Dragon Hermit

Chapter 710: Find someone

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The two men in black robe slobbered and sloshed on the wasteland innocently. They had become idiots, and within a day, this wasteland would eat them dead.

"Have you got any information?" Phoenix asked curiously, others looked at Xia Yan, waiting for him to speak.

"First of all, there is still someone alive in the team where the Supervision Bureau and the sanitation team are missing." Xia Yan said.

"Who?" Yuan Tianfeng and Phoenix asked in unison.

"There are three people, one of whom is the sanitation team, named Lei Ying ..."

"Lei Ying is still alive!" Yuan Tianfeng and Phoenix both cried in surprise. "Xia Yan, where is Lei Ying now?"

"I don't know the specific location, but from the signs that the demons will trace, they are also moving in the direction of the Wasteland City." Xia Yan said. tqR1

"Only Lei Ying is alive, Xiao Gao?" Yuan Tianfeng asked anxiously.

"Unfortunately, he died under the claws of a **** creature." Xia Yan shook his head.

"Fuck!" Yuan Tianfeng squatted down and punched the ground. It seemed that he had a good relationship with the cleaner named Xiao Gao.

"Who are the other two people who are still alive?" Phoenix also mourned Xiao Gao, but after all, she was not a member of the Rongdu sanitation group, and she was not familiar with Xiao Gao, not too sentimental, but concerned about the current two companions of Lei Ying. Come.

"One is Thompson, the other is Kim ..." Xia Yan said.

"Swan is also alive?" Phoenix shouted in surprise.

"Have you dealt with her?" Xia Yan asked.

"After fighting, she has a very forbidden air ring. I have no air superiority in front of her." Phoenix said with a sigh.

Xia Yan noticed that Phoenix only said that there was no air superiority. Even if she couldn't fly in front of Jin, she would have other abilities to fight against Jin. She should have lost.

"Kim's ability is very strong, and the success rate of completing the task in the Super Investigation Bureau is almost 100%, but the last time she suffered a loss in your hands, partner Kyle was also killed by you." Phoenix glanced at Xia Yan, said.

"I just defended." Xia Yan shrugged.

"You were in the United States at that time, and the sanitation team was considered a law enforcement agency. They must deal with you. They must be in compliance with the laws of the United States. The statement of legitimate defense is not true." Phoenix said with a smile.

"That's their law. In my own law, I'm justified defense." Xia Yan said.

"Should I say you are arrogant?" Phoenix's expression was a little speechless. "Are you talking about your laws on the land of the United States, is it a bit excessive?"

"It just depends on who is stronger." Xia Yan shook her head. "The Super Investigation Bureau wants to enforce me, but unfortunately they can't do it. By the way, who is Thompson, do you know?"

"The elite agent that Director Evans trusts is capable of small-scale gravity control." Phoenix is ​​like a family treasure.

"One forbidden air, one for controlling gravity. If the two of them are partners, they are going against the sky!" Xia Yan said in surprise. The abilities of Kim and Thompson fit perfectly, and when combined, they will definitely produce a wonderful chemical reaction.

"They don't usually partner. With their abilities, they can stand alone. It's a waste of resources if they partner together, but this time the action is different. Evans put them together for security, at least others. Both are dead, and they are still alive, which is proof. "Yuan Tianfeng stood up and said.

"We are going to find them, and I will take Xiao Gao back!" Yuan Tianfeng looked at Xia Yan and said firmly.

"Xia Yan, we must do this!" Phoenix also said.

"Aren't you afraid that Kim and Thompson will start working when they see me?" Xia Yan said with a smile: "Secretary Evans can't keep seeing me, but if there is a chance, the people of the Super Investigation Bureau will definitely not. Kill me hesitantly, is it a bit cheap for me to help them? "

"This ..." Phoenix and Yuan Tianfeng glanced at each other. They both knew that Xia Yan and the Super Energy Bureau had a bad relationship. This can't blame Xia Yan, but you can't blame the Super Investigation Bureau.

"People must be saved, or Tianfeng and I will go to them, you don't care." Phoenix said.

"How could it not matter, without me, you can't go back to earth." Xia Yan smiled dumbly and said, "Forget it, I will go with you, but if Kim and Thompson are still thinking about dealing with me, I will only You're welcome. "

"You killed Evans' nephew, but not their nephews, they will not bite you," Phoenix said.

"This is also true." Xia Yan thought about it and nodded.

Now that we decided to save people together, everyone began to prepare. As long as you can see the bimonthly monument on the horizon, you do n’t have to worry about getting lost. Everyone is divided into two groups, with the bimonthly monument as the center, and searching in the opposite direction within the largest radius.

Yuan Tianfeng and Fenghuang formed a group, and Xia Yan naturally took his own person.

Once you find someone, just take it back to the camping place last night and wait.

Such a plan is very safe, don't worry about getting lost, if you are careful, there won't be much danger.

Yuan Tianfeng and the Phoenix headed west, and Xia Yan and the four headed east. They soon couldn't see each other's figure. The top of the Shuangyue Monument protruded out of the horizon, like a lighthouse guiding the direction.

This is a long road, but Xia Yan did not intend to walk. All four of them spread their wings, but did not fly too high. They only flew at a low altitude of 20 meters above the ground. Although the sight was limited, the wasteland was very flat. In Xia Yan's eyesight, it is easy to find three active human targets, not to mention that he still has a high-powered telescope.

Of course, even so, the possibility of not finding it is even greater. Maybe the three of Lei Ying haven't even walked so close to the Shuangyue Monument.

After flying for seven or eight hours at an unacceptable speed, the scenery of the wilderness has not changed. Everyone is already familiar with this scenario. During this time, Xia Yan has not seen any dangerous large **** creatures, as if covered by a double moon monument. The range is their restricted area, and even powerful creatures like giant beasts do not appear along the way.

"What kind of creature is that?" In an extremely hidden burial cave, the three of Lei Ying, Jin and Thompson held their breaths, their heads were covered with muddy clothes, and their telescopes had long been lost. Now we can only observe with the naked eye, we can only see four black dots coming from the sky, but we can't see what it looks like.

"It's not a beast, it seems to be a human?" Lei Ying narrowed his eyes, carefully recognized for a while, and said.

The three were vigilant in their hearts, no longer talking or moving, no matter what was flying, just let them pass.

Soon, the four black spots flew closer and closer, and they could vaguely see it. Jin suddenly screamed in surprise: "It's him!"

"Lich!" Lei Ying and Thompson also recognized this very recognizable person. After all, Lich is already the world's first celebrity, and there are not many people who are not familiar with his image.

"He really came!" Lei Ying was excited, but Jin looked at Thompson, they were not as excited as Lei Ying.

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