Dragon Hermit

Chapter 691: Go to be a monk

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"What?" He Gang was stunned, his posture was already so low, and his apology was very sincere. Why didn't he accept it?

"Boss Xia, Xiaogang really knows that he is wrong. You can spare him!" Lao He found something bad and said quickly.

"Old Ho?" Xia Yan turned to look at him.

"He Shanshui." Old He quickly said his name. He is a very important person. Most young people are very polite in front of him. He has always enjoyed this respect, but now, he found that he once cited Everything that he is proud of is nothing in front of this young man. He has to lower his posture. Is he respectful of Xia Yan? Answer any questions.

Xia Yan is not a person who does not respect the elderly, but respect is mutual. There is no doubt that He Shanshui's last performance is not worthy of respect.

"The last time your son spoke badly, you should come out and speak, not now." Xia Yan shook her head, unmoved, and looked at He Gang: "Enjoy the rest of the day."

"No, you can't do this!" He Gang froze for a moment and understood the meaning of Xia Yan's words. He suddenly collapsed and screamed wildly: "You let me have cancer, you have to cure me, otherwise I let the police Come catch you! "

"Are you going to tell the police that I let you get cancer?" Xia Yan smiled.


"You help your father suffer from illness, this is fair, right?" Xia Yan said again. At this time, he, like the villain in the movie, wantonly destroyed He Gang's will.

In the apocalyptic continent, people fear and hate the Necromancer, but no one dares to disrespect the Necromancer in front of the Necromancer.

He Gang's words and deeds have touched Xia Yan's bottom line. He must be punished and bear the price.

"No, I don't want to die! I don't want to die!" He Gang yelled and knelt in front of Xia Yan: "Please save me!"

Sun Mingyuan, who was on the sidelines, was stunned. In the current era, such a thing as kneeling and begging for mercy has violated the basic concept of a civilized society. This kind of thing should only appear in the world of chaos and disorder. City, He Gang knelt down to Xia Yan.

At this moment, the villain halo on Xia Yan's body became more and more obvious, making both He Shanshui and He Gang feel desperate.

"Please help me, whatever you want me to do!" He Gang's voice was much quieter, and despair was devouring him.

Liu Xueer smiled all the time. She knew that Xia Yan would not arbitrarily decide the life or death of others, so she never spoke. He Gang ’s last performance was disgusting, and she originally wanted to give this person a lesson.

It's just that the lessons of the Necromancer are too cruel. Normal people suddenly suffer from cancer, which is enough to collapse the Sanguan. Obviously, He Gang is now experiencing the painful process of reshaping the Sanguan.

"I will give you a chance, as long as you do it, I will save you." Xia Yan smiled and said lightly.

"I will do it, definitely!" He Gang regained hope, and the tears came down immediately.

"Go to be a monk." Xia Yan said.

"What?" He Gang was stunned.

"Eat Zhai and read the Buddha, observe the rules and regulations, read the scriptures, the most important thing is abstinence, as long as you can persist for half a year, I will save you." Xia Yan laughed.

"This, this ..." He Gang was confused, he didn't expect Xia Yan to say this at all. He is ready to disperse his family's wealth. As long as he can survive, he is willing to give Xia Yan all the money. Who knows that this young boss actually let him be a monk. This condition is too weird.

"Reluctant?" Xia Yan asked. tqR1

"Yes, I am willing, I will go to the Big Buddha Temple tomorrow!" He Gang called out quickly, he clearly felt that this is his last chance. If he is not smarter, I am afraid he will really die on the bed.

And only half a year to eat Zhai Nian Buddha without touching a woman, it is nothing compared to life.

"Don't worry, you can't die within half a year." Xia Yan smiled and looked at the door. He Shanshui knew that it was a eviction order, quickly pulled his son up, quit the teahouse, and drove away.

"Boss Xia is acting, it really is ..." Sun Mingyuan looked dumbfounded, and now only reacted, smiling bitterly, not knowing what to say.

"Lao Sun feels that I have done too much?" Xia Yan asked with a smile.

Sun Mingyuan couldn't say anything, Xia Yan drank a bowl of tea for himself, and sat across from him, said with a smile: "I cured He Shanshui's disease, and let He Gang this scumbag to reflect on half a year, to refresh their heart, they should Thank you, Mr. Sun, are you right? "

"Uh ..." Sun Mingyuan was stunned. Boss Xia said it was right, but how did it feel wrong?

"But boss Xia, what do you mean ..." Sun Mingyuan finally remembered something was wrong.

"Just give He Gang some small punishment." Xia Yan said.

A little punishment? Sun Mingyuan still can only smile bitterly. Having cancer for half a year is not a small punishment. People with weak will may be driven into madness. But He Gang still has hope and should not be so fragile.

"If he does n’t go to the temple for half a year, maybe he will be stuck in bed by someone else ’s husband one day and hit him half dead. It ’s not surprising that he was grumpy and chopped to death with a kitchen knife. "" Xia Yan smiled and returned to the counter with her tea bowl, playing with her mobile phone casually.

He knew that Mr. Xia was retaliating against He Gang for teasing his girlfriend, but how do I think he made sense? Sun Mingyuan shook his head and smiled bitterly, although Lao He's illness was cured, but their father and son would not be grateful for introducing them to come here, but would be grieving instead.

"It's hard to please!" Sun Mingyuan sighed slightly, feeling that the tea had become bitter.

"You're so bad, let him be a monk." Liu Xueer touched Xia Yan's arm and smiled mischievously.

"But I saved many women." Xia Yan smiled.

"Okay, let's not talk about him." Liu Xueer pointed to the mobile phone and said: "Now other countries have some chaos, only us China is the calmest."

"There are more and more people with supernatural abilities, and the demons will be active outside of China, which will definitely cause social unrest." Xia Yan will also read the news while she is busy and understand the current situation.

"The news of genetically modified drugs has not been released yet, and the country may not have plans for large-scale promotion for the time being," Liu Xueer whispered again.

"This kind of thing must give priority to supplying the army ... No, it should be the first to let the powerful people use it first, then the army, and finally it will be popularized. I am afraid it will take a long time." Xia Yan said.

"Hopefully, before the demons will open the gates of **** again, everyone will have the opportunity to try genetic modification reagents, at least when faced with the creatures of hell, humans will have stronger fighting power." Liu Xueer said.

"We still don't have to worry about it. If anything happens, the sanitation team will notify us." Xia Yan said.

"Don't forget there is me." Hou Xiaotian's face appeared on the phone screen, "Hey, Xia Yan, Sister Xue'er, didn't you bother you?"

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