Dragon King I Am Supreme

Chapter 1301: Green-haired youth

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There are only two people on the other side, and the pressure on them is not great.

As long as these two vanguard officers are defeated, this is a great contribution.

Even if they can't beat them, they can rush to the ship's side and open the enchantment again.

The intentions of the four were all so, so there was not much pressure.

"There is a species, on our territory of the Kraken family, dare to resist!"

Zuo Xianfeng Guan sneered, and with a sigh, he pulled the bone sword hanging from his waist.

The right vanguard officer held the bone sword in the same posture.

The two men's postures just started, and a tide surged.

With the rising sea water, dozens of siren appeared.

Among them is the first Siren's fist wearing a helmet:

"See the two vanguard officers!"

The left and right vanguard officers nodded slightly, then pointed at the sailors and sailors on the ship, saying:

"The two of us dealt with those four adjutants, and you got the little cowards up.

You are the Guards under the Siren of the Kraken, but don't lose to the people in Yinsidian! "

As soon as this remark was made, the siren wearing the armor hat focused on his head and waved his hands, and dozens of people rushed into the ship.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the lieutenant shouted loudly:

"Seamen, when the four of us are fighting the left and right vanguards, you are fighting the Kraken soldiers with all your strength. Remember, you must not let them destroy the enemies!"

The sailors heard the words and did not dare to neglect, holding the sword to defend the battle.

"Let's take a look at what the deputy of Yinsidian has any skill!"

The Zuo Xianfeng officer gave a violent drink, and the bone sword in his hand was cut out. A sword qi with water waves appeared in the air and flew towards the heads of the four lieutenants and other four.


The lieutenant sighed, performed boxing, and blasted out over his head.

An infinitely expanding boxing shadow swept up, and the water wave sword slammed heavily.

The right vanguard officer also shot in an instant, the small fishbone sword draws a Changhong, and straight down to the second lieutenant.

Of the four deputies, the deputy was the weakest.

By killing these two lieutenants, they can reduce a lot of stress.

The second lieutenant was startled, the Chinese sword in his hand was stabbed, and the sword awns all hit Changhong, which was cut by the fishbone sword.

boom! !!

The loud tremor made the entire ship swaying endlessly. A battle between the ambassadors of the Yin Division and the pioneers of the sea monster clan has begun!

The armor-filled Siren no longer hesitated, pulled out the bone knife, and jumped directly to the ship like a tiger, fighting with other sailors on the ship.

They have always heard that Yin Si Dian is the highest management institution in the underworld, and it is one level higher than Yin Si Fu.

Although the status of the ambassador in Yinsidian was not high, at least it also represented Yinsidian.

If all these people can be killed today, they can brag about it in front of their ethnic groups in the future.

"Just grab your hands. Even your leader is stabbed to death by the left vanguard officer. Your continued resistance will only accelerate death!"

A hat siren disdainful.

Mo Guan is the leader of this group of seafarers. When he opened the enchantment, he was assassinated with a sword.

Without the command of the command, these seafarers are like a piece of sand, and there is no difficulty in fighting.

"Well, Mo Guan was killed by you by despicable means, but you dare to be so presumptuous, and want us to capture it and dream!"

One of the seamen's second-handers, with a wave of his sword, rushed to the cape Siren first. He knew that at this time, the less he was in control, the stronger he would be.

If the Kraken can be successfully defeated this time, the position of the leader must be his afterwards!

Inspired by the number two commander, the other seafarers also had the courage to swell and rushed forward with their swords.

Each one performs ghost art, walks and fights, and for a while, the two sides can't fight.

The four lieutenants and the left and right vanguards are also in a balance, and no one can help each other.

However, as the fighting time increased, the situation in the voice became slightly more subtle.

Perhaps fighting at sea, the cost of the spirit of the Kraken is not huge.

On the other hand, the four deputies, some of them started to pant.

The battle was extremely fierce. Only a boy biting a dried fish was lying on the deck safely, looking indifferent and calm, staring at the sky of the underworld, not knowing what he was thinking.

For him, fighting on a big ship is just like fighting a three- or four-year-old child.

Of the four deputies, the deputy and the second deputy were finally injured.

During a previous ghost collision, the two were too weak to catch the vanguard officer's sword move.

Almost cut off his arm.

Fortunately, the three deputies and the four deputies cooperated well. At the critical moment, they rescued each other, which saved the two men's arms.

But this way, the four men's offensive rhythm suddenly disrupted.

For the next attack, they fell short of each other.

"These deputies, if they cooperated better, maybe they could push back the two Krakens.

Unfortunately, ghost art is not enough to kill tricks, and it does not understand the cooperation. Now, it has shown a defeat! "

Supreme Dragon Sword Spirit has been staring at the battle of the crowd ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Seeing that one side is losing, they express their views.

"The defeat was also found by themselves. Ben Shao has reminded them that they cannot open the enchantment, but if they don't listen, who can blame?"

Lin Tianyou pouted his lips.

"Do you need help?

If they died, wouldn't you be able to enter the Corpse Imperial City smoothly? "

The Supreme Dragon Sword asked.

"You don't have to do it, just let Ben come."

Lin Tianyou responded. He had been bored on the ship for the past three days, and today he happened to use several sea monsters as targets.

As soon as he stood up, the boy suddenly frowned, swept the sea, and a wicked smile arose from the corner of his mouth. "Oh, it seems that there is a big fish behind, funny!"

The three lieutenants and the four lieutenants concentrated their souls and rushed to the left and right vanguards. The two did not expect that the opponent was so desperate when they were dominant.

The bone sword in his hand was almost shaken.

The two immediately stepped back to dissolve their palm strength.

"Damn, these four guys are so capable!"

Zuo Xianfeng's official spirit quickly deteriorated.

"It's so easy to defeat us?

Don't forget, we are the ghosts from Yinshidian! "

The four lieutenants sank.

"Well, a ghost clan out of the Yinsi Temple!"

Just then, a wave of waves burst from the sea level.

Then there was a flower in front of everyone, and a young man in his early twenties in white appeared on the ship's side without warning.

This young man's hair was like blue silk, as if his hair had been dyed, his eyes were dark and his pupils were dark green.

The image of the whole person is extremely strange.

"Good strength, his soul power should still be above Shouqing Ghost King!"

Said the Supreme Dragon Sword.

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