Dragon Hermit

Chapter 733: Devil's mind

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The mood is more complicated than the three of Sean, who are the demons below. Surrounded by a group of **** devil dogs, their nerves were almost tense. Although the priests had guaranteed that the magic dog would not attack, the eyes of these powerful creatures clearly looked like they were looking at food, and they were still eager to try.

It seems that although there is indeed something restraining the dogs, but the strength is not strong, they may throw this restraint away at any time and pounce to tear everyone into pieces.

Therefore, the elites of the Demon Society dare not relax at all. They do not know what the priests are waiting for, but they also know that if they are not vigilant at any time, they may be destroyed by the group of **** devil dogs.

In this state of tension, no one can see the Mithril Ball falling from the sky thousands of kilometers away, only to see a strong blue and white light burst out of the group of magic dogs. After the light dissipated, the magic dog died. A few heads.

Everyone's mind was "buzzed", and he immediately fell into a daze.

"Who is it? Who doesn't listen to the order?" A black robe priest yelled in dismay, arrogantly, thinking that someone below could not help but initiate the attack.

It ’s not just him. Most demons think so.

But no one is attacking at all, so naturally it is impossible to ask what. What's more, after they calmed down and thought about it, they all understood that it couldn't be an attack from their side. Thousands of kilometers away, it is impossible for any weapon to suddenly and silently attack the Devil Dog Group!

But now it doesn't matter what you think. In the case of confrontation between the two sides, one side is suddenly attacked, and the next reaction is taken for granted.

The dogs roared and started running. These powerful creatures are not stimulated crazy, on the contrary, they instinctively begin to cooperate. Some magic dogs run faster, while others run slower, forming an attack level. In the process of running, they also intersect each other.

The people on the ground couldn't see the situation clearly, but Xia Yan looked down from a high altitude and could see that these dogs formed a formation during the charge, not a blind attack.

"The devil will be in big trouble!" Sarina said.

For the first time, the three of Sean saw so many magic dogs cooperating, and they all looked cold behind. They were terribly afraid of Devil Dogs, and now they feel terrible. This creature deserves to be a devil's pet, regardless of combat effectiveness or IQ, it is extremely high.

"Open fire! Open fire!" The demons will know that things are not good. Although they worship the demons, they are basically "single loves." The demons have responded to them, but they are all high, but they are regarded as slaves. The servants naturally have no human rights. Although they expect the devil to descend from the sky and deter the group of devil dogs, they will not sit innocently.

The sound of the guns was loud, all the soldiers pulled the trigger, countless bullets poured into the group of devil dogs, the tanks continued to fire shells, and the helicopters also shot from the top.

This is not the first collision between a gun and a **** creature, but it is definitely the largest.

The dogs evaded flexibly, but the barrage was too dense, and a large number of bullets still hit the target. From the telescope, Xia Yan saw constant blood flowers appearing on the magic dog. These bullets actually caused damage to the magic dog!

"It is a broken bullet specifically for the Devil Dog!" Xia Yan immediately reacted. He has tried that neither ordinary bullets nor demon bullets can pose a threat to the magic dog, but the devil may be the one with the deepest understanding of **** creatures on earth. They have developed a special demolition bullet that can hurt the **** monster dog Not surprising.

"It seems that the devil will not be truly loyal to the devil!" Xia Yan laughed again. Now that the Devil Club has produced a broken bullet for the Devil Dog, do you know that they have not developed a weapon for the Devil? Devil dogs are the devil's pets, and since they all started to target pets, it is not surprising to target their owners.

The devil will have other plans. Although the general public may really worship the demon, some high-level officials may not be so loyal.

A cannonball exploded in the group of magic dogs. In the strange light, several magic dogs around were lifted by the shock wave. After landing, they even struggled for a while to get up. They were all injured and blood splattered. One of the dog's front legs was even broken, and a painful and miserable wailing was made.

This is a magic ball!

Xia Yan was stunned. The Devil would even have this preparation. Compared with bullets, the power of breaking magic bullets is very amazing, it is a weapon that can directly threaten the life of the magic dog.

"The devil will not be easy!" Xia Yan looked at both sides. Liu Xue'er and Sarina also both looked shocked. Everyone knows how strong the scale armor on the devil's body is. Cause real damage to it, but the devil will do it. While worshipping demons, they are also wondering how to fight against demons.

"They may have other plans, maybe worshiping the devil is just a superficial guise!" Liu Xueer said.

But compared to the four Xia Yan, the biggest shock was the three turtles of the apocalyptic continent. Sean opened his mouth in shock and did n’t know how much high-altitude wind drank into his stomach: "Here, what weapons are these so amazing!"

"Lich, what kind of world are you from?" The barbarian Kerin turned to look at Xia Yan, and now he was even more in awe of the lich and his companion.

"Can you fight the demon?" Jones, the demon archer, also looked at Xia Yan, his complexion.

Xia Yan ignored them and went on to watch the war that he provoked below.

"Could the Devil Dog be beaten?" Sarina said.

But the magic dogs did not retreat, they continued to charge. The distance of one kilometer does not allow the tank to fire too many shells. Finally, the destructive bullets that caused damage to them are not fatal. Although the speed is slowed down, but at a distance of more than 1,000 meters, they will finish in half a minute. .

Almost every dog ​​has wounds on his body. He was only lucky to be wounded by bullets, but bad luck was injured by broken magic cannonballs. But none of the devil dogs died, and they came to the Demon Society soldiers in full blood.

Almost immediately, a large number of soldiers were killed, and their body armor had no effect in front of the devil. Their bodies were torn apart, and this miserable condition discolored Liu Xueer and Xiao Jun.

A magic dog slammed into a tank with his body, but it was bounced off, its speed was not enough, and its weight was too light, it was impossible to hit a tank of tens of tons.

But there was a blazing flame immediately, which was a wave of claws, and the claws with fire tore the tank's armor, and the ripped steel edge appeared molten. tqR1

Flames erupted from more magic dogs, and after a while, all the tanks were torn open huge mouths, and the tank soldiers were burned to coke.

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