Dragon Hermit

Chapter 731: Devil's big army

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After cooking the tanks and helicopters, nothing came out of the gate of **** for a while. It seems that this is a vanguard, of course, it is more likely to be a cannon fodder for pathfinding. After all, although the tanks and helicopters look very dangling, they are ordinary soldiers, and there are not even biochemicals. The handwriting of the devil will not be so small.

There is no doubt that the big army is waiting behind. When the first army returns to report, it will come out in a big way.

It is a pity that this vanguard can't go back. Of course, the devil will have emergency plans for various situations, but it is certain that the delay will be a little longer.

The three of Sean finally caught up, and after two hundred meters, Sean shouted in his throat to help, but unfortunately his words could only be understood by Xia Yan, or even Xiao Jun would despise him, here After the fight is over, you ask if you want to help. This is a hindsight.

"Of course I need help. These are all coming to explore the way. When the big troops come, you might as well go up to show your might?" Xia Yan pointed to the wreckage of the tank and helicopter and said with a smile.

"Wait, I'll take a look first." Sean was very shrewd and didn't carry the thunder rashly. The three turtles circled around a few piles of metal debris, and the expression on their faces was not rich. When I first took the helicopter, the three thought it was definitely a rare alchemy item. It didn't take long for me to get five more alchemy items of the same level.

No, it's not the same level. Although the five piles of debris on the ground are tattered, but even so, it can be seen that it is much stronger than the alchemy that I just sat on, and it seems that there are more powerful weapons. tqR1

The three men lingered next to the tank for a long time. These three piles of tens of tons of metal especially shocked them. After all, Tianqi Continental is backward in technology and has limited metal production. These three tanks have more steel production than a small kingdom. Not to mention the quality, it is completely a crush level.

The three looked at each other, and they all felt bad. Don't look at how the group of Necromancers just dealt with this stage alchemy very easily, because they are too powerful! Necromancers that have stronger summoning creatures than bone dragons, at least a senior ice magician, and a sword warrior, although weaker, are only relative to the two magicians.

This kind of team can get things done, the three of them may not get it! Not to mention that these five incredible alchemists are only the pioneers of pathfinding. What would happen if the elite force came over?

All three turtles were stunned, and then flew to the sky. Xia Yan was not interested in carrying the two men. It was Gu Long who flew Sean and Klin into the sky one by one, and Sarina took Jones.

Above a kilometer altitude, all three turtles were pale, and the barbarian Klin almost peeed.

Looking down from the sky, the gate of **** is still magnificent and magnificent. Half an hour later, a few black spots came out of the gate of hell, and after a few laps, they returned to the gate.

"The big army is coming." Xia Yan said, these black spots are undoubtedly the second group of people sent by the devil to check the cannon fodder, but they can only see the wreckage, but they can't see the culprit that caused it , But since there is no danger in the vicinity, their follow-up will continue.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, a large group of black spots poured out of the gate of hell, and a large number of vehicles, helicopters and tanks came out.

The three of Sean ’s faces are even more ugly. Although they do n’t know the power of these people on the ground, since they can open the gates of hell, how can they be easy generations, this battle is very dangerous! All three regretted it, why should they come along?

"Look over there!" Liu Xueer suddenly pointed in a direction and reminded.

Everyone turned around and saw that on the vast wasteland, more than a dozen black spots were coming here.

"It's a magic dog!" Xia Yan took out a high-powered telescope and looked at it, said.

When he came to **** last time, the devil was also the first **** creature to arrive. This kind of beast seems to be very sensitive to spatial fluctuations. I am afraid this is also an important reason for them to be supported by demons.

"There are other directions too!" Sarina, Liu Xueer and Xiao Jun also took out their telescopes and looked around. There were magic dogs rushing from all directions, and the sound was amazing.

"Let's fly higher." Several helicopters climbed up, and everyone flew a few hundred meters higher. Helicopter pilots only focused on the investigation ground, not paying attention to people watching in the higher air.

"Xia Yan, what shall we do now?" Liu Xueer asked worriedly.

"Let the devil fight the Devil Dog first, and then look at the situation," Xia Yan said. In this situation, the most important thing to do is to sit on the hill and watch the tiger fight.

Everyone agrees and keep watching.

"That, respectable Necromancer, can you lend us this farsighted alchemy tool for us?" Xiao En pondered his tone and shouted to Xia Yan.

"Next." Xia Yan took out three telescopes and threw them to them. The three of them put the telescope in front of their eyes and suddenly startled. They almost didn't throw the telescope out.

"What is this alchemy called?" Jones asked in a tone of voice.

"Just called a telescope." Xia Yan said.

"This kind of treasure can be a city in the apocalyptic continent!" Jones said affirmatively.

The magic dog quickly approached, and soon the demon would find that he was busy on the ground, but it was not chaotic. Obviously, the devil would have prepared accordingly.

The helicopter hovered in the air, the tank turned the turret, aimed at all directions, a large number of biochemicals held various weapons, and used the tank as a cover to build a line of defense. Hundreds of people in black robe spread the wings of the demon and flew in the air, waiting for the battle.

"The devil will do this by the elite. They have spared no effort to come to the world of faith!" Liu Xueer sighed.

Xia Yan also lamented that since the bursting of the atom and assassinated himself, the demon would provoke the world and then seemed to shrink completely. They really concentrated their strength and prepared for the opening of the door to hell.

The dogs are very fast. After a few minutes, they carried dark red billowing smoke and stopped at a distance of thousands of kilometers from the gate of hell. They formed a large circle and surrounded the gate of **** with the demons. .

But they did not attack, and it seemed to be waiting for something.

"No fight?" Sean was disappointed.

"They are waiting for the devil to arrive." Xia Yan shook his head, and he seemed to have overlooked something very important.

The last time in the Sahara Desert, the demons would be able to summon the Hell Devil Dog, which shows that they have a way to communicate with the Hell Devil Dog, and they may not really fight.

It seems that I have to add a fire to both of them.

Xia Yan's palm turned over and there were two more titanium alloy **** in his palm. It ’s time for Master ’s carefully crafted killer.

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