Dragon Hermit

Chapter 98: Qi Ziyu's Sword Art

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Chapter 98 Qi Qiyu's Sword Art

Xia Yan is very satisfied with the effect of the "tooth" magic. This is a primary bone magic. It has a fast casting speed and a fast attack speed. It seems that the lethality is also very satisfactory. The only drawback is that the range is a bit close. Fortunately, the white vampire is less than ten meters high from the ground. If it is a few meters higher, the teeth may not shoot through his bat wings.

"Shufen, how are you? Did you suffer?" Xia Yan asked.

"Bah bah, what is a loss! The old lady has never suffered a loss, only suffered a little injury!" Zhang Shufen exclaimed, she gasped and looked very tired.

"Are you injured?" Xia Yan was surprised and asked quickly.

"Small wound, scratched by the bat's wing tip, it's okay." Zhang Shufen said boldly, showing Xia Yan's left arm. Sure enough, there was a deep wound on her forearm, bleeding. Her entire arm was stained with blood and looked shocking.

"You take a rest and leave the rest to me!" Xia Yan's anger was almost full, and he turned to ask again, "Zi Yu, how is Anna?"

"It's okay, she just fainted!" Qi Ziyu had already checked Anna's condition and said, "Vampires robbed their virgins, and are generally ready to develop into descendants and give them first support. This requires a ritual. He hasn't had time to complete the ritual! "

"That's good!" Xia Yan was completely relieved and smiled: "Shu Fen, you won't be infected by the vampire virus, but will you become a female bat?"

"Go away, the old lady's life is hard!" Zhang Shufen leaned on a Buddha belly bamboo, his chest undulated sharply, and said with a smile, "Your boy is good, actually turned Qi Ziyu ... Hey, Qi Ziyu is also ..."

"Hello!" Qi Ziyu nodded at her, Zhang Shufen suddenly became the biggest one, "Wow, Qi Ziyu is also a practitioner. This big news doesn't know how much money it can be!"

"It's you again?" At that moment, the white vampire also saw Xia Yan's appearance and roared. His sharp fangs stretched out, making his voice sound weird.

Well, in fact, he speaks English, but this sentence is very simple, Xia Yan somehow passed the listening test, barely understood. Of course, let him talk to this foreigner vampire, which is beyond the scope of his ability, so he decided not to be wordy, first turn this guy up, and then find a translator to talk to him slowly.

So Xia Yan began to sing again, and the foreigner vampire thought he was talking, so he listened, but unfortunately, he was destined to not understand.

After a short spell was sung, the undead elements fluctuated violently, and the skeleton soldier appeared in a black robe. Without a word, he threw at the white vampire.

"What the hell?" Zhang Shufen, who was resting on the bamboo, stood upright in shock, shouting, "Where did this guy come from?"

Qi Ziyu was also surprised, blurted out and said: "Fulin ... No, it's not Fu Ling! It's a heavy yin!"

"It's heavy yin!" Zhang Shufen also reacted. "What kind of ghost is this?"

If it wasn't for the Skeleton Soldier who was attacking the vampire, I was afraid that the two girls would have to fight it. Xia Yan busy said: "Not a ghost, this is my little brother!"

"Little brother?" Zhang Shufen glanced at Xia Yan's legs and smiled weirdly: "Even the younger brother is an adult, Xia Yan, you are amazing!"

"It's a younger brother, not a younger brother!" Xia Yan admired her brain hole with a black thread.

"Xia Yan, are you practicing ghost control?" Qi Ziyu asked.

"Uh ... no! I said the two beauties, we are fighting now, can we finish after the fight?" Xia Yan said helplessly.

"I'll leave it to you, I'll rest!" Zhang Shufen leaned back and started to draw water decisively.

"Optimistic about Anna!" Xia Yan shouted.

"Relax, I'm watching it!" Zhang Shufen said.

"Zi Yu, you deal with that Haidong, this white man is given to me!" Xia Yan shouted at Zi Yu.

"They are not humans, one is a real vampire, and the Haidong people are just blood slaves!" Qi Ziyu took off a shiny bracelet on her left wrist and wiped her hands. Breathing on the small sword in one breath, the small sword gave off golden light.

"Go!" As soon as he raised his hand, Xiaojian released his hand, turned into a golden light, and shot towards the blood slave. The blood slave hurriedly dodged, and the little sword flew across his waist, leaving a **** light, cutting a deep wound under his rib, and the blood slave screamed, and rushed towards Qi Ziyu.

But he just made two steps, Qi Ziyu pointed back, and Xiaojian made a turn in the air, then shot back. This time the blood slave was caught off guard and was crossed by the small sword. A blood hole in the chest spewed out a lot of blood.

"Master!" He screamed and fell to the ground.

From Qi Ziyu's shot to the death of the blood slave, this only happened within a few seconds, and at this time, Xia Yan had just blessed the Skeleton Warrior with a bloodthirsty curse.

"I wipe, it's so handsome!" The little sword skimmed the sky, drawing a beautiful flash arc in the dark night, full of beauty, and the power of killing blood slaves between electric lights and flint is even more shocking. Seeing this scene, Xia Yan was not surprised at all!

"Flying Sword!" Zhang Shufen couldn't help but exclaimed, "You are practicing Sword Art!"

It turned out to be a flying sword!

Xia Yan suddenly realized that this kind of legendary existence was too impactful, and he didn't react at all. At this time, Zhang Shufen said that he remembered that this small sword that could turn around to kill the enemy was not a flying sword!

This thing actually exists!

Isn't Qi Ziyu just a sword fairy? Maybe it ’s not a fairy, but at least it ’s a swordsman, this is really ... so cool!

"Xia Yan, my task is completed, and the vampire will be given to you!" Qi Ziyu gasped for breath, her face became very pale, and her body wobbled. She sat next to Anna and said weakly.

"Zi Yu, what's wrong with you?" Xia Yan was shocked when she saw her, and asked quickly.

"She's okay, Yu Jianshu is too expensive, she only has one hit, and now she's out of force!" Zhang Shufen said on the other side.

Hearing that it was just out of force, Xia Yan felt relieved and turned her attention to the white vampire. Both girls completed their tasks,

Chapter 98 Qi Qiyu's Sword Art

It's my turn now.

The six Horcruxes did not need to be connected with red ropes, they naturally leaned together to form a circle, wrapped around Xia Yan's left wrist and clung tightly, as if wearing a bracelet.

Both Zhang Shufen and Qi Ziyu noticed the extra "bracelet" on Xia Yan's wrist, but due to the darkness, they could only feel a burst of anger, but they could not see anything.

Under the blessing of the bloodthirsty curse, the skeleton soldiers bravely moved forward, punching and kicking, without considering the defense at all. But the vampire's movement was very flexible. Although the skeleton soldier was fierce, he didn't hit his body at all.

Seeing that the blood slave was killed by the flying sword, the vampire's face showed a look of anger, his mouth was again a string of English, and his tone was full of anger!

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