Dragon Hermit

Chapter 775: success

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The biochemical crisis, which originated in a small farm in Eastern State A, showed a tendency to get out of control in a short period of time.

At first it was only sporadic victims around the farm, but under convenient traffic conditions, the crisis had spread before the Superpower Bureau could control the situation.

Two hours later, Oak Town fell, more than a third of the residents were killed, and a third of the residents also became monsters. Only a small number of people were lucky to escape, but they were then isolated and proceeded. The most rigorous inspection. There are only corpses and monsters looking for food in Oak Town.

Because of the preparation, the army surrounded the whole town in the first place, and there was absolutely no possibility of leaving the town.

Then came the large-scale bombing. The powerful cloud explosion bomb dropped from the sky, turning the whole town into a sea of ​​fire. Mr. President watched the whole process of the bombing in front of the screen. After exclaiming, the dead silence in the oval office.

"You must not let these things escape, you must eliminate them all!" Mr. President ordered, his body still chilling. From the pictures taken by the drone, he saw the scene of **** in Oak Town. It was real hell, and it only existed in his thinking before.

Mr. President even wanted to order mushrooms to grow on his own land, but he could n’t, because the army ’s encirclement was not too far from the town. If they planted mushrooms, they would be cannon fodder.

When the drone picture came over again, Mr. President's breath almost stopped. The power of cloud bursts is unquestionable, but even if the entire town was washed by cloud bursts, he still saw something almost indistinguishable as a humanoid move on the ground.

"They are not dead yet!" Mr. President was terrified by the horror picture, exclaimed, and exclaimed with him, as well as several other dignitaries.

"God, what the **** are these monsters, and the vitality is too powerful!" A senior staff member said incredulously.

"You must not let them escape. You must wipe out the crisis in Oak Town!" Mr. President emphasized again that all news of the incident was blocked and the big media were warned. Even if they received a news report, they should never send any reporters to interview .

Those media crocodiles usually do not follow Mr. President's warnings, and may even lash out and mock at Mr. President. But these predators are not determined to safeguard press freedom. After receiving unprecedented and severe warnings, they knew that this time was different from before. So they recalled all the reporters who had been dispatched, and dared not cross Lei Chi.

Of course, there are some responsible journalists who want to get the truth, but without the support of the company, they cannot mobilize resources, and it is impossible for natural energy to see the Oak Town through layers of defense.

Even the major media ’s own satellites have been taken over, and they cannot take a look at Oak Town. tqR1

Based on the urinary nature of the people of the United States, if the crisis is exposed, Mr. President will probably be blocked in the White House and dare not go out.

Cloud bombs have killed a large number of monsters, and the flames are indeed useful, but many of the monsters on the edge of the killing range are wounded and not dead. Their bodies are too strong and recoverable, as long as they do not hurt the heart and brain They can be restored.

Not to mention that some monsters left the town, and they did not suffer any harm.

The military quickly responded to the situation. A strong squad of firepower had already scattered everywhere to search, but the soldiers did not immediately enter the town, because it was difficult to fight in heavy protective clothing.

The second bombing will soon arrive. For the things that can be solved by plane, the rich Americans will not be stingy, and people are more valuable than bombs.

When the Super Energy Investigation Bureau was busy, Xia Yan was doing his twentieth experiment, and he was not impatient. The Necromancer experiment will not happen overnight. If you want to develop a completely new virus, it is rare to do hundreds of experiments.

Half of the previous tests failed completely, which is normal. But this time, Xia Yan has a strong hunch and will succeed. After excluding 20 possibilities, there are not many original, feasible methods, only this last one, if this plan fails again, Xia Yan will be ready to return to the earth.

Only one orc mercenary and one-eyed merchant remained in the experiment. As for the other members of the caravan and mercenary corps, some died, others became idiots, which is the end of the experiment failed.

"I beg you! I beg you ... forgiveness ..." The two poor guys were already terrified by the previous experiment. They couldn't resist any thought of rebellion and just kept asking for mercy.

Xia Yan was unmoved. The twenty-first plague cloud appeared on top of the two test subjects, raining on them like rain. Two seconds later, they fell on the ground and struggled painfully.

The two women were numb. They sat on the ground and looked at the scene with nothing. They know that if there is no accident, it will not take long for these two guys to become idiots. What next? Will this unknown powerhouse let the green cloud appear on top of both of them?

Xia Yan had no time to pay attention to these two women. He put all his energy on the last two experiments. He felt different reactions from the previous 20 times. He became more and more excited. The experiment seemed to be developing in the expected direction.

As time went by, the two test subjects were still struggling. They were neither dead nor showing signs of becoming idiots. The two women slowly realized what was happening. They widened their eyes and gradually surprised in their faces.

This time, the pain of the test article lasted a full ten minutes, including Xia Yan, for everyone, it was a long ten minutes.

When the screams of the two finally disappeared, leaving only a weak moaning voice, Xia Yan smiled.

The two guinea pigs gasped and moaned for a moment. The one-eyed businessman suddenly widened his eyes, unaware of the strength that came from it, and jumped up from the ground. He rubbed his hands on the body and almost unconsciously said to himself: Isn't it ... impossible ... God, this won't be true, please don't lie to me ... "

The orc mercenary's reaction was a bit slow, but finally found his body abnormality, and also jumped and touched on the body, constantly screaming in shock and excitement.

"Hahaha ..." Xia Yan smiled with her head up, full of satisfaction.

The experiment was finally successful!

The virus that can perfectly solve the Devil Seed is born in his own hands!

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