Dragon King I Am Supreme

Chapter 1367: 1 ringing thing

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No wonder this trash doesn't take you seriously.

If Ben Shao is a dragon emperor and a ghost emperor, he will be ashamed of your garbage power! "

Lin Tianyou said with disappointment.

"How can you say that to us, although I and we are not very strong, we are loyal. For Her Majesty the Dragon King, even if we let us die now, we will not hesitate!"

Demon Cloud Battle and Thousand-face Demon Battle will be red-eared and red-faced by Lin Tianyou's words, and they will justify in unison.

It would be too embarrassing to be totally rejected.

"Because of your loyalty to your master, Ben Shao did not humiliate you excessively.

If you do n’t even have this point, then you are really homeless! "

Lin Tianyou shook his head, then waved his hands to shut them up.

He decided to help these guys for free, and when he eats the spirits of the nine-tier ghost king, he will give some to the two people, Moyun and Qianmen.

Let them add at least a million soulpower.

Divine knowledge has been scanned again, Lin Tianyou has no sense of the emergence of a new strong, he does not intend to waste time, and now takes a step forward.

"A group of food that is only enough to fill the gap between the teeth, and also wants to grab Dianwei, who is not enough? You are not guts!"

Just when Lu Wei was about to ask Lin Tianyou to ask for Dian Wei, he heard such a word from the boy.

Lin Tianyou put his hands in his pockets and walked towards them step by step.

"You've dug up your heart now. You could have thought of giving you half a life.

If you refuse, stay here. "

Although Lin Tianyou just woke up, he still looked so weak, but in his voice, he had a strong unquestionable tone.

This made everyone stunned.

Xue Chao looked at Lin Tianyou like an idiot. This boy who likes bragging actually said such things in front of Youqing.

He really didn't know what to say.

No matter how stupid people are, they have at least a limit.

And Lin Tianyou has no stupid limit.

"Sister, that kid isn't saved!"

He shook his head slightly and said to Xue Hongyu.

"The King of Ghostbusters should have something to do with the governor's office. Maybe the governor's senior officials are his relatives.

But now facing a ghost king who can be a teacher of You Xiaoyao, I am afraid that even the highest governor of the governor's office may not be useful.

When Lin Tianyou stood up at this time, he was undoubtedly a mantis arm. "

Although Xue Hongyu couldn't get Dian Wei, she was very anxious, but it didn't prevent her from despising Lin Tianyou.

"Boy, do you know who this is? Dare to insult us for food?"

You Qing was about to speak, Lu Wei said coldly.

He didn't look at Lin Tianyou from the beginning.

The beheading of the corpse emperor was just a funny joke.

Therefore, facing Lin Tianyou, he didn't have any psychological pressure.

Lin Tianyou's eyes were indifferent, and a corner of his mouth evoked a radian. "No matter who he is, Ben Shao can barely be regarded as a dinner."

You Qing's expression gloomed instantly.

He is a famous teacher in the underworld.

No matter who it is, even if the soul is higher than his strong one, when he sees him, he will shout quietly Teacher Yu.

And this young boy, dare to say that he is just a dinner? Unforgivable!

Lu Wei laughed angrily, and his clothes were slammed by soul-hunting.

He turned to You Qing and asked:

"Master Youqing, what do you do with this kid?"

"Draw out his life and feed it to the Underdog!"

Youqing lips lightly opened up and uttered such a sentence.


Lu Wei was overjoyed.

He had long wanted to kill Lin Tianyou with his own halberd.

Now you have the order of Youqing, and it is even more confident.

With a sound of "唰", the top-quality ghost weapon and the double-edged ghost halberd were held in his hands, and Lu Wei was about to go up and pump Lin Tianyou's life soul.

But at this moment, Lin Tianyou spoke again:

"This pair of halberds is good. Ben Ben likes it very much, um, just treat it as a gift and reward it to Dian Wei.

Let him be loyal to Ben Shao! "

"Boy, you're looking for death!"

Lin Tianyou's words completely angered Lu Wei. He stopped talking nonsense with Lin Tianyou and stepped out suddenly.

The body suddenly turned into a violent wind, with two cold light halberds, and swept away towards Lin Tianyou's neck.

He will use this trick to chop off Lin Tianyou's head, and then slowly pull out the kid's life and soul, divide it little by little, and feed the dogs of the Lu family!

"No matter how powerful the governor passed you on, today you will die under my halberds!"

Lu Wei passed a thought of biting blood, and several other clan leaders were excited and regretful.

They felt differently about Lin Tianyou's encounter.

"So slow!"

Lin Tianyou's Tianmushu was promoted after the battle with Zhenshan Corpse Emperor. Now he does not open it actively, and his eyes have the power of Tianmushu.

Lu Wei's speed toward Lin Tianyou ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ is extremely fast in others' eyes.

But it fell into Lin Tianyou's eyes, and there was no difference between crawling with a snail.

Holding the pocket in his left hand, he snapped his fingers at will.

Just listen to the sound of "click".

Lu Wei's entire person seemed to have been fixed by himself and hung half a meter away from Lin Tianyou. He could neither move forward nor back.

It seemed like there was a magical power that wrapped him in mid-air.

"Can a high-level soul enchantment be exhibited with just one click?"

His eyes are full of horror and unbelief. In this way, the enchantment can be displayed at will, and only an enchanter above the prospective ghost can do it.

No other ghost clan can do this.

"Two halberds are missing, don't you mind?"

Lin Tianyou looked at Lu Wei indifferently, reaching for his halberd.

Lu Wei certainly refused to send the halberds out.

His body could not move, but he could hold the halberd firmly with both hands.

"Don't let go, then these two arms, let's break Ben together!"

Lin Tianyou hit another finger.

Just listening to the sound of 噗, everyone saw blood splattering from Lu Wei's hands, two arms holding the double-edged ghost halberds, so they flew out and then hit the ground heavily.

It wasn't until those arms made a noise that Lu Wei realized what was happening.


A pang of heart-breaking pain suddenly struck, and Lu Wei couldn't help but send out the same misery as killing a pig.

All the dragon scale city big men present were all stunned on the spot.

Even if you are known as a famous teacher, it is incredible at this moment.

A fifth-order ghost king holding an upper grade ghost weapon in both hands, even let a hairy kid who was regarded as a joke by the underworld cut his arms?

Even how Lin Tianyou cut it just now, he didn't even see it himself, because it was too fast!

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