Dragon Hermit

Chapter 745: Biological armor

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Leisure days are just appearances. Although ordinary people know nothing about hell, the more sensitive people can still feel that the atmosphere in the world is a little different from before.

The exchanges between leaders of various countries are more frequent, especially the exchange of visits between leaders of the five major groups. It is even more like you come and go as if you were in a dormitory next door.

The world will naturally not be as harmonious as a cross-door, so this situation shows that something special must be happening. Most ordinary people believe in official news and think that this is just a manifestation of economic globalization, which shows that the world is becoming more and more peaceful, and countries are becoming more friendly.

But a small number of people will not believe this kind of propaganda. They know that there will never be real peace in this world, especially in an era of supernatural abilities.

Perhaps the appearance of a super-powerful spouse may trigger a small war or even change the world situation. Such a possibility definitely exists.

People with supernatural abilities who participate in reality shows like ordinary stars do not mean that they are harmless white rabbits. On the contrary, when they are gradually integrated into ordinary people, the crisis will become deeper and deeper.

When people have strong power, their desires will increase, they may think that their power can override the law, then many bad things will naturally happen.

However, among these worried people, only a very few know that there are institutions for observing supernatural abilities in almost every capable country. These institutions make those supernatural abilities who want to make troubles honest and honest, without knowing how many ordinary events that have caused sensation in the world without ordinary people knowing.

Of the very few people, only a very few know the existence of hell, and most of them do not take the legendary **** seriously, after all, it is only a legend.

There are very few people who have seen the gate of hell, and very few people have crossed the gate of hell.

It can be said that there are really very few people who know that they are under the threat of demons in the world. They may not exceed three digits. These people are definitely at the top of the pyramid. Except for them, other people are actually living in the muddle. After that, maybe one day, when the seed of the devil falls, the whole human race will truly fall into despair.

Xia Yan is one of the few people on the entire planet who knows the crisis best. He even has the ability to travel through two worlds. How can such a person have a truly leisurely life? It ’s just that countries are now preparing for intense wars, and the blood of the devil is being studied in the world ’s most advanced laboratories by the world ’s best scientists of various sciences using various state-of-the-art equipment, trying to find the ones hidden in the genes. secret.

Before they are ready, countries will not rashly form thread troops to enter hell, so Xia Yan does not have much to do, and he will enjoy a short leisurely day with peace of mind.

He receives messages from the sanitation team every day and knows all the latest developments.

"The United States and Mao Xiong are studying more suitable for carrying and more powerful individual nuclear weapons, while secretly training special forces suitable for **** survival, these special forces are composed of supernatural abilities ..."

"The problem of industrial production of genetically modified pharmaceuticals has been solved. The production line is under full construction. The goal is very large. It is ready to build a pharmaceutical factory that can supply all the needs of the world. Other countries strongly request to share technical information, but it was rejected. Put this big killer in your hands ... "

"Will this not destroy mutual trust?" Xia Yan asked.

"The United States has also rejected our request to share the sky mothership. Europe ’s power mechs are also kept secret from other countries. Now everyone cooperates and cooperates. Without real life and death, no one will take out the bottom of the box. shared."

"How to dispense genetically modified drugs?" Xia Yan asked again.

"Determine the share in proportion to the population!" Yuan Tianfeng said.

"It's fair!" Xia Yan lamented that as the world's most populous country, this distribution method is indeed "fair", plus the advantage of the manufacturer, the number of Huaxia's powers can be ahead from the beginning global.

The two world wars have created the superpower of the United States, and this war with the **** devil is likely to be the opportunity for the rise of China. This is a very well-seeing Chinese boss. tqR1

The genetic modification agent that directly affects the human body is definitely more suitable for this upcoming war than the sky mothership. After all, its own strength is the real strength. Technology may appear to be faulty, but the genes will remain forever. Inherit.

There is nothing wrong with this kind of practice. To justify your good things for a just reason, it is not great, but an idiot. Now China will not make such a mistake.

"The research on Antarctic monsters has also made breakthrough progress. The National Laboratory is developing a biological armor that can be fully integrated with the body. It is usually confined in the body. When needed, it can react violently under the action of S genes. The generation of exoskeleton-like armor in vitro can greatly improve the defense ability and combat ability of the ability. "Yuan Tianfeng continued.

"This is a good thing!" Xia Yan marveled and asked again: "Are there any side effects?"

"Yes." Yuan Tianfeng nodded. "This kind of biological armor will cause irreparable damage to the body. If it is used frequently, it may even be life-threatening, but overall, the benefits are far greater than the harm."

"Can you eliminate the side effects?" Xia Yan frowned and looked at the various videos and images brought by Yuan Tianfeng in the computer. If there is no such fatal side effects, this biological armor is definitely a good thing.

"This is the purpose of my coming here." Yuan Tianfeng seemed to wait for Xia Yan's words, and said with a smile: "The headquarters hope that the lich can assist in research and help solve the side effects of biological armor."

"It turned out to be the Three Treasures Hall!" Xia Yan smiled, and when he saw the details of the biological armor, he knew that Yuan Tianfeng came for himself this time. This armor is a real exoskeleton, because from the body It grows out of roots and pieces of bone, but this bone armor is extremely dense, has excellent strength and toughness, and has the ability to repair itself. It can even be changed into when it is genetically encoded. Various morphological methods.

Such a bone armor is definitely against the sky. However, because it is a bone armor, it has a much greater significance for the Necromancer than for other supernatural abilities.

The headquarters did find the crux of the problem. If anyone can improve and strengthen this biological armor, only Xia Yan can do it.

And this gene-level technology can also make Xia Yan's understanding of bone magic even higher.

Of course, assisting transformation will naturally not be free, and Xia Yan will get the benefits he wants.

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