Dragon Hermit

Chapter 702: Higher level of power

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The overbearing gunshots of the crane guns on the wasteland, the bullets were connected in a line, chasing the figure of the **** devil.

The Hellhound is too fast, even if the advance is calculated, the bullet can hardly concentrate it. It ran irregularly on the wasteland, the line was nowhere to be found, and the threat of heavy machine guns to it was pitiful.

Phoenix pushed the heavy machine gun away and picked up a Barrett with a special demon bullet.

As soon as the gunshots stopped, the Devil Dog suddenly turned and changed course, but instead of rushing to the Phoenix, he rushed towards the body of the beast. Its purpose is very clear, that is, the flesh and blood of the giant beast.

"Bang!" A huge gunshot sounded on the wasteland, and a large-caliber broken demon bullet was shot out. The Hellhound walked in a straight line this time. Using the Phoenix's marksmanship to calculate the advance, this bullet would not fall through. No matter how fast the Hellhound can't escape, he can't avoid it until the child is ejected.

A blood flower burst on the devil's body, heavy sniping and broken demon bullets, even if its scales were hard, they were also penetrated by a shot. And the powerful kinetic energy of this gun flew it off the ground, fell on the ground and rolled a few times before screaming to stand up.

If this shot is hit on a human, basically it can't escape death anywhere, the head is burst, and the body can be hit in two. But when it hits the devil, it can still get up. Although it is indeed injured, the injury is not serious, and it does not even affect its actions. It roared and rushed towards the Phoenix at a faster rate.

"Ordinary firearms are invalid, and heavy firearms have limited damage." Phoenix shook his head slightly, dissatisfied with the effect of this gun. She put Barrett down and picked up the RPG without turning back, aiming at the Hellhound and pulled the trigger.

"It's useless, the speed is too slow!" Seeing the magic dog avoiding without pressure, the phoenix spread its flame wings and flew up, and the flame sword appeared again, killing the magic dog.

The four people on the other side still have the upper hand at this time. Under the influence of Liu Xueer's ice magic, the Hell Devil can hardly get rid of the decelerated state, and every ice magic falls on it, it needs to Use the flames under the scales to cope, and every time, there will be flames in some places extinguished.

Yuan Tianfeng discovered this keenly. The smoke ring went to where there was no flame. Mars aimed at the injured part of the dog every time.

With a long sword refined by Xia Yan for her, Salina does not attack hastily. She only shoots after the ice magic hits. Each shot can create a new wound on the magic dog. But even so, it is difficult for the sword to pierce the dog ’s tough muscles and damage the internal organs, but it only makes the dog bloody. Although it looks terrible, these injuries are not fatal.

As for Xiao Jun, after throwing a reel, he never shot again. It's not that Little Loli doesn't want to continue to throw the reels, but the reels are limited. Although Xia Yan gave her some, she was also afraid that she would use them indiscriminately, so she was only allowed to use three per fight. Anyway, the little girl's own strength is not enough to participate in the battle, three reels are enough for her to play.

So now Little Loli is struggling. Are you going to throw out the remaining two reels in one breath, or do you wait until a good chance to throw it?

Xia Yan didn't shoot, only flew in the air to watch, in case there was any situation, he would shoot again to support. He was naturally most concerned about the battle between his apprentice and his girlfriend. It was a relief to see them and Yuan Tianfeng cooperate with each other to suppress the magic dog.

On the other hand, after being approached by the Hell Devil Dog again, Phoenix no longer uses firearms, but uses the advantage of flying to fight. Although this can't help the Devil Dog, it can barely persist.

"The level of use of power is too low!" Xia Yan shook her head, Phoenix was very strong, and had studied how to use her own power, but it was clear that her thinking and vision were restricted, and she did not apply the flame power to Higher level.

"Phoenix, pay attention to me here!" Xia Yan flew closer to Phoenix and said in a loud voice.

With a move in Phoenix's heart, Phoenix didn't speak, but distracted, paying attention to what Xia Yan was going to say.

However, when Xia Yan spoke, the Phoenix was a little stunned, and was almost bitten by the magic dog. Fortunately, she flew high in time to avoid the terrifying fangs.

The four people on the other side were also surprised. Xiao Jun turned his head to look at Xia Yan and muttered; "Master seems to be singing magic, but it does not cause the undead magic element to fluctuate. What kind of magic is this?"

"It's very similar to my magic, but it's not ice magic!" Liu Xue'er also muttered.

As for Yuan Tianfeng, I only know what magic Xia Yan might be singing again, and I don't know anything else.

When the phoenix felt a shock in the heart, as soon as Xia Yan spoke, she faintly felt that these mysterious and mysterious rhythm singing seemed to ignite the flame power in her body. She had no time to think about it, only desperately remembering every syllable Xia Yan Yin sang.

Xia Yan's singing was very short, and it ended after ten seconds. He asked in a loud voice, "Remember?"

"Almost!" Phoenix shouted. If she listened intently, she would remember all of them, but now she is still fighting the Devil Dog, which distracted her.

"Come again, listen carefully." Xia Yan began to sing again. Ten seconds later, he asked again: "Remember?"

"Remember!" Phoenix's voice changed slightly, and she was excited.

"Then use it!" Xia Yan said.

"Okay!" Phoenix really sang. Xia Yan listened carefully and found that she had a problem with her pronunciation.

"I'm sorry, I'm coming back!" Phoenix himself found the problem, forced the Hell Devil Dog back with a fireball, soared higher, and began singing again.

"Sorry!" This time, there was a rhythm problem, and the battle affected her.

In the third singing, no more problems appeared. Although it was not as perfect as Liu Xueer ’s first singing of Frost Ring, Phoenix was disturbed by the battle after all, and it was excusable. tqR1

As soon as the chanting ended, a flaming fireball appeared in the air in front of the Phoenix and shot at the Devil Dog. The surrounding scenes were distorted. The fireball quickly changed color, and after flying for a distance, it has become white hot, which is very different from the fireball that Phoenix has always used.

Phoenix's previous fireball did not pose a great threat to the magic dog, but this time, in the face of the increasingly hot fireball, the magic dog instinctively felt dangerous, and it suddenly turned to avoid. But at the next moment, the fireball also turned, and the speed was not reduced, and **** on the **** demon dog.


The Devil Dog immediately ignited and ignited, and this powerful creature that could catch fire in itself was screaming and tumbling in this flame, but it was still unable to extinguish the flame no matter how it rolled.

Because this is not a normal flame, but a magic flame.

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