Dragon Hermit

Chapter 693: Flip the sign again

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For the next period of time, Xia Yan was indeed busy like a dog. Four days later, the formations in the nine deep pits were all arranged. Ninety meters above were sealed with a large amount of reinforced concrete, and then ten meters above them, before they were filled again with soil. In these nine places, a landscape, a pavilion, a cluster of green bamboos, or a pool will be built, which perfectly combines with the surrounding environment and will not let anyone see the same.

Then it started with the layout of the ground array. The roads were re-planned, and the huge museums were dug up everywhere, which was terrible.

Xia Yan is busy here every day, arranging a lot of materials in a way that only he can understand, every ditch, every tunnel ... these arrangements are blocked, whether it is aerial photography or satellite photos, it is impossible to see Any clue, shown here, is just a big construction site.

During the break, Xia Yan was busy helping her two girlfriends improve their strength. As for Xiao Jun, the path of the magician cannot be quick, she can only meditate and practice magic honestly. However, Little Lori is extremely talented, and the earth is also a paradise for the Necromancer. The elements of the Necromancer are ubiquitous and so thick that it makes people feel happy. So Xiao Jun's progress is rapid, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it in a thousand miles.

In fact, Xia Yan's own practice speed is very fast, just a few months, from magic apprentice to senior necromancer, this practice speed is absolutely unprecedented on the weather continent, no magician can compare.

In addition to being familiar with and discovering her abilities every day, Liu Xueer spends most of her time practicing chanting ice magic. With her talents, she can quickly use one magic, but all the magic must be practiced. The perfect level of Frost Ring is not an easy task.

She can practice many low-level magic to an instant level, but the higher the magic level, the more difficult it is. In order to simplify a large number of mouthful spells, in addition to talent, it also requires a very high understanding of magic, which requires time to accumulate. But even so, Liu Xueer is still increasing her strength at an incredible speed, and quickly changed from an ice-powered person who relies on instinct to a qualified ice magician.

President Liu spent most of his time meditating and practicing. Xia Yan only occasionally gave her some experience of using magic.

Xia Yan spent most of her energy on Salina.

The best way for Sarina to improve her strength quickly is to use the fire of soul to temper. In the newly renovated bar next door, Sarina was naked and lying on the bed in a relaxed manner, her eyes closed naturally, let Xia Yan do it.

Xia Yan will cover her towering chest with her hand and send a fire of soul into her body. The root of the blood family is the heart. To get stronger power, you must first make the heart stronger.

The blue soul fire envelops the heart and continually refines it. Every drop of blood pressed by the heart will go through the calcination of the soul fire, and then will be sent to the whole body, circulating and reciprocating. The mysterious power hidden in the blood by the blood clan grows in this process. Every time the blood in the body circulates, Salina ’s heartbeat will be more powerful. The sound of "Dong Dong, Dong Dong ..." comes out through the body, Echoes in the silent room.

Under Salina's smooth skin, the blood vessels are clearly visible, and each blood vessel shows a faint blue color. This is the fire of the soul that is sent to the whole body along the blood vessels.

Gradually, the fire light showed through Salina's body, making her whole body show a blue light, showing a mysterious beauty.

Then her eyes, ears, mouth and nose also showed blue fire ...

Xia Yan was attentive, not daring to carelessly. Earlier, he gave the fire of the souls of the five people of Ace, and simply sent them into their bodies, and then let them go naturally, depending on whether they could use them as much as possible. Although the strength of the five people of Ace is also growing rapidly, they are far from reaching their full potential.

And now, Xia Yan personally quenches Salina's body with the fire of the soul, which is more than ten times better than the five of Ace. He can clearly feel that the power feedback from Salina's body is getting stronger and stronger. It was the heart. Every part of her body was strengthened by the tempering of the soul fire, and even her high chest became fuller and more upright.

"Huh!" Xia Yan exhaled for a long time, sweating and preparing to move his hands away. This kind of tempering greatly consumed mental energy and weakened his own soul fire, although the body was not Feeling tired, but mentally overdrawn.

At this moment, Sarina opened her eyes. During the process of refining, she was always sober, clearly feeling the great changes in her body, and the warm hand on her chest was ready to be taken away.

"Don't!" Sarina held Xia Yan's hand and looked at Xia Yan. There seemed to be a fire burning in her eyes. Xia Yan felt the palm of her fiery and her body temperature was rising.

"Salina, you need to rest ..." Xia Yan said.

"No, I don't need rest, I need you!" Sarina turned over, pressed Xia Yan under her, leaned over and kissed him, her voice blurred: "Xia, you are tired, don't move while lying down!"

"Huh!" Xia Yan uttered the sound from his nose, and then he hummed comfortably.

The blue firelight shrouded the two people's bodies together, and the light and shadow flashed ...

Salina became a brilliant rider and galloped. The fire of the soul in the body of the two people blends together and is inseparable from each other ... While the fire of the soul transforms Salina, Xia Yan also feels that there is a peculiar power passing through in Salina's body, and also transforms his body .

For a long time, Sarina made a long cry from her throat and bowed her head on Xia Yan's shoulder. Xia Yan hugged her tightly ...

After Yun Sanyu rested, Salina fell on Xia Yan's chest and gently stroked the blood on his shoulder.

"Salina, will I not become a blood race?" Xia Yan asked with a smile.

"Of course not!" Salina gave him a white look and said, "You are much stronger than me. Even if I think, it is impossible to transform you into a blood family. Just now I was just too comfortable to bear ... … "

"I know!" Xia Yan interrupted her. He just joked casually, and didn't want Sarina to think more.

"I feel a lot stronger, definitely stronger than the earl, I don't know if it is to the extent of the marquis!" Sarina said flushed, excitedly.

"Just marquis, how is that enough, my woman can't say anything weaker than the blood elders!" Xia Yan said with a smile.

"I believe you will make me so strong, but take your time, dear?" Sarina licked on his chest and said.

"Don't worry, this is the first refining. I will refining you with the fire of the soul every other day in the future. It won't take long for you to compete with the blood elders." Xia Yan touched her smooth The back, the chest is tickling, and it's about to move.

"Once every other day? In your Huaxia's words, are you going to take turns turning my and Cher's brand?" Sarina said with a smile.

"Do you still know the flip?" Xia Yan was surprised, rolled over and pressed her under him, hey smiled, "Then flip your brand again!" TqR1

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