Dragon Hermit

Chapter 90: What is a cow

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Chapter 90 What is a cow

"Do you know him too?" Fang Le'er asked in surprise.

"Just seen it." Wen Yipin lowered his voice and leaned into Fang Le'er's ear. "Just now he hit the young bodyguard."

"Then he's out of luck?" Fang Le'er's eyes gleamed with joy.

"Then need to say, wait, there are more ways for Zheng Zheng!" Wen Yipin smiled with pride.

"He really has a face, just a stinky toad, and offended Wen Shao and Zheng Shao at the same time, the courage is big enough, I just have something to ask him, look at it in the past?" Fang Leer's money moved to Xia Yan Go.

"Toad?" Wen Yipin was puzzled and quickly followed.

"A beautiful woman is coming again. Who is she?" Yan Xiaoqing asked indifferently.

"Mayor Fang's only child." Dong Feng said.

"Wen Yipin also followed, it looks like Xingshi's posture of asking for guilt!" Yan Xiaoqing exclaimed, "Xia Yan, won't you come to you again? How many offending people have you offended in the end?"

"So you'd better stay away from me, or they will be hated by them." Xia Yan smiled at her and said.

"Cut, who is afraid!" Yan Xiaoqing's mouth was tough, but his heart was empty, and Xia Yan was right. It's better not to let these second-generation minds hate themselves.

"Xia Yan, what are you doing here?" Fang Le'er approached and asked with a tone of questioning.

Xia Yan frowned and asked, "I can't come if you come?"

"You compare with me?" Fang Le'er laughed angrily, "What's your identity, what's my identity? Hahaha ..."

"Haha!" Wen Yipin also laughed, and all the young men and women also laughed.

"Then you talk about, what is your identity?" Xia Yan also smiled, looking at Fang Leer's delicate and beautiful face.


"Remember to remove the prefix of your name, don't make people think you are introducing your dad, not introducing yourself." Fang Le'er just said two words, Xia Yan said again.

Fang Le'er's face was flushed. She really wanted to say that I was Mayor Fang's daughter. This was the way he used to introduce himself. But when Xia Yan said this, she suddenly felt that her values ​​had been impacted, and she was in a trance. Yes, besides Mayor Fang ’s daughter, what else can I introduce?

For a while, she suddenly didn't know how to introduce her identity. She gritted her teeth and asked fiercely, "What is your identity?"

"Me?" Xia Yan smiled, "Of course it is the identity of the guest. The master invited me to come, why can't I come?"

"You ..." Fang Le'er suddenly discovered that this poor boy's eloquence was very good. When she was impulsive, she blurted out and asked, "Did you black out my dad's phone?"

As soon as these words came out, the people around exploded.

"What, this kid blacked Mayor Fang's phone?"

"How can he do this?"

"This is not true, is it?"

Dong Feng and Yan Xiaoqing also looked at Xia Yan in shock, and Mayor Fang's private phone could be blackened. What did he think? Also, why does he have this phone number? What is his relationship with Mayor Fang?

Xia Yan was speechless. Was Fang Leer funny? Asking this in public, can you give Fang Shi a long face? Although he is a little bit eastward, he still does not step on the foot now, otherwise he really wants to say the reason for blackening in public, what is the difference from the mayor of the fan mayor?

He could only watch Fang Le'er silently. Fortunately, the girl's words just knew that she was not good. She didn't go on. She blushed and dropped a sentence: "Xia Yan, you jerk!" I'm afraid Xia Yan will say more.

"Xia Yan, you are a real cow!" After everyone was gone, Yan Xiaoqing gave Xia Yan a thumbs up. She was truly pleased. What is ridiculous face, Xia Yan This is ah, not long after he arrived, he forced two groups of people back, including the elder brother of the wealthy clan, the son of the deputy governor, and the daughter of the mayor.

If this is not called a cow, then what is a cow?

"It's really not my fault." Xia Yan said helplessly.

"Xia Yan, is it really you?" The two were talking, and someone came again, exclaiming in surprise.

"I'm looking for you again!" Yan Xiaoqing has been numb, even if this person is also in trouble to find Xia Yan, she must not be surprised.

"Jiang ..." Xia Yan looked up, Jiang Wenchuan.

"Just call Brother Jiang!" Compared with yesterday, Jiang Wenchuan's attitude now seemed much closer.

In his eyes, Xia Yan was just a poor student who fled to relatives yesterday, and today suddenly became a guest invited by Princess Liu's family, and also had troubles with several heavyweights one after another. He was shocked when he was watching in the crowd just now, and of course he will no longer treat Xia Yan as a poor student now.

"Brother Jiang, the friend you said yesterday was Sister Xueer!" Xia Yan smiled and greeted him.

"Yeah, I didn't expect you too." Jiang Wenchuan said.

The two were only on the same side, and there was nothing to talk about. After saying hello, Jiang Wenchuan walked away.

Looking at his back, Dong Feng said: "Jiang Wenchuan is from the Tonghai Jiang family. He has just returned from reading a book at a famous school in the United States and is planning to expand his business for his family in Rongdu. I heard that he is capable.

"Well." Xia Yan nodded, he didn't care about Jiang Wenchuan, Dong Feng inspected his words, so he didn't say much.

At this time, someone began to play the piano, and an experienced female singer stood by to sing. After a song, Liu Xueer took Liu Shan's arm and appeared at the stairs. She is wearing a white strapless long dress today, just like a real princess.

Xia Yan saw the string of agarwood bracelets on her left wrist, and two of the agarwood beads were carved with incomplete versions of the Chuling array.

Liu Xueer cherishes these two beads very much, except for taking a shower, she never took off her bracelet.

It was just that her requiem had broken, and at this time a green emerald necklace was hanging on her bright white neck.

"It's so beautiful, there are few frontiers. Is that an emerald green jade necklace?" Yan Xiaoqing said with wide eyes, envious.

"Of course, other quality jadeite is not qualified to be worn on the cousin's neck!" Dong Feng said.

"How much is it worth?" Yan Xiaoqing stunned.

"Change to another building

Chapter 90 What is a cow

, Downtown. Dong Feng said.

"If it were me, I would never take it off in my life, and no woman could resist this baby!" Yan Xiaoqing said.

"Wipe the saliva!" Xia Yan couldn't see it and handed her a tissue.

"Thank you ... ah, I didn't drool." Yan Xiaoqing snorted.

As soon as Liu Xueer appeared, applause and cheers erupted in the hall, and young people were whistling, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

With a charming smile on his face, Liu Xueer stood on the stairs and looked around. After seeing Xia Yan, the smile bloomed immediately, and it was so beautiful for a while. This is not counted, she also waved towards Xia Yan.

"Xia Yan, is she waving to you?" Yan Xiaoqing exclaimed in a low voice.

"Yeah!" Xia Yan also had a smile on her face, but she was smiling bitterly in her heart. Sister, you are pulling hatred for me. Didn't you see the fire in the eyes of those young people?

Qi Ziyu walked beside Liu Xue'er. Both women were in a beautiful and beautiful pose.


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