Dragon Hermit

Chapter 738: Siege

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The devil's pestle blasted the devil's calf with electric light. As the leader of the Rongdu sanitation group, the iron tiger naturally has no need to say its strength. But at this time, this powerful pestle didn't even break the skin on the devil's legs. The electric light wrapped around the leg hair like a vigorous tree, and then disappeared. I am afraid that it was only a massage to the devil.

Hundreds of gold-cutting and iron-cutting wind blades hit the demon's chest. This is the skill of the wind master. Even in the face of a fully armed special team, he can use this trick to kill all. But now, Wind Blade didn't even cut off the demon's chest hair. He even doubted whether the demon felt his attack. Maybe you can feel it, just like a little ant took a bite on the leg, it should still feel, but it may be limited to this, because the devil didn't pay attention.

Diana's bare skin glowed with metallic luster, and she punched **** the devil's instep—yes, with the devil's one-hundredth height, she could only stand on the instep without jumping. As soon as the fist banged, the contact area exploded, and the power of the explosion was contained in this fist.

This is not a chemical explosion of gunpowder, but a magical compression of the power, and then suddenly released, the power increases hundreds of times.

But this punch also returned without success. The demon's skin was extremely tough, absorbing all the energy of the explosion, and easily solved it.

"Roar!" The barbarian Klin roared. The battle roar blessed everyone within a three-meter radius. The bloodthirsty curse and war roar increased the combat ability again.

Aura of holy fire also broke out on Sean, putting it on everyone. Fire damage is added to the attack.

Jones stretched his bow and arrow, and a flaming and shining arrow went straight to the demon's eye. Although the arrow is not short, it is impossible to shoot through the skin and muscles of the demon. To achieve the victory, only the weak part of the eye is shot.

"When!" The demon has been entangled with the bone dragon, but this arrow still failed to hit its eyes and was blocked by the eyelids, but its eyelids were blackened, and it also gave a painful roar, this The arrow clearly hurt it. But the injury is not serious, only because there is the most vulnerable part of the body, there will be such a big reaction.

And this arrow also attracted the demon's attention. When two huge black eyes looked over, Jones felt that he was cold all over. The devil's gaze was definitely not a joke.

"Roar!" The demon trident shoved hard, pushing the bone dragon away a little, the light flashed in his eyes, and the red light of the thickness of **** shot at Jones.

This sudden change surprised everyone, but Jones seemed to know that there would be such an attack. When the demon's eyes lit up, she had begun to avoid it and was not shot. But she was sweating too much, which was scary. If you were hit by the red light, the consequences would go without saying.

"Xueer!" Xia Yan shouted at Liu Xueer, pointing at the devil's legs. tqR1

"Good!" Liu Xueer realized, after a short chant, the demon's right foot was suddenly wrapped in a cold fog, and then the cold fog shrank violently, penetrated the skin, and penetrated into its flesh, and in a blink of an eye, this long Big feet with long hair turned dark blue.

As the devil tried to lift the foot, it suddenly found that the foot had lost consciousness, and then it lost its balance, the stabbed trident deviated from the direction, escaped by the bone dragon, and counterattacked heavily on it. The behemoth fell to the ground.

Falling objects over a hundred meters high is definitely a sky-collapse experience, and everyone evaded. But the devil didn't fall to the ground. It turned the trident upside down and slammed into the ground, holding his body. Then flames burned on the feet, and the frozen state was lifted in the blink of an eye.

At this time, several "little ants" had taken the opportunity to climb onto its body.

The two skull soldiers, Bone Blade and Bonebreaker, bear the brunt, grabbing the long hair on the demon, and climbing up quickly, aiming directly at the huge head of the demon.

The chemist Skeleton followed, wherever they passed, micro bombs exploded in succession, splashing a series of blood on the demon, but although looking shocked, it was still only a skin injury.

It can be said that there is almost no chance of fatal damage to the demon from a forced breakthrough from the outside.

"Lich, only magic is useful!" Sean shouted into the sky.

Xia Yan thought of it himself. Normal physical attacks will not be useful for the thick skin of the demon, even Evans' violent style can only cause it to be very shallow.

Of course, this is also because of the lack of absolute power, otherwise, if a physical attack like the bone dragon, the devil will still be unable to eat.

Ghost Tiger, Ghost General!

Xia Yan instantly decided that such an enemy, the breakthrough from within should be the best means.

The two white shadows flew straight to the demon's head, and the route chosen was outside the demon's vision. At this time, the demon turned to the bone dragon, and two red lights appeared in his eyes. Bone Dragon raised his claws to resist, and Bone Dragon burst into a burst of light smoke. This red light has extremely high temperature, which poses a threat to Bone Dragon.

At the next moment, Bone Dragon's claws became the devil's arms, and the red light hit the demon's arms, which didn't have any effect, but was absorbed.


"what is that?"


Several people exclaimed at the same time, and Sean looked at Bone Dragon, his eyes straightened. Evans and Diana's eyes were also puzzled. The three people in the sanitation group looked at Bone Dragon and Xia Yan, and they were equally shocked.

"Is that the devil's arm?" Tiehu asked Xia Yan aloud as he continued to greet the devil's legs with the devil's pestle.

"Yes." Xia Yan nodded.

"What kind of monster did you get when calling a creature!" Tiehu shook his head, and whenever he thought he knew enough about Xia Yan, Xia Yan could always give him more "surprise".

"It's because of these arms that the tears in the space can be torn apart, right?" After Evans' body size multiplied several times, his voice became thicker, and it sounded like he was questioning, very unkind. For this attitude, Xia Yan only responded with a "haha". Evanston was furious, but he was helpless to him.

The ghost tiger and the ghost will fly to the height of the demon's head in parallel, rushed over, and directly into the head from the back of the head, the demon's body suddenly stopped, and the movement stopped.

"Boom!" It was slammed on the head by the bone dragon. This fist made it slam back, and then the fist's fist blasted on it one after another. Every punch could make it flesh and blood splashed.

it works!

Xia Yan was overjoyed, no longer staying in the moment, flying in the air, singing constantly, using magic one by one, and bombarding the devil without reservation.

The strength of the senior Necromancer can surely cause enough damage to the demon.

Teeth, pierced the demon's tougher skin than body armor. One third of the bone spear is inserted into the demon's muscles.

The biggest damage came from the corpse explosion.

Just now Xia Yan only launched a round of corpse explosions. The first batch of corpses was shattered, but more corpses were left. There were members of the Devil Society and some of the Hell Devil Dogs. These are magic bombs all over the ground, and the demon, They stepped on the center of this **** battlefield.

So, a more violent explosion began.

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