Dragon King I Am Supreme

Chapter 1359: The attraction of Dian Wei

Genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Acupoint Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! King Chu Ming Corps knows that compared with the death of Zhenshan Corpse Emperor, Chen Chen is more concerned about the whereabouts of Azusa.

He would rather deal with the drought, rather than spend a moment trying to kill the ghost dragon king.

If the corpse ancestor is willing to shoot now, it only takes a long time at most to catch the ghost dragon king, which will be killed.

It is a pity that the death of a corpse emperor in Zhenshan couldn't make the generals personally shot.

"Your Majesty, how long will it take you to recover to your peak?

If I go to Tianzi City, there is no one to manage the Corpse King City, I am afraid that other zombie servants may not serve you well. "

Said Chuming Corpse King worried.

In the corpse emperor's hall, he was the zombie who had been serving the general.

As soon as Jiang Chen pressed his buttocks, he knew what fart the other party was going to put, and he could serve Jiang Chen very comfortably.

"It only takes about seven days for me to fully recover.

Just rest assured to find the butterfly demon, you don't need to worry about it here.

Just marshal the corpse emperor city and start a raid, no one except the ghost emperor can break in. "

Jiang Chen said confidently.

"That being the case, the subordinate went to Tianzi City.

Take care of Your Majesty! "

King Chu Ming's corpse fell on his knees and worshiped, and with the token of the general, surrounded by several zombie guards, he left the corpse imperial city.

"After a week, my wound will be healed and dry. By that time, I will devour all of your corpse and dare to steal my zi, and you will do your death consciousness!"

The general shouted, the city trembled instantly, and the sea rolled in an instant, and there was nothing but heaven and earth.

Dragon Scale City, Magic Cloud Mansion!

Lin Tianyou had already returned to the home of the magic cloud warrior as early as the day after he left the dead city.

But he was still asleep, and there seemed to be no sign of waking up.

In a house, except the heroes, they were anxious.

Together with the Demon Cloud Battle and the Thousand Faces Demon Battle will be anxious.

The spirits were anxious because of Dian Wei's existence.

He did not confess the Lord for the time being, and suddenly followed Cao Cao to Dragon Scale City, and became a lot of ghost clan who wanted to compete for the heavenly books and the incense stick in his eyes.

Few ghosts do not want to collect Dian Wei.

After all, Dian Wei is a demon-level hero who is known as the "evil of ancient times".

If he can get him, he will be more sure of winning Tianshu.

"Master Dragon Sword Spirit, when will Master Dragon King wake up?

If he is not awake, he will not be able to sign a spiritual contract with Dian Wei.

From the moment you came back, the outside of My Devil's Mansion was already surrounded by the Ghosts.

They are all waiting to grab Dian Wei! "

Demon Cloud Battle will ask with dignity.

As long as Dian Wei didn't recognize the Lord for a moment, he was the spirit of the Lord to other ghosts.

According to the rules of the Book of Heaven, no master spirit, any ghost family with a ring of spirits can subdue.

In addition, as a hero, you must not arbitrarily kill these ghosts who are qualified to collect heroes.

Unless the other party has intention to kill, this is allowed to stop killing.

"While the Dragon King was killing Zhenshan Mountain King, due to excessive fatigue, how could he wake up so easily?

What's more, Hua Huan is not here. If Hua Huan helps to perform the healing ghost technique, maybe the Dragon King can wake up in advance.

You also know that Hua Yan was bruised by Zhenshan Corpse Emperor's ghost art, and now he is seriously injured. How can he come out to help the Dragon King? "

Long Jue Jian Ling said lightly. He didn't care about the ghosts around the door.

Anyway, there are these demon wars, he is only responsible for protecting the safety of the Dragon King.

"Well, it's a big head. The ghosts from the outside, if we don't dare to say that we are five hundred magic warlords, I am afraid it is not as simple as surrounded by light.

Should have rushed into Moyun Mansion as soon as possible.

It's a pity that we can't ask for help in the twelve-day penalty battle.

They also recently encountered big troubles. They were destroyed by the son of Jiuyou Ghost Emperor, the **** hero Yingxin Hanxin, and suffered heavy losses. If the war sentence did not appear in time, the consequences would be unthinkable. It ’s terrible! "

Thousands face war will sigh.

"What are you talking about? Twelve days of punishment will be fought by the son of the nine ghost ghost emperor?"

Long Ju Jian Ling's eyes widened, some could not believe it.

"Yeah, that **** didn't know how to receive a hero like Han Xin called" Bingxian ".

It's really like using soldiers like gods, even if our army is better than Jiuyouwei, it will still be beaten, and it's really irritating! "

Thousand-faced monsters will bite their teeth when they think of the news they heard before.

It's a pity that he couldn't help, otherwise he would have to bite off a piece of Han Xin's meat even if he had fought for his life.

"Dammit, the Dragon Emperor is not here, even the son of Jiuyou Ghost Emperor dares to come here and be unreasonable!

Don't worry, the kid named You Xiaoyao will die in the hands of the Dragon Emperor sooner or later, and he will die extremely pathetic! "

Long Jue Jian Ling shouted.

The Demon Cloud Warlord and the Thousand-faced Demon Warlord looked at each other, thinking, what does Mo Feilong absolutely know?

How else would you say that when the Dragon Emperor Ghost Emperor returns?

But they didn't ask much.

Because Long Jue Jian Ling refused to tell them anything, they asked for nothing.

"But then again, Master Dragon King is really horrible ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ and suddenly broke the strength to eight million.

Even with the strength of the ghost king, the corpse emperor was beheaded and killed.

To be honest, when the news came out, people in the whole underworld did not believe it was true.

Even the two of us are skeptical.

It wasn't until I heard you admit it myself that I was convinced.

Maybe the talent of Master Dragon King is comparable to that of His Majesty Dragon King? "

Thousands face war will admiringly said.

A genius who could leap to death and kill the Emperor was actually an ally of their magic war generals, and it was just a reassurance for them.

Facing the opening of the imperial city of Dragon Empire, they have a greater chance of winning.

The premise is that the Ghost Dragon King should not be against them.

"Huh, the Ghost Dragon King is very powerful, but he wants to compare with His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, and it is a hundred thousand miles away!

I guess, he can kill Zhenshan Corpse Emperor, but also wins with the power of Lord Dragon Sword Spirit?

Otherwise, it will not be Zhenshan Corpse King who died, but Ghost Dragon King! "

Demon Cloud Battle will admire Lin Tianyou very much, but it's about the Dragon Emperor and the Ghost Emperor, and he immediately changed his attitude.

In his heart, the Dragon Emperor and the Ghost Emperor always ranked first.

And Ghost Dragon King can only rank second or even third at most.

Even if Lin Tianyou reached the height of Dragon Emperor Ghost Emperor, he did not agree.

"You idiot, can't you see it now? Really stupid!"

Long Jue Jian Ling heard the words of the Demon Cloud Warlord and was furious.

He all hinted so clearly that the ghost king was the reincarnation of the dragon emperor.

As a result, these two solid-eyed warlords did not respond.

It is true loyalty, but IQ is lacking.

Long Jue Jian Ling didn't know what to say about them.

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