Dragon Hermit

Chapter 683: Suppress your descendants

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All the blood races spread their wings, flying around the giant hand holding Cain's bones, exposing their fangs and roaring loudly, and the sound spread far away in the night sky. The holy ancestor's remains were caught in the hands and still being threatened loudly by the lich, which made them feel deeply ashamed.

In several villages at the foot of the mountain, the villagers turned off the lights, shrunk under the bed and shivered. This night, the legend was finally verified. The sound from his ears seemed to come from hell, and the huge black shadow on the mountain suddenly let them Fearful.

The sky was full of black blood, and the ears were full of the sound of flapping wings and roaring, but Xia Yan was not scared, but was boiling blood, Liu Xueer's face was pale, but she persisted, and did not scream and flinch like ordinary women. .

Salina's face was also a bit ugly, but the fire of the soul in the body drove away the fear, and she was still a determined blood female warrior.

Xiao Jun was not scared at all, but danced with excitement. Xia Yan looked in her eyes and was secretly surprised. Although this little thing is ignorant and fearless, but in her seemingly weak little body, she definitely hides a strong The fearless heart, and her talent is amazingly high, I do not know where it will grow in the future.

"Lich, do you want to go to war?" Elder Vertod looked anxiously at the remains of Cain, and asked sharply.

"Don't be excited, I said it, just awaken your ancestors." Xia Yan was unmoved and sent a consciousness into Cain's remains: "Old ghost, if you still pretend to die, I promise it will be demolished You might as well try to remove one arm first? "

Xia Yan has never dared to use Cain's bones, because the old ghost's consciousness is very likely to be hidden in the deepest part of the body, perhaps because he can't fight Xia Yan and Bone Dragon, so he may be temporarily lurking, or he may be waiting for opportunities. , Ready to appear at a critical time to complete a fatal blow to Xia Yan, a perfect counterattack.

In either case, Xia Yan will absolutely not tolerate it. He has long wanted to solve this hidden danger. If he cannot completely conquer the old ghost, then he will be wiped out so that he can feel at ease. Otherwise, if you get rid of this old ghost, it will definitely bring endless trouble, and may even endanger family members and friends.

You know, after receiving Cain's remains for so long, if this old ghost has a peeping heart, he already knows Xia Yan's identity and knows his relatives and friends well. In this case, Xia Yan will never let it go away from him alive, so he never thought of returning Cain's remains to the blood.

Cain's remains are still motionless in the bone dragon's hands, as if they were really totally obeyed by the master's summoned creature, but Xia Yan would be fooled by it. As soon as his thoughts moved, Bone Dragon had already pinched the hidden bone with two arms, and he had to pull it out with force.

The vampires had their eyes split, and the nine elders were almost crazy, but they dared not attack, fearing that the bone dragon would actually pull the arm of the hidden bone.

"Don't you come out yet?" Seeing that Cain's remains are still ignorant, Xia Yan sneered, and Gulong began to pull Cain's remains to the sides.

Cain's bone-bearing arm is in the hands of the demon, just like a match stick, and it seems that it can be crushed with a little force.

But when the bone dragon was pulling, this "stick of matches" was very tough and strong. For a while, it continued to pull, and the two sides stalemate.

Seeing this scene, the vampires cheered loudly, and were very pleased with the power of the Holy Father.

Xia Yan was indifferent, letting the bone dragon continue to increase his strength. Cain's bones gradually became unbearable. Finally, when a soft sound came from his joints, a consciousness came from Xia Yan's mind.

"Forgive me!"

Cain's consciousness, lurking in the deepest part, finally could not bear the physical disability and spoke out for mercy.

The blood race has a very strong regeneration ability, and it can be re-grown by cutting off a hand, but that is for living vampires with blood and flesh. The heart of the blood is the heart, but now Cain only has a bone shelf. The heart does not know where it is scattered. If it is violently dismantled by the bone dragon, it is impossible to put it back together. By then, everything is over. Such a result, this The old ghost can't bear it.

So it made a noise, because at this time, it had no confidence to break free from the bone dragon's demon, not to mention that Xia Yan's magic of calling the skeleton is still affecting its soul fire, letting its consciousness and soul The fire could not be synchronized, making it unable to exert even 30% of its power, and it was constantly disturbed, absolutely dead.

"You are finally willing to show up." Xia Yan smiled and continued to communicate with the old ghost with consciousness: "Old ghost, you descendants are so eager to get your bones, won't it really just because you are a holy ancestor? "

"Bloods don't have so many feelings, we only value strength and blood, and becoming stronger is always our first goal!" Cain consciously replied quickly, "What they want is my strength."

"How can they get your power?" Xia Yan asked.

"The blood moon ritual can transfer my power to other blood clan, and my consciousness will be completely erased." Cain consciously replied.

"Erase your consciousness? That is to say, after the blood moon ceremony was held, you really died?" Xia Yan asked in surprise.


"I rely on, you descendants are really ruthless, claiming to call you a holy ancestor, but you want to erase your consciousness and take away your power!" Xia Yan was greatly sighed.

"This is the rule of survival. If I change it, I will do the same." Cain said consciously.

"That is to say, in my hands, you are still safe. If you return to your descendants, you are really over, so you don't want me to give you back to them?" Xia Yan asked.

"I don't want to die completely!" Cain said consciously.

"Then you come out and suppress your descendants!" Xia Yan said.

"Yes!" Cain replied.

Xia Yan was stunned. The old ghost said "yes" to accept orders, not "good" to promise things. Is this the effect of summoning magic on it, or does it really recognize itself as his master?

The vampires flew up and down around the bone dragon, roaring and roaring, but did not dare to attack hastily. Suddenly, the bone dragon released Cain's bones and spread his palms. Cain's bones stood on the huge palm, his shoulders shook gently, the arm bone that had been pulled a little bit shifted back to its original position, and then he opened his mouth violently and gave a silent roar. tqR1

This is not an invisible sonic attack, but a roar from the depths of the soul's fire and blood. Xia Yan felt an unspeakable power, with the momentum of the king, but he didn't feel much.

But the silent roar had a huge impact on the blood clan. The nine elders and several princes were all shaking, with an incredible look on their faces.

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