Dragon Hermit

Chapter 721: Three headed dog

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Warriors are not afraid of magicians in close combat. This statement is theoretically correct, but there is a prerequisite, that is, the strength gap cannot be too large, and the magician has no precautions to keep you close.

Such conditions are very harsh. If it is so easy to be approached by the warrior, the magician will not become the power at the top of the Apocalypse Continental Pyramid.

For example, now, an instant ice cone suddenly hit Clyde's left shoulder, causing him to lose at least half of his combat effectiveness.

His two classmates had n’t responded yet, and Sarina ’s sword came again, striking into his right chest with lightning, piercing out from the back, and then withdrawing, blood spewed out of the wound, Clyde The completely lost combat ability, full of panic in his eyes, fell backwards.

The two followers were already stunned. They didn't have time to help him, and let him fall heavily on the ground.

This is not a deadly sword, but if you do not go to the doctor in time, you will also die. Clyde's lungs were pierced. This was a very serious injury. Soon he was short of breath and air could no longer enter the lungs.

Before waiting for Klein's three people to speak out for mercy, Sarina's sword stabs again. This time he accurately pierced Clyde's heart, and he immediately died.

This style of killing people without saying a word did not surprise Sean too much. This is the Wasteland City, and killing is not a big deal.

Compared to the killing of Clyde, Sean was more surprised that one of the two women was a very powerful magician, powerful enough to be able to instant magic. A magician with this ability has almost no shortcomings and is a genius.

Two of Clyde's followers ran out of nowhere, and neither Salina nor Liu Xueer chased because Xia Yan opened the door.

Originally, Xia Yan was very angry with someone who had teased her girlfriend, but as soon as she came out, she saw that the other party had already killed her on the spot, and her anger naturally disappeared.

"Salina and Xueer, you just worked together very well!" He said.

Salina is a strong blood female warrior, Liu Xueer is a magician, the two are close combat and long range, which is a complementary combination, and the combat effect is very good.

The two women looked at each other and smiled. Salina did n’t care about Xia Yan ’s girlfriends. Although Liu Xueer did n’t care too much, she still had some pimples in her heart. But now, her relationship with Salina has been very good. After many times During the fight, the two cooperated in harmony, and the relationship was better. It seemed like two sisters.

"Is that ... the sword done?" Sean is concerned about his sword. Of course, this sword still belongs to the alchemist.

"Shaun, you just gave way." Xia Yan looked at him coldly. Just when Clyde was going to be unfavorable to Sarina, Sean sideways gave way, which made Xia Yan very dissatisfied.

"I ..." Sean wanted to say that he didn't have a sword and couldn't deal with Clyde, but he couldn't say it. He didn't protect his guests well, and his face was so big that he would be laughed at for a lifetime, and his reputation would be ruined.

This alchemist and his woman are very powerful, and offended such a person, making Sean uneasy.

"It's my fault, I am willing to compensate!" Sean said.

"How do you want to compensate?" Xia Yan sneered.

"I know the nest of a three-headed dog. If you are interested, we can hunt the three-headed dog together." Sean looked at Xia Yan's eyes and tentatively said.

"What is the three-headed dog?" Xia Yan asked, stunned.

"Have you all seen Devil Dogs?" Sean asked. tqR1

"Have seen." Xia Yan said.

"The three-headed dog is a more powerful magic dog. It is generally raised by the devil. It is rare in the wild. Its whole body is baby. The silver bone in the body is not much smaller than the wild beast. It is very precious!" Shaun said. .

"Why don't you keep it for yourself with such useful information?" Xia Yan asked.

"If I have enough power, I won't tell anyone about this information, and I go hunting for the three-headed dog myself." Sean smiled bitterly, "But I don't have this skill, I originally planned to change a good sword, then Find someone to form a team to hunt together, but since I met you, it is better to go with you. "

"Do you want to team up with us?" Xia Yan frowned slightly, he didn't like being used by others.

"Are you interested?" Sean was nervous.

"If it succeeds, what do you want?" Xia Yan asked.

"I need some three-headed dog blood." Sean said.

"What's the use?" Xia Yan asked.

"A potion can be made. This potion can help me break through the barriers that hinder the growth of my qi and become stronger!" Shaun said.

"How is it compared to the blood of the Holy Beast?" Hearing this, Xia Yan was interested in the three-headed dog.

"Of course not comparable to the blood of sacred beasts such as Phoenix and Unicorn, but it is also very powerful and may be equivalent to the blood of advanced Warcraft." Sean thought about it and said.

good stuff!

Xia Yan was tempted. Advanced Warcraft is rare in the apocalyptic continent. Every time it finds a head, it will attract a large number of strong men to hunt and compete. The blood of these three-headed dogs can be similar to that of Advanced Warcraft, and it is definitely a real treasure.

"If you are telling the truth, I will meet your requirements." Xia Yan said.

"Okay!" Sean was excited and busy, said: "I will find some more strong counterparts, when the time ..."

"No need to find someone." Xia Yan interrupted him. "We are enough."

"The fighting power of the three-headed dog is not worse than that of the ninth-order Warcraft!" Sean was surprised and said quickly.

"I said enough is enough." Xia Yan shook his head impatiently, said, "If you want, take us over, then I will give you the animal blood you want, if you don't want to ..."

He didn't say anything, just looked at Sean coldly.

Sean suddenly felt like he was being stared at by a beast and his heart was beating violently. He knew that as long as he said the word "unwilling", the alchemist was afraid that he would take out three heads from his mouth by other means. The dog's nest is located. He never wanted to try the alchemist's methods. These guys always have a lot of strange things and potions, which are creepy.

"I do!" Sean immediately followed.

"Very well, from now on, you will follow us." Xia Yan threw his sword in his hand, and Sean quickly caught it and sent a grudge to him, suddenly ecstatic. He snorted and slashed his sword, and a blue sword gas was shot from the body of the sword, leaving a deep ditch on the ground, the water rising, and the sewage on the ground was evaporated by high temperature.

"Good sword!" Sean immediately fell in love with the sword, and his heart was even more in awe of Xia Yan's ability.

Such a good sword was made in such a fast time, this alchemist is too powerful.

Perhaps, he and his companions can really kill the three-headed dog!

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