Dragon Hermit

Chapter 771: fishing

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Cain's bones and the five skeleton soldiers came out together, and in a blink of an eye he killed a **** demon dog. After fighting this creature many times, the skeleton soldiers have learned how to deal with it.

Standing on the wasteland of **** again, Xia Yan is already very calm. For him, **** is not as mysterious as before. Of course, it may also be because he only saw a trivial corner of **** and knew nothing about the wider hell, but in any case, he was no longer as thin as ice when he first came to hell, at least for this The wilderness, he is already familiar enough.

Looking around and looking up at the sky again, Xia Yan clarified the direction. This is the knowledge he learned after visiting Hell several times. Now in the wasteland, he won't get lost easily.

"The Wasteland City is in that direction, I still don't want to go." Xia Yan looked at the distance, after all, he still did not go down to the Wasteland City to experiment with the power of the plague stick. Virus, not to go to the wasteland city to engage in a massacre, after all, there are more poor people parasitized.

He decided to find a lair of **** creatures. Of course, he would not be polite if he encountered a wise creature who dared to do his own thing.

Hell creatures such as magic dogs, three-headed dogs and wilderness monsters do not need to be experimented. They can be solved with earth weapons. Although it will be very troublesome, humans are not helpless to them, so Xia Yan did not deliberately hunt these Creatures, he is looking for demonic seeds, and this requires finding the hosts that are parasitized by the demonic seeds.

Although he is not planning to go to the Wasteland City, but to find prey, he still has to find the necessary way to the Wasteland City. On these trampled roads, there will be a long-distance caravan and an adventure team to hunt **** creatures.

A few hours later, Xia Yan saw a thin line on the wasteland from a high altitude. It was a road. He landed, flew along the road, and finally saw some black spots, which were pedestrians trekking on the road.

found it!

Xia Yan landed far away, taking the rest of the summoned creatures back into the space of the undead, leaving only Cain's bones to follow him. He was still wearing a lich uniform, just wrapped his cloak on his body, looking at the traveler like a servant of wind and dust .

Cain's bones also wore black robes. As long as he didn't look up, no one would see that he was actually just a skull.

Xia Yan wanted to fish. After all, he wasn't killing innocent people indiscriminately, otherwise he would just fly over and crush them, just grab all the people and experiment. Why bother. So just look at how these aliens will react.

Carrying a big burden on Cain's remains, he met a fat sheep with goods on the wasteland, and no robber would let it go. Even if these robbers were originally businessmen who traveled far away, in places where there are no moral and legal constraints, the identity of the merchants and robbers can be changed at any time.

Xia Yan walked slowly, like a real wasteland traveler. The caravan was divided into two rides to approach. This is the two Xia Yan have seen creatures, looks like horses, good at running and weight bearing. And sitting on it were two intelligent creatures Xia Yan knew-orcs!

The two orcs with lion heads, all wearing worn leather armor, were not armed with guns and swords, but iron rods and big axes, which were very suitable for heavy weapons used by the orcs.

Is it a smart creature from the apocalyptic continent? Xia Yan couldn't help but sigh with emotion. In the Wasteland City, it seems that there are more creatures from the apocalyptic mainland than from other worlds.

"Stop!" The orc carrying a giant axe like a door shouted loudly and stopped in front of Xia Yan. Xia Yan stopped and raised her head.

"Human!" Both orcs made surprise sounds in orc language, and Xia Yan could hear them. They were happy because they were about to kill their old enemies.

"Orcs, do you want to rob me?" Xia Yan looked at the two orcs and asked in Apocalypse Continental.

"It turned out to be the human race of the Apocalypse Continent !?" The two orcs were more happy and launched the attack with a big smile.

"It's that simple." Xia Yan laughed helplessly. Now that he had started, he would use this caravan as prey.


The sound of the symphony of gold and iron sounded. Cain's bone blocked the big axe and iron rod with two arms. His arms were immobile, but his feet were deeply buried by the huge force.

"Why, what?" The two orcs were shocked, but before they could react, Cain's remains had grabbed their weapons with their backhands, just like grabbing two branches. It was extremely easy.

The next battle is very simple, perhaps this cannot be called a battle at all. The two orcs are at most the level of an orc captain. For ordinary people, they are too strong, but in front of Cain's remains, their strength is not enough.

Two huge orcs with a height of more than one meter and a weight of nearly 300 pounds were beaten up and hit the ground. They suddenly broke several bones and vomited blood. Then they were picked up again and smashed down, and they could n’t get up at all, and could only moan on the ground.

This scene accelerated the speed of the caravan that is still a mile away. This is a caravan of 20 or 30 people, and there are more than a dozen orc guards. More than two hundred meters away, a few arrows were shot, and there were archers in the caravan. tqR1

In the wilderness sunshine, Xia Yan narrowed her eyes and saw two women **** in one of the caravans. In addition to the orcs and the two women, the other people in the caravan are all creatures with only one eye and short horns on their heads. They should be aliens from other worlds.

Xia Yan waved his hand, Cain's bones rushed out silently, first knocked down the three archers one by one, and then rushed into the caravan like a flock of sheep. Lost fighting power. They didn't die because Xia Yan needed a demon seed in the state of birth control to do experiments.

Attacked by such a powerful enemy beyond imagination, all the caravans lost the courage to fight and fled. Although they have mounts, how can they escape in the uncovered wilderness in the face of flying enemies. Within ten minutes, everyone was thrown in front of Xia Yan, and everyone was terrified.

The only one in the caravan that was not injured was the two women who were tied. They looked at Cain's bones with horrified eyes, because the black robe on Cain's bones had fallen down while flying , Showing its terrifying appearance.

"You are a necromancer!" The orcs cried out in fear.

"Congratulations, you are right!" Xia Yan smiled on her face, and the smile fell on the other person's eyes, not as bad as the devil's smile.

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