Dragon Hermit

Chapter 736: Meet the teacher

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"That's ... the lich's skeleton soldier!" Tiehu and Feng Daochang exclaimed in unison, seeing the bonebreaker skeleton soldier, the black lich figure appeared in front of them.

"Is it a lich?" The eyes of beautiful women in costumes are very different. There are not many people on the earth who don't know the lich. She is the boss of the sanitation group. The skeleton soldier who exudes a strange beauty is the strongest melee skeleton soldier of the lich. She will never admit that she is wrong.

"The lich is actually over the gate of **** !?" Tiehu's face appeared excited. "Is he putting the skeleton soldier over to explore the way? Is it that he has controlled the situation over there?"

"Look, the skeleton soldier is waving to us, is it beckoning us to leave?" Feng Daochang frowned suddenly. The bonebreaker skeleton waved to them and turned back to the other side of the gate of hell.

"What do you mean by lich?" The beauty in costume is frowning slightly, "He doesn't want us to go through the gate of hell, what is there over there, is it ..." tqR1

She suddenly widened her eyes and thought of a possibility. At the same time, Tiehu and Feng Dao also thought that Feng Dao's face was flushed, looking at the tall and magnificent gate of hell, and muttered: "Did the demon have arrived?"

"The gate of **** must be closed, and the devil can't be allowed to cross the earth to earth!"

"The lich has the ability to close the gate of hell. His skull beast ..." said Feng Daochang.

"But this door to **** is different!" Tiehu sighed as he looked at the imposingly tall door to hell.

"Iron Tiger, go with me, the wind is long, and the rest of you are led by you. You can't let the Devil's soldiers pass through the gate of hell!" The beautiful costume lady groaned and ordered.

"Yes, the leader!" All the cleaners were ordered to work together to block more enemies and open a road to the gate of **** for the beauties and iron tigers. When the two flew past, they would pass through the gate of **** .

Just then, in another battlefield not far away, two people spread their white wings, swept away all the enemies in front of them, and flew over.

"Leader Yun and Captain Iron, going to hell? Is there a place in the car?" One of them laughed and asked aloud in strange Chinese tones.

"Less nonsense, Evans, just keep up!" The beautiful costume lady glanced at him, and he said lightly, Feijian would block a priest in front of him, and he came to the gate of **** in no time. Stop and Tiehu stepped into the door.

"Diana, let's go too!" Evans looked up at the gate of Hell, where he couldn't see the top, and stepped over.

"Yes, Director!" The stout Diana lifted a tank and threw it into the air. After she stepped into the gate of Hell, the tank crashed to the ground, and the earth was shaking.


The bonebreaker skeleton soldier came back from the gate of Hell, and Xia Yan turned his head and said: "The supernatural agents in various countries are fighting the demon over there. Will the demon come with reinforcements."

"Where is the opposite? The gate of **** will not open in a densely populated area?" Liu Xueer asked nervously. If this battle takes place in the city, it will definitely be a terrible disaster.

"It's in the jungle, I saw the remains of the pyramid." Xia Yan looked west, and the terrible breath was approaching quickly.

"Pyramid ruins? Could it be in the jungles of South America? Fortunately!" Liu Xueer breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xia, what are we going to do now, is the door to **** closed?" Sarina asked.

"There is not enough time." Xia Yan said, "Prepare to fight, unless you get rid of the demons you find, otherwise I won't be concerned about the chance of going to Hell's Gate."

"Good!" Both Sarina and Liu Xue'er are high-spirited, and Xiao Jun is also eager to try, but the faces of the three Sean are not good-looking. Here, they can also feel the demon is approaching.

Jones asked incredulously: "Don't you, do you want to fight the Demon Race?"

"Do you want to keep escaping until you are finally hatched by the Demon Seed?" Xia Yan asked back.

"At least not now!" Sean sighed.

"Life that doesn't make sense, it's just a waste of food to live long!" Xia Yan mocked mercilessly.

"Although I agree with you, you are not parasitized by demonic seeds, so you are not qualified to judge us!" Jones said angrily.

"Then let you do it." Xia Yan's eyes patrolled the three of them and suddenly laughed: "You can run away while the demon has not arrived yet."

"This ..." The three of them were stagnant. After all, there was pride in their hearts. If they fled without fighting, the psychological barrier would be great. After all, others would still have to fight.

"This is not your battlefield. The world over Hell's Gate doesn't need you to guard." Xia Yan waved her hand and motioned that the three could leave.

"Damn, don't underestimate people!" Sean gritted his teeth, his face hesitant, and neither Jones nor Klin left immediately.

Xia Yan didn't care about them at this time. He saw that someone came out of the gate of hell. It was the beautiful woman in costume that she saw just now. In the **** battlefield, she still maintained a dusty appearance, fairy air fluttering, unlike normal humans.

It was Tie Hu who came out behind the beauty in costume, and then Xia Yan saw Director Evans and Diana again.

As soon as the four super-agents came over, they looked around. They all had a shocked look in their eyes. The expansive dark red wasteland gave them a great impact, but the **** battlefield did not let them move.

"Suddenly coming here from the virgin forest is really uncomfortable!" After seeing the surrounding environment, Tiehu looked at him with a smile: "Lich, what a coincidence!"

Talking, Tiehu looked at Xiao Jun again, her eyes full of love, but Xiao Jun was wearing a uniform and her face mask covered her face. Tiehu did not reveal her name.

"Prepare to fight." Xia Yan has no more nonsense.

"Fight? With whom?" Tiehu asked.

"Demon." Xia Yan pointed to the west, and a black spot appeared on the horizon.

"What?" The four super-agents were shocked, and even the beautiful women in costumes who had always been indifferent and indifferent could not help moving.

Is hell's most powerful creature finally here?

The black spot was still small when it first appeared, but in the next moment, it became much larger, and in the blink of an eye, a figure could be seen faintly.

Tiehu estimated the distance, calculated it in his heart, and said horror: "It's so high!"

Xia Yan summoned all the undead creatures, with the bone dragon and Cain's bones facing the front.

Others also took out their best equipment and waited for them.

The three of Sean also stayed. Is it too late to go now? It is better to fight happily.

Xia Yan stood at the top of the bone dragon head, and an existence taller than bone dragon appeared.

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