Dragon Hermit

Chapter 680: Cain Castle

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In the Romanian mountains, a castle stands on the mountain peak, grand and mysterious. In the villages at the foot of the mountain, there are legends of vampires from ancient times to the present, all about this ancient castle. Villagers believe that vampires still live in this ancient castle. They will not go out during the day, sleep in the coffin of the catacombs, and only turn into giant bats at night, flying down the mountain to **** human blood.

However, this legend has always been suspected, because none of the villagers in these villages have been sucked by vampires, and their lives are very calm. However, at night, the villagers still would not go out, and every night, they could almost hear the sound of flapping wings from the sky, it seemed that a large group of creatures flew by.

"Rabbits don't eat nest edge grass, these old ghosts are still very particular!" Xia Yan said with some emotion when walking on the road of a small village.

"This will not attract attention, but for many people, this castle is no longer a secret, but the blood race is very powerful in the world, and no one dares to act rashly, and the Romanian government may be afraid of it here. Strength, it is almost impossible to deal with the elders. As long as the grass is not removed, they will face crazy revenge, and they will not be able to bear the consequences. "Shalinna explained.

"Sister Salina, have you been here?" Xiao Jun asked curiously. Now as long as Liu Xue'er and Sarina are present, she will add the names of the two in front of "Sister Sister" to distinguish. If there is only one of them, she will call the maid directly. In short, the little girl is very savvy, and both maids are very happy by her.

"I've been there, and I was very young at that time. My father brought me here. I think it was dozens ... No, it was a few years ago!" Sarina almost leaked and quickly glanced at Xia. Yan and Liu Xueer found that the expressions of the two were not different, so they were a little relieved.

After she turned her head, Xia Yan and Liu Xueer looked at each other and laughed in their hearts. Sarina was not sensitive to her age. After all, her blood is long and her age can only be regarded as a girl. But compared to humans, it is simply aunt-level. Originally, she had never avoided this in front of Xia Yan, but after meeting Liu Xueer, she had suffered a lot, and she never mentioned the sensitive topic of age at all.

A few decades ago, almost during the Cold War, Eastern Europe at that time was simply a barrel of gunpowder on the earth, which could explode at any time, and it was still a nuclear explosion that could destroy the earth 180 times.

"This castle is named after the holy ancestor, and it is called Cain Castle." Sarina looked at Xia Yan again, and couldn't help but smile bitterly. The holy ancestor is now a lover's summoning creature, and is still in the undead space!

"It is said that there are at least ten nuclear warheads hidden under the castle, all of which were obtained during the chaotic period when the great empire was disintegrated. With these ten nuclear warheads in place, the castle is covered with an extra layer of insurance. Anyone wants to deal with it Blood races must face the serious consequences of the nuclear bomb being detonated. "Sarina continued.

"Hi--" Xia Yan and Liu Xue'er both took a breath, Xiao Jun didn't understand the seriousness of the matter, and looked at the Master in a puzzled manner, and then at the Master, and they didn't understand how they all had a toothache. appearance.

Xia Yan understands that the **** of the blood elders sits on ten nuclear warheads. It is impossible for him to make too much noise here, at least not as much as the killing ring in Charles Castle, otherwise, in case of angering those old ghosts If something goes wrong, something big is about to happen.

"Are we going up the mountain now?" Liu Xueer asked looking at the sky. Now that the sky is dark, the night club makes people feel insecure, and the night is the time when the blood power is the strongest, and now the mountain will face the most serious situation.

"Go now." Xia Yan said that since he appeared here, he was ready to face the strongest blood race. If he chose to go up the mountain during the day, it would make people laugh and timid, and he would not get too much deterrence. It worked.

Along the winding narrow mountain road, the four climbed up.

There are a large number of weapons in Cain Castle, including even powerful laser cannons and electromagnetic robbers, anti-aircraft machine guns, and even missiles. The fighters must fold their wings when they arrive. If only Xia Yan himself, relying on the wings of the undead, he was confident that the Divine Soldier would descend into the castle. But now there are three other people whose flight speed and flexibility are very different, and he is not willing to take risks.

The road up the mountain was very deserted, and no figure was seen, but the huge gate of the castle was like the mouth of a giant beast, who wanted to swallow everything.

Of course, the elders will not sleep in the coffin of the catacombs during the day, as the villagers say. Although they live in this old castle and their people are very old, they still enjoy the conveniences of modern society.

The members of the Nine-Tail Presbyterian Group did not stay in the catacombs, but sat in a hall, talking about each other from time to time.

Suddenly, a marquisque **** marquis stepped in and reported to Jiuwei Zhang Lao: "Four people appeared on the mountain road, a man and a woman, and a child.

"Who is it, dare to come here!" Nine Zhang Lao took the case and most of the anger on his face was pretended. After all, they did not think that the intruder could threaten themselves, so why not take advantage of this rare one Have a chance to have fun?

"Who are they?" A wrinkled elder asked.

"Elder Pushkin, one of the four is a lich ..." The blood marquis hurriedly replied, but before he had finished speaking, he was interrupted. Several elders spoke at the same time: "Which lich?"

"Just, it's the lich we are chasing, he left the ancestor of the ancestor ..." The blood marquis said tremblingly.

"Shut up!" Elder Pushkin shouted more than that, the ancestral remains of a holy ancestor turned into a human summoning creature. This matter is a shame and shame on the whole blood, and no one is allowed to mention it. tqR1

"Okay, we are looking for him. He even came to the door by himself. Is it ready to return the remains of the Holy Patriarch? Even if it is returned, he cannot be forgiven, and he must be punished terribly!" Another The famous elder shouted loudly.

"Elder Fabre, the lich did not come to surrender. He just had a massacre in the Charles family in the United States. He is our enemy!" Elder Pushkin said loudly.

"Does he want to carry out a massacre at Cain Castle? What made him so arrogant that he thought he could challenge our elders?"

"Who are the others?" Elder Pushkin asked much calmer.

"There are Mage Tower Ice Butterfly, Mage Tower Lich, and Sarina ..."

"Salina? It's the daughter of Duke Lewis. Didn't his father say she had eloped with someone? How come she came here."

"Because she has a good relationship with the lich, they were fighting side by side last time in Times Square. The elders would suspect that the lich and Sarina had already gone to **** before the New York incident.

"Yes, the lich has a summoning creature that seems to be able to tear the peak in the space. I think that is a very powerful ability."

"Catch the lich, we need to know the secret of hell!"

Ordered by layers, Cain Castle became nervous.

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