Dragon Hermit

Chapter 689: Go again

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"Is it really wrong?" Lao He also doubted that he didn't feel any pain anymore, and he was a lot more comfortable, but he didn't believe that he had no cancer cells.

"This X-ray film should have been taken the wrong way. You see that although there is a tumor in the liver, it is about half the size of yours." Dr. Li continued. "What are the people in the laboratory and the light room doing? What a big mistake! "

Lao He only felt that his heart was beating and he was excited, and it was possible to get a wrong report sheet, but if the report sheet and X-ray film were both wrong, the possibility was much smaller, and the physical feeling also told him The report may be correct.

Is his cancer really cured? The young man gave his boss just a finger for ten minutes, how could this be possible!

"Dr. Li, please take a look at my report and X-ray film." He Gang was also a little confused at this time, but he was not at ease, so he said.

"Well, let me take a look." Dr. Li picked up another list and frowned at the first look: "Here, Mr. He, is this your list?"

"It's mine." He Gang shivered and said quickly, "How's the result, Dr. Li?"

"This ..." Dr. Li hesitated.

"Dr. Li, though you say." He Gang felt more and more bad.

"Then I said, Mr. He, your situation is very bad ..." Dr. Li's words suddenly made He Gang's head hit by a heavy hammer, and he was ignorant.

Is this the punishment that the boss said?

A day later, the old father and son who had done a comprehensive inspection again drove to the tea house again. When he got off the bus, Lao He's face was much better than before, but He Gang was extremely decadent. His hair was disheveled and greasy, his face was stubborn, and his original straight waist was bent. It looks like a loser who is about to go bankrupt.

The father and son walked into the teahouse, and Sun Mingyuan was the only guest in the teahouse. They were reading a book. When they saw the two, Sun Mingyuan stood up: "Old Ho ..."

"Old Sun ..." When he saw Sun Mingyuan, Lao He had a very complicated mood. I didn't know whether to thank this old friend or hate him. If it were not for Sun Mingyuan to bring him to the teahouse, his illness could not be cured, and he would die soon. But it was precisely because he came here that his son had cancer.

Fortunately, since the young boss was able to cure his own disease, he would certainly be able to cure his son, but the son offended the family too much, and wanted to ask others to help each other, it was not that easy.

"Lao He, your illness?" Although he was very dissatisfied with Lao He, when he thought of the present situation of the father and son, Sun Mingyuan was still soft-hearted. tqR1

"My illness is cured." Lao He said.

"Xiaogang, this is ..." Sun Mingyuan asked He Gang looking at him.

"Ah!" Lao He Changtan sighed, did not answer, looked at the counter, and found that only Liu Xueer was alone, quickly asked: "Boss Xia?"

"Boss Xia is not here today, as if something is going out." Sun Mingyuan said.

"Not there?" Old He froze for a moment, and quickly asked: "When will he come back?"

"I don't know this." Sun Mingyuan shook his head.

"Not here?" He Gang just woke up dreaming at this time, and shouted out of control: "Why is he not here? How can he not be there? Did you hide me like this? Come out, you come out to me ..."

He shouted in the shop, and old He suddenly changed his face, and quickly went to pull him: "Xiaogang, don't stop calling, since Boss Xia is not here, we will wait!"

He Gang is completely out of control, throws away Lao He's hand, rushes to the counter, and Chong Liu Xue'er growls: "Where is he? Let him out, or I'll smash your tea house!"

"Do you want to smash the store?" Liu Xueer looked up, her eyes cold and her voice cold.

"I ..." He Gang felt like a bucket of ice water poured down from the beginning, his body was cold, and his mind was clear.

There was still a pretty face that was enough to captivate all beings, but He Gang had nothing in his heart. He “pedaled” back two steps and froze in place.

"The two are going to drink tea?" Liu Xueer asked coldly.

"Yes, we drink tea and trouble brew two bowls of tea!" Lao He nodded quickly.

"Wait." Liu Xueer took two tea bowls, made tea for them, didn't talk much, and turned back to the counter.

"This ... please ask the boss lady, when will Boss Xia come back?" Lao He sat down and asked with a smiling face without even thinking of drinking tea.

"I'm not sure, you still have a problem." Liu Xueer was holding a book while looking up without looking up.

"That ... we came this time to pay for the last treatment, and immediately transferred it to Boss Xia!" Lao He was not at all like talking to his juniors, with a very respectful tone.

"Huh." Liu Xueer nodded.

"Xiaogang, come to transfer money, what is still doing?" Lao He quickly called his son. After He Gang woke up and realized what he had done just now, the cold sweat was gone. He had offended the boss himself, and now he offended the boss, what can I do?

He Gang rushed through the operation and looked up a moment later: "It has been transferred. Two hundred thousand is today's tea money, and five million is the cost of treating my father. Please trouble the boss to check it!"

"No, just say whatever you want, or don't give it." Liu Xueer said lightly. It's only 5 million, and you don't need Mr. Liu to specifically check Xia Yan's bank account. Mr. Liu doesn't want Xia Yan to think that she wants to be his housekeeper.

five million?

Sun Mingyuan frowned and shook his head slightly. The pattern of Lao He ’s son is too small. At this time, he still wants to save money. Five million yuan is quite a lot for ordinary people, but it is only a small amount of money for him. If it is only the cost of treatment, the five million will be enough. Boss Xia only paid half a million for the last time he cured himself.

But your father and son offended Boss Xia last time, this time for begging for mercy. If you want to make a guilt, this money is obviously not sincere.

Although boss Xia may not value money, the difference between more money and less money is quite big.

The old father and son sat down anxiously, drinking tea while waiting for Xia Yan to return, and at the same time wondering what to say in a moment, before the boss could promise to heal He Gang.

As for He Gang's own heart, regret must be the most important emotion. Among other emotions, the most is anger, but he dare not show his anger, and his mood is very complicated.

While in a silent embarrassment in the tea house, Xia Yan was on a construction site in the Jinsha Museum.

A square pit with a depth of 100 meters and a side length of about 10 meters was dug here. Tiehu and Yuan Tianfeng were also there. They wanted to see how Xia Yan arranged the formation. The workers on the construction site have all been sent away, and cannot be approached here for the time being.

"Yes, you can start." Xia Yan looked at the pit, nodded in satisfaction, and jumped down.

"Don't come down."

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