Dragon Hermit

Chapter 758: The origin of white light

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This is an alien spaceship that can only be seen in science fiction movies. It covers half of the sky. I am afraid that it is bigger than a city. It is very easy to accommodate hundreds of millions of people.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for such a huge spaceship to stay in the atmosphere, even when it is being built, I am afraid it will also be completed in the space port. But now, this spaceship is so unscientificly staying in the air thousands of meters above the ground, incredible.

The giant sprinted all the way and suddenly kicked the ground heavily. The ground shook in the distance. The shock wave of the ground knocked all the trees around, leaving a huge deep footprint on the ground. Then his body rose into the air, and soon approached the spaceship with a horrible bouncing force. The bone spear was sent upward and pierced the belly of the ship.

This spear burst out, directly breaking through the sound barrier, with a huge explosion, as if to poke the sky into a hole.

At the next moment, the bone spear was blocked by an invisible barrier. Under the impact of great power, the space was sunken with the spear tip.

The giant's impulse was blocked, and he fell down under the influence of gravity, but while falling, he threw a bone shield in the other hand. The huge bone shield of the aircraft carrier smashed **** the invisible barrier, and layers of ripples suddenly appeared in the air. The barrier shook and seemed weak.

At this time, the light under the spaceship flickered, and a thick beam of light was shot, hitting the giant, hitting him quickly and falling, hitting the ground heavily, the ground was shaken violently. Set foot in the area where giants fight spaceships. tqR1

The giant struggled to get up, and broke numerous wounds on his body, blood spilled, and blood rain began.

A hole was opened in the belly of the spaceship, and three small spaceships flew out, but the "small" is only relative to the size of the mothership. In fact, each of these three small spaceships is larger than the giant, they are in the air Flying flexibly, continuously shooting a beam of light and bombarding the giant.

The giant caught the fallen bone shield and waved to resist these attacks, but instead of leaping again to attack with bone spears, he picked up huge stones or pulled up big trees and threw them at these three ships. Small spaceship.

Xia Yan looked dazzled. This was a wild and civilized battle. The original confrontation technology, it seemed that the giant was a mantis, and could not pose a threat to the huge spaceship. But such a battle is even more tragic and shocking, absolutely epic.

After all, the giant couldn't compete with the spaceship. Soon, his bone shield was broken and his spear was broken. His body was wounded and blood was surging. Finally, he could no longer support, his left leg softened, and he fell to his knees on one knee, but he still shouted with his head raised, and did not yield.

Three small ships hovered above him, still attacking constantly, and the giant was about to fall.

At this moment, a white light came across the sky and accurately hit a small spaceship. The energy barrier of the outer circle of the small spaceship shattered in a flash, and the white light shot through the hull without hindrance, but it turned out to be a thick and long bone arrow.

The spacecraft lost its power and fell in flames and explosions. The scene was tragic.

Before the remaining two small spaceships reacted, two bone arrows came from the sky and hit them one after another, shooting them down as well.

After the earthquake, another giant appeared. This giant was holding a huge long bow. The body of the bow was entangled with huge bones. The bow string was woven from the tendons of the beast. There are five bone arrows left in the arrow pot behind the bone arrow.

With the appearance of this archer giant, more than a dozen giants appeared in front of Xia Yan, but other than this archer giant, all other giants were holding bone spears and bone shields around him, there is no doubt that This archer is the leader of all giants.

More small spaceships flew out of the huge mothership's abdomen, and these small spaceships also flew countless mosquito-like fighter planes, densely packed, and covered the dozen giants.

The fierce battle broke out, and the battle between the wild giant and the high-tech alien battleship was shocked.

Mosquito-like small fighter planes were swept away, but countless extremely thin beams also left scars on the giants. Although each beam could not pose a great threat to the giants, but the number was too large. It still makes the giant unbearable.

Those small spaceships are more threatening and more numerous. Thick beams of bombardment on giants can always make them shock.

But the giants were not afraid at all. They waved bone shields and bone spears and fought with all their strength. Small fighters were killed in seconds, and those small spaceships were forced to dare not come close.

The most eye-catching is the archer giant. Under the protection of his companion, he keeps shooting with bows, every arrow will not fall through, every shot, there will be a small spaceship falling, and by the way, a piece Small fighter.

Six bone arrows shot down seven small spaceships, and together with the three small spaceships that began to shoot down, this giant has shot down nine small spaceships, terrifying.

But even so, this is still an unbalanced battle, and more spaceships and fighter planes flying out of the huge mother ship seem to be endless.

The first giant's chest was pierced and fell to the ground, then the second, the third ...

Giants continue to fall to the ground under the siege of the spaceship. The trees and rocks on the battlefield have long been razed in the fierce battle. These giants fell on the barren ground and the scene was shocking.

Finally, after another giant fell, the only thing still standing was the giant archer. At this time, he was already scarred, the arrows had been exhausted, the bone bow had been broken, he was pestering A bone spear, forcibly supporting his body, fell unwillingly.

But the enemy's attack did not stop. Several beams of light hit him at the same time. He could no longer support it. He fell down suddenly. At the moment of falling, Xia Yan saw two white lights fly out of his mouth and disappeared in a blink In the sky.

With a move in Xia Yan's heart, his sight had left the battlefield, following Bai Guang. This white light traversed the last kilometer, and was thrown into the head of a foraging beast, but did not enter ...

This turned out to be the case!

The scene in front of him disappeared, Xia Yan opened his eyes, and there was a shocked, sweating Gao Xiaojun in front of him. At this time, the two white lights were fused into Gao Xiaojun's ability, chasing the Lich's mana.

At this time in Xia Yan's heart, full of respect for these two white lights, this is from the ancient powerful warriors left behind. This powerful warrior shot nine terrible alien spaceships with bone arrows, faced with powerful enemies and fought back with his clan.

No wonder these two white lights are full of warfare and violent.

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