Dragon King I Am Supreme

Chapter 1306: Eat 1 Soul Arm

Genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Acupoint Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Not to mention, this boy also has the soul of Shouqing Ghost King.

Maybe they are relatives.

Otherwise, no one will put their own soul into the hands of others.

If his guess is correct, then Lin Tianyou's death will be very serious for them.

With the power of the Shouqing Ghost King, they were able to bury their entire family.

For these reasons, the three lieutenants wished to stand up again and die for the Ghost Dragon King.

But he was already at the end of the crossbow, and even a puppet Siren could not beat him.

How can I stand up again?

"Well, it seems that our fate has come to an end. Even the Ghost Dragon King has been defeated. To this day, only surrender can survive."

The lieutenant thought secretly.

He had been silent before, just watching and seeing which side would win.

If the Ghost Dragon King wins, he can continue to be a lieutenant and retain his loyal name for himself.

Back to Yin Sidian, the rewards will not be less.

But if the Ghost Dragon King is defeated, then he will learn the four lieutenants and they will betray the water directly.

Anyway, Siren Prince seems very willing to accept their backwater.

Lips opened slightly, and the lieutenant arched his hand to Prince Siren:

"His Royal Highness is invincible, and the Ghost Dragon King is under your black magic, like an embroidered pillow.

I admire in my heart, and will be loyal to His Royal Highness from now on! "

As soon as this remark was made, the three lieutenants' eyes widened suddenly, and the seafarers also glared at each other.

The lieutenant is the chief officer of the corpse emperor.

Everyone thought from the bottom of their hearts that other deputies could betray, but the deputy would never betray them.

It turned out to be contrary to expectations. Among the four deputies, except the three deputies, who adhered to the principles, the others betrayed.

"First lieutenant, I despise you, you are not as good as the seamen on our boat!"

The three lieutenants were so angry that even the seafarers in Yinsidian were still fighting to the end. This big lieutenant was not worthy of being their chief.

"I'm not as good as them, but I can survive, which is worse than you!"

The lieutenant's face turned red, but he still made excuses to refute.

The mist-like water spray lasted for half a minute, and then slowly dropped onto the deck.

Siren wanted to see Lin Tianyou's death. He stepped forward and looked intently, but the sneer on his face was suddenly frozen.

The slender and erect figure stood upright in the mist, and gradually appeared as the mist fell.

Lin Tianyou still looks handsome.

With the exception of moist hair and face, the clothes on her body were not even wet.

The three lieutenants and the seafarers were all ecstatic, especially the three lieutenants, as if looking back, the pale face became extremely rosy.

"how is this possible?"

Prince Siren, the left and right vanguard officers, and the lieutenant officer were all stunned. Seeing Lin Tianyou's appearance, it seemed that he was unharmed under the attack of the four dragons.

This is almost unheard of.

Lin Tianyou lightly moisturized hair, disdain:

"Is this your demon monster?

Washing Shao ’s hair is not enough! "

Siren was terrified.

The left and right vanguards are even more speechless. The power of Ghostbuster Dragon King has exceeded their cognition.

"Just now Ben stood still and was attacked by one of your moves.

Now round is less attacking. "

The next moment, the sound of wind breaking suddenly sounded, Lin Tianyou's figure had disappeared in place.

Siren's eyes were wide and he searched around.

"where is it?"

Lin Tianyou is too strong, he must always see Lin Tianyou's shadow in his eyes, otherwise he will die miserably.

But while he was looking around, a matchless swordman magnified infinitely in front of him.


He exclaimed, arms crossed, instinctively blocking the sword.

Huh! !!

The screams of screams ripped through the sea, and the Siren's face was pale, and he retreated back and forth.

His right arm was already empty.

Only a large amount of scarlet blood spewed.

An arm, a strong arm of the Siren King, was chopped by a swordman without blessing!

The lieutenant on the side was terrified, and could no longer resist this fear of death.

The two betrayed lieutenants have died in the hands of the Ghost Dragon King, he is the third, and if he does not escape, he will die.

Without further hesitation, he turned to jump into the underworld.

Drowning is better than being killed by the ghost king.

Lin Tianyou looked indifferent. He twitched his fingers and a suction burst in the void.

The lieutenant's leaping body suddenly seemed to freeze, and he was forcibly pulled back into the ship in midair.

"Did Ben say you were allowed to leave?

If you want to die now, you can run away! "

An indifferent voice came from the boy's mouth. Lin Tianyou flicked his hand. The lieutenant's body seemed to fly backwards and hit the mast heavily.


At the moment of landing, the lieutenant's blood sprayed directly, and the whole person was seriously injured by this throwing force, already like a dead dog, lying on the ground motionless.

Lin Tianyou put aside his lieutenant, and once again found out the palm of his hand ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The short-cut Prince's arm on the ground appeared in his hand.

Just listen to Lin Tianyou coldly:

"This arm is a dessert that Ben Shao used for appetizing. After Ben Shao finished eating, it is the time for the big meal to open. No one can hold your soul today!"

After Lin Tianyou said, he opened his mouth and bit his arm firmly.

It's been a long time since he entered the underworld that he hadn't eaten such a rude arm.

This time, this is also because Prince Kraken's soul power is too high, and Lin Tianyou is reluctant to waste.

As if roasting a lamb leg, Lin Tianyou exploded every time he took a sip, and within a few minutes, Lin Tianyou was eaten all in his stomach.

This process is **** and cruel.

Many sea monster soldiers were paralyzed on the ground, scared, and even the sailors of Yin Sidian couldn't help closing their eyes.

The ghosts eat each other, mainly devouring souls.

Where is it like Lin Tianyou, who doesn't let go of the soul and blood?

Just like the ghosts of the flood era, they do whatever they can to eat!

"Ghostbuster, how dare you eat my arm!"

For a long time, Prince Siren finally woke up from the shock, and his anger burst out like a tsunami, yelling.

The left and right vanguard ghosts also pulled their bone swords again and made preparations for battle.

"Ben said less, the arm is just a dessert, your heart is the big meal!"

Lin Tianyou wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth. "Today, you should be a stepping stone to break through the eight million soul power.

If you have eaten you, but haven't made Ben Shao's breakthrough to eight million soul power, then you are just so! "

Lin Tianyou's words were domineering.

Not only to eat the Siren Prince, but also to break through the eight million soul power.

But these words, listening to Prince Siren's ears, are endless humiliation to him!

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