Dragon Hermit

Chapter 8: Buy and sell

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Chapter 8 Buying Yellow

Land Rover drove out of the city, and after another half an hour, came to a villa community. The security guard saw the license plate and quickly opened the door.

"Rich people, Gee!" Xia Yan looked at a villa with a garden swimming pool passing by the car. He sighed. He was not jealous, but envy is inevitable. Who wouldn't want to live in such an environment?

"There is a minimum of 50 million villas here, boy, you can count on how many requiems you can afford!" Hearing Xia Yan, Wen Yipin smiled with pride while driving.

"It really takes a lot." Xia Yan smiled and didn't seem to hear his disdain. "Your family lives here?" He asked Wen Yipin.

"This ..." Wen Yipin said, his old man embezzled a lot of money, and it was certainly affordable, but he did not dare to buy it. It is not a good thing for corrupt officials to be too high-profile.

"Oh, you don't live here either," Xia Yan said, his tone was plain, that was to elaborate a fact, but Wen Yipin's face immediately turned red, and Liu Xue'er was still sitting in the car. He felt ashamed. If he just said that Xia Yan did n’t like it, he hated it now, and he secretly decided that he must give this tutu a lesson in the future.

Soon, Wen Yipin parked his car at the door of a set of villas. The camera on the gate turned, and soon the gate opened automatically.

The three of them got off and walked inside the villa. When he entered the door, Xia Yan found that the villa was bigger than what he saw outside. The lawn was neatly built, and the pond, rockery, and fountain were all available, so beautiful.

"Miss is back!" A forty-something nanny greeted the door.

"Aunt Wu, is Grandpa and my dad at home?" Liu Xueer asked.

"The lord is here. Today, there is a guest. The lord is talking with the guest. Mr. Liu has gone to the company." Said the nanny.

"Which guest?" Liu Xueer said indifferently and turned to greet: "Come in, Xia Yan, no need to change shoes."

"Well." Xia Yan walked in generously, turned around and looked around, and was immediately shocked by the magnificent living room. It was too luxurious. I was afraid that the decoration of this huge living room would cost tens of millions.

But the shock was shocked, Xia Yan was not at all embarrassed, and walked to the sofa.

"Xia Yan, Wen Yipin, you sit down first. I'll go and talk to Grandpa." Liu Xueer greeted and went upstairs, and the nanny quickly brought refreshments.

"Boy, why don't you sit? Why do you walk around?" Xia Yan didn't sit on the sofa, but walked slowly in the living room, stopping to take a closer look at the various paintings and decorations. What can be put here is definitely not fake. He saw many famous celebrities' calligraphy and paintings, as well as some blue and white porcelain and jade ornaments. I'm afraid every one is worth a lot.

"I'll just take a look." Xia Yan said without looking back.

"Be careful, boy, you can't afford to break anything," Wen Yipin shouted.

"Hehe." Xia Yan smiled, ignoring his senseless superiority. It is said that this is not Wen Yipin's home, I don't know what he has a sense of superiority.

"Hey, kid, if you are a liar, there is still a chance to escape now. If you are exposed later, you will definitely have to live in the horn, and I will send you personally." Wen Yipin sneered again. Said.

"Thank you for your concern!" Xia Yan said without looking back.

"Huh, I want to see when your mouth is so hard, don't think that cheating Xueer, you will be able to cheat me!" Wen Yipin said he grumbled with hatred for his cloudless attitude.

At this time, the stairs sounded, Xia Yan turned to look, and saw Liu Xueer holding the arm of a white-haired old man downstairs, and there was a majestic middle-aged man next to him, who should be a guest in the mouth of the nanny.

Seeing Liu Xue'er's grandfather and this middle-aged man, Wen Yipin's eyes lit up, and he immediately greeted him with a smile on his face: "Grandpa Liu, Uncle Fang!"

"Yipin is here too." Nao Liu nodded to him, and simply responded. The middle-aged man just nodded slightly, a response to him.

"Grandpa, look, this is what I said, Xia Yan!" Liu Xueer helped Grandpa sit down on the sofa and introduced Xia Yan to him.

"Hello Liu," Xia Yan said, and he always respected the old man.

"Little doll, are you still a student?" Although Liu Lao looks like an ordinary old man, he has an unclear momentum. He is afraid that he is also used to giving orders.

"It's a student." Xia Yan said.

"The students just study hard, why should they be a liar?"

"Grandpa!" Liu Xueer's mouth dissatisfied, Wen Yipin's expression of a good look, that middle-aged man just sat quietly on the sofa watching, not talking.

For a moment, Xia Yan didn't expect the old man to say that he was a liar. He is soft and hard, others are not polite, and naturally he will not rush to flatter others. He leaned back, picked up the teacup and blew, slowly drinking water, and was not in a hurry to reply.

Seeing him as a pie, Liu Lao was stunned, and there was a hint of anger in his face. The middle-aged man looked at Xia Yan with a smile.

