Dragon Hermit

Chapter 725: Octopus

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Xia Yan can of course use the wings of the undead to fly three turtles to the destination, but it is better to expose his ability a little less. Moreover, the helicopter could not fly for several hours on foot, and it did not delay much time.

"This, this is also your alchemy?" Sean looked at Xia Yan in surprise. He couldn't think of any other explanation besides the alchemy, and even in Tianqi Continent, he had never seen such an elaborate alchemy. Beyond imagination.

"No, this is just a common item in our world." Xia Yan said.

He didn't pretend to force it, but the three turtles apparently don't think so, is this incredible thing just an ordinary item? You can insult my personality, but not my IQ!

Simply talking to the three turtles, Xia Yan ignored them and turned to chat with her two girlfriends. Just now, Liu Xueer and three people couldn't understand it, but now they are replaced by Sean and three people.

"Xia, how do you know the language of another world, so skilled?" Sarina asked, this is not the first time they asked this question, but Xia Yan has not answered positively.

This time Xia Yan was still not ready to answer. Could you tell them that she had the memory of the Apocalyptic mainland lich in her head? This is terrifying, and this is his biggest secret, he is not going to tell anyone, at least he will not tell it until the earth is invaded by demons.

Seeing Liu Xue'er and Xiao Jun also looking at themselves curiously, Xia Yan smiled bitterly: "I will talk about this topic in the future, isn't it time to tell you!"

"Master is so abominable that it should be kept secret!" Xiao Jun pouted immediately to express his dissatisfaction. Sarina controlled the helicopter, did not speak, Liu Xueer was a little stunned, and then smiled and said: "When did you want to say , Tell us again, it does n’t matter! "

"Well, I will!" Xia Yan focused his head.

After skipping this topic, Xia Yan recounted the information obtained from Sean's three populations.

"Xia, be careful they lie." Sarina said. The three of Sean do n’t understand the language of the earth, and they do n’t have to be scrupulous when they talk.

"I know." Xia Yan nodded. "Relax, even if they lie and set traps, there will be no trouble."

In the face of absolute strength, Sean's conspiracy of this level will have no effect.

The helicopter did not fly too high. According to Sean and the three, the more powerful predators will appear in the higher sky. The speed of these predators is much faster and stronger than those of the red birds. If they are targeted by them, the helicopter cannot escape.

Xia Yan really wanted to see these predators in the air, but he still put up with it. The goal is now a three-headed dog, and there is no need to cause other troubles.

After being away from the wasteland city, the creatures on the ground gradually increased, and the picture of weak meat and strong food continued to be staged.

"There is a caravan there encountering eight-legged beasts, and they are unlucky!" Sean pointed down and said aloud.

Looking down, I saw a caravan of dozens of large cars being raged by two monsters. This monster has long spider-like feet and is about ten meters high. It moves quickly. It is easy to kill the caravan with the sharp spikes on the long feet, and send the body into the mouth to chew. The scene is **** and terrible. .

For the sake of safety, this caravan gathered nearly a hundred people to join the road. Unfortunately, they met the star in a place not far from the Wasteland City. At this time, most people were killed by the eight-legged beast, and only a dozen people remained. Struggling to survive, but they will soon be killed, in the flat wasteland, they have no chance to escape the eight-footed beast.

"Xia Yan ..." Liu Xueer frowned and touched Xia Yan's arm. Since she met her, she couldn't bear to watch the people below being killed by the eight-legged beast. This is not her Madonna's heart, but the natural reaction between the sorrows and deaths of intelligent creatures.

"Huh." Xia Yan nodded.

"Do you want to save someone?" Jones, the archer, noticed that the helicopter was descending you, and could not help but frown.


"Why?" Sean asked.

"Why do you have to save people?" Xia Yan asked back.

"Of course you don't need to ask in the normal world, but here is the Devil Realm, and few people here save people." Said the barbarian Klin.

"Why?" Xia Yan asked this time.

"First of all, it's dangerous to save people. For example, now there are eight-legged beasts. This kind of thing is much more terrible than the magic dog. We have no ability to save people." As the helicopter descended, Sean's face appeared panic. Anxiously said: "In addition, these people may not be worth saving."

"If it's not worth it, you have to save it." Xia Yan said, "Also, there are silver bones on these eight-legged beasts. I won't lose if I kill them."

"That must be done!" Said the archer Jones.

Xia Yan ignored them, took a Barrett from the space ring, and raised his hand to a shot, as relaxed as holding a small police pistol, as if recoil did not exist at all.

With a loud noise, the three of Sean were frightened, and saw the front end of this peculiar weapon emit a ray of light, and hit an eight-legged beast in the blink of an eye. tqR1

With the sound of "Dang", the broken demon bullet was bounced off, but the powerful kinetic energy carried by the bullet also made the huge octopus dwarf down, and gave a painful roar.

"Hi-what kind of weapon is this?" The three turtles all took a breath of breath. They could see clearly. Although the light was bounced off by the carapace on the eight-legged beast, the carapace that was stronger than steel A spider-web-like crack appeared, and if the same attack happened again, the carapace would probably shatter.

"The defense is much weaker than the magic dog." Xia Yan shook his head.

"The strength of the eight-legged beast is speed, flexibility, and highly toxic body fluids. The defense is not too strong. The hardest part of the body is its eight long feet. The body is slightly weaker, but few enemies can attack To its torso. "Jones, the archer, constantly looked at Barrett. This weapon is more powerful than his enchanted long arrows!

Xia Yan did not have confidence in his marksmanship. It was too reluctant for him to hit the same position again, and the demolition of the sniper bullets was limited. M16 "suddenly" downward. Unfortunately, the power of the automatic rifle is too bad. The Martian splashed on the eight-legged beast, but it can hardly break the defense.

The remaining dozens of people on the ground who saw the helicopter in the sky knew that someone had saved themselves, and quickly took the opportunity to escape.

The two eight-legged beasts were a little ashamed by the sudden attack, but they quickly reacted, raised their heads and made an angry roar towards the helicopter, and then their eight long legs bent, the whole body was lowered by more than half, and then it looked like a spring The same jumped up, easily jumped more than 50 meters high, and rushed to the helicopter.

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