, something is wrong!"

Xia Yan's heart tightened and he said, "What's wrong? If you feel bad, don't practice!"

"I didn't feel bad, I just thought ..." Liu Xueer paused and said, "After reading this spell just now, I, I seem to know how to sing it!"

"What?" Xia Yan's eyes lit up and asked quickly, "Xue'er, do you really feel this way?"

"I'll read it again and try again." Liu Xue'er was not sure, she read the mantra again, and then nodded with certainty: "Yes, I know how to sing!"

"Is the power in your body guiding?" Xia Yan asked.

"How do you know?" Liu Xueer looked surprised.

"Hahaha!" Xia Yan laughed.

"Master, what are you laughing at?" Xiao Jun asked curiously, who hadn't understood what was going on.

"Xue'er, Xiaojun, let me ask you a question. You said that the earliest magician who created the singing method could have imagined such a complicated method out of thin air?" Xia Yan asked.

"I don't know." Xiao Jun shook his head.

"Don't ..." Liu Xueer thought for a moment, and seemed to think of something.

"It's not that he created the singing method, but that he has the power to guide him and let him learn this method!" Xia Yan said.

"Is it the same as I am now?" Liu Xueer was taken aback.

"You're right, Xueer!" Xia Yan laughed. "No one can create such a complex singing method out of thin air. Everything is done under the guidance of magical elements. It is this power that uses the human brain The initial magic system was created, and then the magicians discovered the rules, which slowly built a complete magic system, and you, now have the guidance of the magic element! "

"Then what should I do?" Liu Xueer asked, anxiously flushed with excitement.

"Follow your feelings, let your abilities guide you through singing, Xueer, this will be the most perfect frost ring!" Xia Yan said. tqR1

"Huh!" Liu Xueer nodded vigorously, calmed her excitement, and began to read the magic spell again and again.

At the beginning, she still read aloud, but as the number of repetitions increased, her tone of voice and way of exhalation gradually changed. After more than a dozen times, the change is already obvious, no longer reading aloud, but like singing. After reading it dozens more times, a unique rhythm was formed in the singing. After nearly a hundred repetitions, Liu Xueer seemed to have found a wonderful pattern.

Reading aloud finally became a chant, and magic created himself through human hands and mouth.

The Frost Ring is only primary ice magic, and the chanting time is very short, less than five seconds. But this magic is used to attack when you are close, and the five seconds are too long. If you haven't finished singing, you will be interrupted by the enemy and even kill the magician directly. So the junior magician has no chance to use this magic.

However, as the magician's strength and experience increase, and the affinity with the magic element increases, the chanting time will become shorter and shorter. The intermediate magician can complete the chanting in only two seconds. Of course, if the enemy is close, the two-second time is still too long, but intermediate magicians generally have a staff or robe that can be activated at any time, enough to win these two seconds.

The high-level magic stone can complete the instantaneous frost ring. Any enemy who wants to approach the ice magician will instinctively explode as soon as it is discovered, allowing the enemy to slow down or freeze directly, or even directly Kill the enemy.

It can be said that in the hands of high-level ice magicians, the low-level magic of the Frost Ring is like the bloodthirsty curse of the Necromancer. They use extremely high-frequency magic and are very useful.

"Xueer, speed up the singing speed!" Xia Yan reminded timely when Liu Xueer finished singing again.

Liu Xueer didn't speak, but just nodded, speeding up the singing.

Xia Yan silently for a few seconds in his heart.

Five seconds ... four seconds ... three seconds ...

Liu Xueer's non-stop single cycle, her voice became a little hoarse due to singing too many times, but this does not affect the completion of the spell. And her singing time is being shortened incredibly quickly.

She began to simplify the spell.

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