Dragon Hermit

Chapter 773: Resurrection

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Xia Yan was meditating and suddenly heard a timid voice. Although he couldn't understand it, even if the language was not understood, he still understood it immediately.

This is teasing me!

Looking back, I saw that the two women were far away, afraid of being killed by Cain's bones as a threat. But they are looking at each other's bodies. After all, they have been **** for a long time, and it should be possible to see if they are injured.

But you guys are hurt when you see it. What's the matter with such ambiguous posture? What's going on when the voice is so ecstatic? Well, although it is all groaning, but the groaning of the wound pain needs to be so many twists and turns, do you sing low?

And the two also cleaned their faces, okay, they looked pretty ... no, they were pretty, they were n’t right, they should be better than star models. This kind of woman can be described by the word "youwu" and placed on the earth. With these two faces alone, you can become a singer without singing, and you can become a star without acting skills. If you go to live broadcast, it will definitely attract countless locals to compete. .

After a moment of pondering, Xia Yan understood what the two women were doing, and yes, they were flicking him. It's just that the two women did this to save their lives. He felt a little sympathetic. But he couldn't speak the language, and he didn't have the idea of ​​comforting them. He put his index finger to his mouth, and the two women froze immediately, daring not to make any sound.

The two women were uneasy, Xia Yan continued to think. For a long time, his eyes lit up, and he had a new idea, and the third experiment began.

When Xia Yan was concentrating on experiments in Hell, Director Evans was on the verge of an enemy. He frowned, standing in front of the most advanced holographic image in the world, silent.

"Director, thief, they have no news!" Said Diana standing behind him.

"Continue to contact." Evans said.

"Evens, this is not normal. We just spoke with them three hours ago. If nothing unexpected, they should have returned now." Diana said worriedly.

"The thief, Karl, and the gunman are all on the plane. Even in any situation, with their ability, they can send back a message. There will never be any news, and there must be something wrong!" Diana continued.

"Is it related to the call made by Tiehu?" Evans thought.

"It's the hands of the sanitation team?" Diana asked.

"No, it won't be the sanitation team. They can't catch up with the hummingbird fighter." Evans shook his head. "And if the sanitation team wants to start, the iron tiger won't call me ... Diana, you are a thief. What do you think of the picture that came back? "

"Is that monster? Very powerful, but it is dead." Diana said.

"The thief just happened to pass by, and didn't capture the whole process of the battle, just recorded the last minute of the picture. We don't know enough about the monster. If he got the box of monster wreckage, what happened?" Tiehu frowned and locked Get tighter.

"No, the wreckage is well placed and unlikely to leak out." Diana said, although her mouth said impossible, but her face was still worried.

"Director, there is a situation!" An agent suddenly stood up and shouted loudly.

"Say!" Evans raised an eyebrow and said anxiously.

"A farmer in Eastern State A called 911 and claimed that an aircraft had fallen into his cornfield. In addition, a dozen local people reported that they had witnessed the aircraft falling. According to their description, the aircraft was suspected to be a hummingbird fighter!" The agent reported the situation clearly, and the surrounding agents temporarily stopped their work and looked at Evans.

"Damn it!" Evans gritted his teeth and asked loudly, "How long will it take us to get there?"

"Twenty-five minutes!" Someone answered immediately.

"Hurry up as fast as possible!" Evans ordered loudly.

The huge sky mothership drew a beautiful arc in the sky, flying at full speed towards the eastern part of the country.

Old John stood in his cornfield with a wreckage of an aircraft in front of him. He had never seen an aircraft like this. He felt that this should be the latest type of fighter that has not been exposed. It can never be an alien. Spaceship. tqR1

"If it's really an alien spaceship, maybe I can see a little boy with a steel body, haha!" Old John was not worried at all that he had been destroyed and there were large pieces of corn. These foods were not worth much. Money, let alone the government will compensate all the losses, and still make a fortune.

"Someone inside?" Through the broken glass, old John saw a bit in the aircraft, he saw the person's limb

"Maybe still alive, I have to check it out." Old John ran to the aircraft, the probe looked in, and the pilot's neck was broken. It was dead, and there were three people in tight uniforms in the cabin, all seat belts Tied to the seat, pulling his head, life and death are unknown.

Old John got into the hatch that was opened, looked at the three people next to each other, and shook his head. All three of them were also dead. This was a plane crash with no survivors.

"What's this?" Old John stepped on something and nearly fell. He looked down, but it was a deformed metal container. There was a metal box next to it, and some metal containers were scattered in the cabin.

He picked up the container under his feet curiously and looked inside, there was nothing in it.

Old John had participated in the war and had experienced many deaths in his life, but staying in the plane with four dead people, he still felt unwell and wanted to withdraw. As for the four corpses, it is still their job to the CIA, FBI, or some other organization.

He carefully bent over and backed away, and when he passed a seat near the hatch, he glanced at the body on the seat. It was just this glance that immediately caused his blood pressure to soar, almost causing cerebral hemorrhage.

I saw that the body on the seat slowly raised its head, its eyes were open, but both eyes were blood red, and no other colors could be seen at all.

The body is resurrected!

Old John is very confident in his judgment. This is definitely a corpse, there is no sign of life, it should not be alive. Now that it is resurrected, it is a terrible thing!

"Roar!" The resurrected body suddenly opened his mouth and let out a hoarse roar. Its mouth is also blood red.

Old John had a cold war. The corpse's teeth were very sharp, not like human teeth at all.

This is a monster!

Old John woke up from the shock and tried to escape by picking up the hatch, but at this moment, the body grabbed his arm with great strength, and the old John ’s thick arm was painful and almost To be broken.

Old John struggled desperately, but couldn't even open it. The body pulled it over and bowed his head firmly on his neck. He snapped his neck bone with a click.

Before losing consciousness, old John saw in horror that the other three bodies also moved.

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