Dragon Hermit

Chapter 763: immortal

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Before the fighter arrived, Xia Yan still tried to kill the freshly baked skeleton.

The heart of the skull is still there, but it has become a blood cocoon, tightly attached to the spine, slowly and vigorously beating, extending countless small red lines from the blood cocoon, spreading to the entire body of the skeleton, like a strip The long earthworms wriggled, making people see goose bumps, and soon, these red lines covered most of the skeleton's surface, looking like a blood skull.

These red lines perfectly replace the functions of blood vessels, nerves, ligaments, and muscles, so that this blood skeleton has no difficulty in moving because of the loss of the original body tissue, but instead makes it more agile, more powerful, and more explosive.

The blood skeleton jumped among the ruins of the building, moving faster and faster, and the five-headed skeleton soldier gradually couldn't trap it. Xia Yan frowned, preparing to summon Cain's remains and bone dragon.

At that moment, the blood skeleton suddenly rushed out of the enclosure, rushed to a shop at the speed of a cheetah, jumped violently, easily jumped up to the second floor, jumped in from the window, caught A man hiding in the house bit off his neck and started sucking blood.

The red thread on its body swelled up, and in a blink of an eye sucked all the blood from this man clean, but the blood was immediately converted into energy, which made the blood skeleton glow with red light all over, and its movement was accelerated by a line.

Damn it!

Xia Yan no longer hesitated and summoned Cain's remains.

Cain's bones swooped down, crashed into the concrete floor, and stepped on the blood skeleton. The blood skeleton evaded quickly, but Cain's bones grabbed its wrist bones, swept it up, and smashed it **** the rock, and the stone chips flew across.

But even with such strength, Xia Yan did not hear the sound of broken bones, and the blood skeleton was strengthening itself at an incredible speed. Xia Yan felt that the surrounding undead elements were frantically gathering towards the blood skeleton, almost more than any magical elements he could use.

At the beginning of the battle, it can still cause damage to the blood skeleton, but within a few minutes, it is difficult for even the hidden bone to form a fatal threat to it. If it is strengthened at this rate, Xia Yan is afraid that he will not If you can solve this monster, you will have the upper hand.

However, this situation is still unlikely to occur. After all, there is only a little left of the Lich mana. It is impossible to explode too much power in a short time, and if you want to transform this temporarily occupied skeleton to suppress the hidden bones or even The level of the bone dragon absolutely requires massive amounts of undead elements, and it also needs to continue to **** blood and devour the soul fire as before. This requires at least tens of thousands of soul fire and blood.

Cain's bones grabbed the blood skeletons, swept back and forth on the ground seven or eight times, and finally, Xia Yan heard a slight crack, the blood skeleton's bones finally cracked, and at this time, the five-headed skeleton soldiers were already fast When in place, surround the blood skeleton, even if it escapes from Cain's remains, it will immediately face a siege.

At this moment, the red line on the hand where the blood skull was caught by Cain's bone suddenly detached from the bone, dancing and winding around the phalanx of Cain's bone, and continued to extend upwards, and soon the wrist bone Also entangled.

Then Xia Yan felt the power of Cain's remains flowing out of these red lines and into the blood skeleton. tqR1

Damn it, it can swallow power!

Xia Yan was shocked and quickly ordered Cain to let go of his bones. After a loud noise, Cain's bones smashed the blood skeleton heavily on a pile of cement blocks and bricks, but there was no sound of bone cracking anymore. After absorbing a little of Cain's bones, the blood skeleton strengthened himself again .

But Cain's bones did not throw away the blood skeletons, and those red threads were still wrapped around its hand bones, linking the two skeletons together, devouring power all the time.

Cain Remains kicked heavily on the blood skeleton sternum and kicked it into the air, but the red lines were still not broken, but stretched by huge force, like a rubber band, with amazing toughness.

by! Xia Yan couldn't help but curse. He knew that the Lich Mana had a very strong swallowing instinct, but he didn't expect it to be so strong. It seems that all the abilities of this blood skeleton are to adapt to this instinct.

While Cain's bones pushed the blood skeletons away, the bonebreaker skeleton soldier threw it up, hugged the blood skeleton, and tightened its neck tightly, the bone blade skeleton soldier was cut off with a knife, and finally the red line was cut off, Let Cain's bones and blood skeletons come off.

But at the next moment, more red thread entwined the bonebreaker skeleton soldiers, devouring the undead elements on it.

This TM is a piece of brown sugar that can't be thrown away, it can't be touched at all!

Xia Yan understood, immediately let the bonebreaker skeleton soldiers take off, and then the bone blade skeleton soldiers cut the red line with a knife. In this short period of time, the chemist Skeleton has placed three micro bombs on the spine of the blood skeleton.

The three bombs exploded almost simultaneously. This time the results were very good. The two ribs of the blood skeleton were broken, but they were not blown away from the body, but were connected by the red line. Although the red line was also blown a lot, it still broke. The bone was retained, pulled back again, and the broken bone was connected and tightly wound. Almost instantly, the two ribs returned to their original shape, but Xia Yan could still see that the broken bone did not fully grow, but soon It will grow up.

The explosion did not have any effect on the cocoon attached to the spine, it was still beating.

The front sight skeleton soldiers started firing at close range with the AK bone gun. Without recoil, all the soul fire bullets were almost shot at the same position of the blood skeleton spine. After a dozen bullets, small spine sputtered out Bone chips.

Two bone arrows came one after another, also shot at the same position, followed by a bone blade, accurately cut on the gap shot by the bullet and the bone arrow, and another piece of bone debris flew away. Then the fists of the bonebreaker skeleton soldiers also slammed down, and the blood skeleton crooked, and there seemed to be signs that it could not bear it.

Cain's bones spread across his wings, his sharp wingtips swept quickly, and the part that was continuously hit hard was finally broken. Half of the blood skeleton crooked and fell down, but then a dense red thread was shot from the blood cocoon, and the broken spine was entangled, and pulled back, and it was connected in a blink of an eye, so fast that the skeleton The soldier's next round of attacks has not yet arrived.

This Nima is immortal!

Xia Yan never thought that there would be such a monster in the world. The blood skull may be stronger than the **** devil dog, but it is more resistant to beating than the defensive **** devil dog, and it can instantly recover all injuries. Those The red line is the same as the BUG. Unless the attack is so dense that all the red lines are interrupted, it is absolutely extremely difficult to smash it.

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