"Boy, Grandpa Liu is asking you!" Wen Yipin exclaimed. Even he admired Xia Yan's composure. It's rare to see scammers with such good psychological qualities.

"The old gentleman said I was a liar. Is there any evidence?" Xia Yan drank two cups of tea and put down the tea cup, so he spoke slowly.

"Evidence?" Liu Lao threw a requisition stone on the coffee table, and said in a deep voice: "A stone worth up to fifty yuan, you dare five thousand, not a liar?"

"Oh!" Xia Yan smiled, pointing at a small jade in Liu Lao's hands, and asked, "Can Liu Lao tell me how much this thing is worth?"

"I'll tell you." Wen Yipin rushed and said, "This is the best emperor green jade obtained from Uncle Liu's bet on the stone. The jade tiger made by Mr. Hu Yihe, the best jade carving master in Sucheng, is at least valuable Billion! "

Worth hundreds of millions? Xia Yan was also taken aback. He knew this was a good thing, but he didn't expect it to be so expensive. However, he remained calm, looking at Liu Lao and asked, "That

Chapter 8 Buying Yellow

I would like to ask, how much does Mr. Hu Yihe's craftsmanship value in the value of this emerald tiger? "

"When the jadeite was solved, the estimated value was 50 million. Mr. Hu Yihe made it a piece of art, adding at least 50 million in value." Wen Yipin said again. Speaking and watching Liu Xueer, hoping to get her appreciation.

"That's right." Xia Yan snapped her fingers impolitely. "Mr. Hu Yihe's craft is worth 50 million yuan, and my craft is worth only 5,000 yuan. I still feel lost."

"Only you can compare with Mr. Hu?" Wen Yipin sneered.

"Oh!" Xia Yan ignored him, and looked at Liu Lao and Liu Xueer, and smiled: "It seems that I took the initiative to come to the house and humiliated, since this is so ..."

He took out the 10,000 yuan and put it on the coffee table. He said to Liu Xueer: "The money is back to you. Please give me the requisition stone. I bought it."

"This ..." Liu Xueer hesitated. Of course, she didn't care about 10,000 yuan, but it was obviously not a matter of money. She did not expect that Grandpa even blamed Xia Yan for being a liar, and Wen Yipin also fanned the flames, which made her feel so awkward.

"Xue'er, give him back!" Liu Lao's face sank. He didn't expect Xia Yan's reaction to be so tough. No one had spoken to him like this for many years.

"Grandpa ..." Liu Xueer felt that this was not good, and Grandpa was a little too much.

"Repay him!" Liu Lao glared.

"Xia Yan, I'm sorry!" Liu Xueer looked at Xia Yan and found that he had a sneer on his face. He didn't dare to stare at him. He took out another requiem and put it on the coffee table.

Xia Yan put away the two Requiem Stones and got up and said, "Yes, the two don't owe each other, leave."

"Boy, do you want to leave after being exposed?" Wen Yipin exclaimed.

"Oh, what else do you want?" Xia Yan stopped and swept like him coldly.

"I want to call the police to catch you!" Wen Yipin shouted.

"All right, Yipin, we lost nothing, let him go." Liu Lao waved his hand and said.

"Huh, boy, good luck, don't meet me in the future!" Liu Lao said, Wen Yipin had to say.

"Before leaving, let me give Liu Lao a piece of advice." Xia Yan suddenly smiled and pointed to the southeast corner of the living room. "You'd better not go there again, otherwise it's not as simple as nightmare at night Here, believe it or not ... Yes, if you still want to buy Requiem Stone next time, it will not be today's price! "

Having finished speaking, he strode out the door and left the villa without looking back.

"Now the young people are becoming more and more ridiculous!" Liu Lao shook his head and sighed, he did not take Xia Yan's words in his heart.

"Lao Liu, I should say goodbye." The middle-aged man had not spoken, but now he stood up and said goodbye to Liu Lao.

"Xiao Fang, you laughed." Liu Lao said.

"Lao Liu's words were too serious. In fact, I think this young man is not in trouble, but it is not easy." The middle-aged man laughed.

"It's just a liar." Liu Lao waved his hand. Middle-aged people don't say much anymore, glanced at the southeast corner, and left.

When Xia Yan left the villa area, he realized that there was no bus station or taxi, and he was dumbfounded. There are still more than ten kilometers away from the bus station.

He wanted to cry without tears. He wasted his time today without talking, and he was also treated as a liar. Now he has to go a long way. He has lost money. He must first look at the Huang Li next time he goes out!

There is no way to walk with your feet. Fortunately, it is already dusk. The sun goes down, or you have to take off the sun.

After walking a few hundred meters, the sound of the car came from behind. Xia Yan turned his head to the road without giving back. He had no intention of hitchhiking. These rich people are unlikely to let strangers get in the car.

"Beep!" A short horn sounded around him. Xia Yan looked back and found that a black car was walking side by side with a very slow speed. The rear window opened and it was Liujia Villa that appeared in front of him. The face of the majestic middle-aged man in Lin.

"Boy, will I give you a ride?" The middle-aged man asked with a smile.


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